Magic Sword starts from Douluo

Chapter 72: Escape From Life

Chapter 72: Escape From Life
The two teleported directly into the tower.


Several soul masters surrounded him, they were from the Spirit Hall in the tower.

Under the perception of Xiao Ning's mental power, several of them are all Soul Sects above level [-].


The bad old man muffled his voice.

Nine soul rings of yellow, yellow, purple, purple, black, black, and black appeared, and the soul power like Mount Tai shrouded them, and they all fell to the ground in an instant.

"Seal...Title Douluo!"

A kind of fear overwhelmed their hearts, and the powerful fluctuations of soul power were suddenly sensed by other people in this tower.

"what happened?"

The regiment master and all the elders of the Soul Sage level of the Wuhun Temple rushed to this floor.

Now is the critical moment, and there are still internal struggles?
However, when they saw the old man's soul ring configuration, they were startled.

"Master Titled Douluo, come to my small town as a guest, and you will be greeted at a distance!" The group leader immediately put on a smile. After all, he has been in the position for so long, so he knows when it's time to be tactful.

What's more, the opponent is a terrifying existence of Title Douluo level, there are only a dozen or so in the whole continent, and you can count them all. If the opponent becomes unhappy, one move may kill him.

The bad old man and Xiao Ning wore masks to cover their faces, so they didn't know their identities.

"Are you in charge here?"

"The black sandstorm is raging outside, let's come in and sit here, is there any objection?"

Seeing this, the elders also laughed and laughed.

"Of course no opinion!"

"No opinion, no opinion!"

Someone even moved two chairs: "My lord, please sit down!"

Outside, a bloody head hit the reinforced window and slowly fell back.

Everyone couldn't help but turn pale with shock.

"What are you still doing in a daze, go and have a look!" the group leader shouted nervously.

Could it be some terrifying soul beast coming again!
The guards hurried over to have a look, and the scene outside was almost nauseating.

It was still pitch black outside, and the wind and sand were whistling, but many stumps, broken arms, and blood smashed into the tower by the wind and sand were clearly visible.

"Ugh! Dead...dead people! A lot of dead people!"

Some soul masters with high spiritual power, with their perception released, saw many corpses that were almost torn into pieces flying around the tower.

What's even more frightening is that the yellow sand piled up below was rising at a rapid speed, submerging more than half of the tower in one fell swoop.

You must know that this tower is the tallest building in Bacheng, which is tens of meters taller than other buildings.

If the towers are half submerged, then the city is probably almost completely "buried alive".

The black sandstorm is still going on, it doesn't seem to stop, but it's getting bigger and bigger.

At this time, there was a sudden vibration from the top floor of the tower, and it seemed to be slowly tilting in the violent and terrifying wind.

In the black sandstorm, the higher the wind, the stronger the wind!

"Oops, this tower doesn't seem to last long, what should I do!"

"Go, you have to go, it's not suitable to stay here for long!"

"But where are you going? There is still a terrifying sandstorm blowing outside!"

After a while, everyone turned their eyes to look at the bad old man and Xiao Ning who were sitting on the chairs.

At this moment Xiao Ning is meditating, pushing his mental strength to the limit, wanting to find out how big the black sandstorm is.

But the place covered by darkness is really too big, completely without boundaries.

The bad old man said: "Put away your perception first, this black sandstorm is very big, keep your mental strength, now is not the time to explore hard, wait for the opportunity!"

"Senior, what opportunity are you waiting for? This tower can last at most another half an hour, and we will all be buried here by then."

The others "urged" anxiously, but they didn't dare to lose their composure too much. If the senior was upset and slapped himself to death, there would be nowhere to cry.

The regiment leader on the side was very conflicted, wondering whether to directly activate the martial soul avatar, with the help of Titled Douluo, there might be a glimmer of life.

As for other people with poor strength, just leave it alone!

The old man said suddenly.

