Chapter 77

In the depths of the ancient ruins, the bad old man walked up the ancient plank road, walked through the bronze door, and came to this familiar place again.

How familiar, yet a little strange, memories from many years ago emerged again, white light flashed, and the time returned to 20 years ago in the blink of an eye.

"Sun Yuandao, let's go!"

The same scene, but there are two different people running desperately one after the other.

The surrounding surface buildings are collapsing, the ground is constantly shaking, large pits appear randomly, constantly hindering the pace of people coming, and the only remaining road ahead is also constantly collapsing.

"Luo Cheng, it's over this time, we might end up here!" Sun Yuandao, already in his prime, panted heavily, turned back with sweat on his face, and looked at the approaching black and terrifying figure.

Both of them were at the level of soul saints at this time, but after entering this ancient ruins, their soul power was sealed, making it impossible to display it.

Luo Cheng was also almost exhausted, and the clear white mist kept shooting out from his mouth and nose, but it couldn't stop at the moment of life and death.

"No, we have already got the Ninth Grade Ginseng King, we can't give up halfway here!"

Luo Cheng opened one hand, colorful rays of light radiated out, and a Ruyi Hundred Treasure Bag appeared, and the Ninth Grade Ginseng King already had spirituality, and kept struggling in it.

Sun Yuandao's eyes flashed with longing, his Adam's apple moved, and he swallowed a stream of saliva.

Suddenly, the earth shook more and more violently, as if an ancient giant was trampling on it, getting closer.

With the clinking sound of pingping irons, a giant figure more than five meters high chased after him.

The whole body is covered with black heavy armor, but inside is a lifeless giant skeleton. A giant sword that has long been rusted and dust is slowly dragged on the ground, constantly wiping out dazzling sparks, like a ruthless man. The general, with blood-red eyes spread out from his head, seemed to be staring with death.

At this time, the guardian general who appeared when the formation was activated, once someone breaks in here and touches the mechanism, the formation will be activated, and then such a vicious general will come out.

"He's here, let's go!"

Luo Cheng in front suddenly pulled Sun Yuandao up, and the two of them ran as fast as they could. Not far ahead was the exit of the formation, where there was a gate made of bronze, but at this time the bronze gate was also quietly collapsing.

Their soul power was sealed, and the two of them finally caught the supreme treasure Ninth Grade Ginseng King who had been reborn and had developed intelligence and behavior, but accidentally touched the mechanism of the formation.

With the sound of rumbling iron chains, a giant and mysterious iron coffin pier engraved with tadpole characters appeared.

Then a horrible thing happened, the coffin board weighing several thousand catties was directly blown away by a strong force.

The terrifying and terrifying Iron Armored General walked out, full of fierce aura, and with him came a rusty broadsword more than two meters long.

The two fought several rounds before the Iron Armored Skeleton General, but found that they were not their opponents at all, and instead suffered a lot of injuries.

He couldn't win, so he had to withdraw. He didn't expect to run for his life for a long time. No matter how strong his body was, he had exhausted most of his energy.

But Iron Armored General, like a machine that won't get tired, kept his pace and slowly approached the two of them.

Seeing the terrifying guy getting closer, a wave of despair appeared in Sun Yuandao's heart.

"No, no, I still have my family, and I still want to enjoy the life of the upper class, I can't die here!"

In fact, the obsession in Sun Yuancheng's heart has already taken root and sprouted, and now he just encountered a crisis situation, and it grew rapidly in an instant.


Countless sweat flowed on the two of them. Although they were about to approach the gate, they were really exhausted. They couldn't even run, so they could only walk with difficulty.

Is it necessary to explain here?
The clanging and powerful sound of huge iron tools gradually came.

Sun Yuandao looked at Luo Cheng who was walking with difficulty beside him, while the armored general behind him was approaching the two prey in front step by step.

An evil thought emerged in my heart, why didn't I push him over?
In this way, I can survive, and I can swallow the Ninth Grade Ginseng King alone!
Only by surviving can you have everything in the future!
Seeing that the armored general has slowly raised his giant sword, at the critical moment of life and death, this kind of evil thought grows exponentially in an instant.

"Luo Cheng, are you going to die?" Sun Yuandao roared ferociously, and pushed Luo Cheng over with his palm.

Luo Cheng, who was still clenching his teeth, didn't react to Ben, and was pushed back by a strong force.

"Sun Yuandao, you hurt me!"

The center of gravity was out of balance, and the wishful treasure bag in Luo Cheng's hand fell into the air, and was grabbed by the greedy Sun Yuandao.

"You can hold that guy back when you die, and I can live on!"

During the speech, Sun Yuandao ruthlessly kicked the other party's astonished eyes, and sent him to the armored general.

The rusty broadsword slashed at the sudden prey, and at this moment Sun Yuandao seized the opportunity and rushed to the gate with all his strength.

Suddenly the ground collapsed rapidly, and a deep pit appeared in the same place where Luo Cheng was, and the figure fell down unprepared.

The Iron Armored General slashed across the air, locked onto a target in front of him instantly, and chased after him.

"Hiss, it's here, it's here, hehe, it's almost there!" Sun Yuandao ran, looking happily at the bronze door in front of him that he could touch.

Step through this door and you can leave this damned place!
If I leave this ghost place, I can live and enjoy great wealth.

However, things turned out to be contrary to expectations, a big hole collapsed in the ground again, Sun Yuandao's soles tripped, and the Wishful Hundred Treasure Bag in his hand flew out.


Sun Yuandao, whose eyes were bloodshot, almost roared, and stretched out his right hand to grab the treasure bag.

As a result, a giant sword shot over quickly, and within a few tenths of a second, the right hand flew out, and the sword almost cut through the head.


Looking at the armored general rushing over, Sun Yuandao howled unwillingly, then turned around and ran out of the bronze gate.

Later, Luo Cheng was trapped in the formation of the ancient ruins, while Sun Yuandao left the Tatar Desert and returned to the Balak King City alone.

Until one day, Luo Cheng, who was lost in the great formation, found the Wishful Hundred Treasure Bag containing the Ninth Grade Ginseng King.


Ten years later, the bad old man who was already a Douluo came before Sun Yuandao.

I saw that the other party was already fat and out of shape, his face was full of oil, and although his cultivation base was a soul sage, he knelt and cried in front of the bad old man.

"Luo Cheng, I was wrong, I was wrong, please forgive me, let me go!"

"Forgive me? Oh, back then you pushed me to death recklessly, but did you ever think about letting me go!"

The bad old man just smiled, and gently wiped away the boundless soul power.

In an instant, the strong blow was wiped out!
If you are passionate, you should laugh at me, and you will be born early!

When the wind blows, the old man's white hair flutters in the wind.

"Hey, smelly old man, I didn't expect you to be here!"

At this moment, a young man's voice suddenly broke the old man's contemplation. The old man turned his head and saw Xiao Ning holding the "Soul Talisman".

(End of this chapter)

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