But seeing the floor suddenly start to shake violently, everyone activated their martial souls one after another to stabilize themselves.

"Oops, this tower can no longer support it!"

"No, it's Earth Dragon turning over!"

God, how come good things don't come, and bad things come in pairs.

However, the time has come at this moment.

The underground of the Tatar Desert is full of soft quicksand, and the ground foundation is not very stable.

When the city was established, people specially strengthened the foundation, so Bacheng has only been standing for more than ten years.

But with the operation of the large formation in the ancient ruins, the first step is the current black sandstorm raging, and the second step is the operation of the underground sand sea.

What is the movement of the sea of ​​sand, that is, the city will sink as the earth dragon turns over, and then will be randomly transferred to the next region through the flow of the huge quicksand ocean underground.

It's just that it's hard to say whether it will become a new underground city or an underground city. Anyway, everyone in the city will die.

And the time that the bad old man said is to seize the time when the two steps alternate and the black sandstorm weakens to escape.

If it is said that there is only bad old man, he can leave here long ago as a titled Douluo, but it is hard to say if he has to bring another person with him, and it is still a group at this moment.

It's like Sun Wukong can turn directly from Dongtu Datang to Xitian Daleiyin Temple with a somersault cloud, but it's obviously impossible to take another Tang monk with him, and he can only use his legs to drive the hundred and eight thousand miles.

Seventh soul skill: Mysterious Ice Avatar

A huge iceberg soared into the sky and smashed the tower directly.

At this time, the raging black sandstorm outside appeared in people's sight, but it was obviously weakened a lot.

But the vibration below became stronger and stronger, and many houses and yellow sand began to sink in slowly.

"Now is your chance, let's go!" the bad old man shouted.

Everyone immediately jumped on his iceberg.

Severely cold field!

The powerful domain power was unleashed, directly isolating the black sandstorm, and then the iceberg rose rapidly, ready to leave this world.

"Senior, let us help you!" At this moment, everyone did not hold back, and poured all their soul power into the iceberg to increase its flying speed.

This situation undoubtedly consumes a lot of soul power. In less than a stick of incense, everyone, including the bad old man, consumed more than half of their soul power.

Although he is a titled Douluo, he used the seventh soul skill and domain for too long, and consumed a huge amount of soul power.

The good news is that the iceberg passed directly through the place covered by flying sand after an incense stick of time passed.

The bright sun shines on everyone, and they can only feel the joy of escaping from the sky welling up in their hearts.

The iceberg had completely emerged from the black sandstorm and rose high into the sky.

At this time, the wind strength has completely weakened, and there are patches of white clouds and blue sky around.

Not far from the line of sight, that is the end of the black sandstorm, the yellow earth and some oases appear.

"Now, if you can fly, fly for me quickly and get out of here!"

As soon as the bad old man came out of the sandstorm, he canceled the release of the domain power, and then greeted everyone.

Several soul masters with flying soul skills or martial souls left the iceberg immediately.

This time, there was no danger, and after a long flight, almost everyone landed safely. Looking at the dust-shrouded land in the distance behind, they couldn't help but feel scared.

"Senior, thank you for saving your life, I will definitely repay you in the future!"

"Thank you for saving your life!"

"Thank you, thank you!"


After saying goodbye to them, Xiao Ning and the bad old man embarked on a journey to the depths of the desert.

Xiao Ning casually took out a piece of fruit, many supplies in the bracelet were specially given by those people just now, he couldn't help laughing.

"Old man, I didn't expect you to have such a kind side. I thought that after going through the mountain of corpses and reaching Title Douluo, it would be a show of indifference and ruthlessness when facing insignificant weaklings!"

The old man's face turned green: "What did you say, brat? Is this old man still kind-hearted?"

"Yes, yes, do good deeds and accumulate virtue, and there will be good rewards in the future!"

"Bastard, you!"

"Look at the sixth soul skill of this old man: Froststorm!"

(End of this chapter)

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