Magic Sword starts from Douluo

Chapter 69 Tatar Desert

Chapter 69 Tatar Desert

With a loud noise like thunder, the iceberg and the giant hammer collided together, and the sky and the earth shook instantly, and smoke and dust billowed.

Taking advantage of the chaotic scene, the bad old man teleported to Xiao Ning and disappeared immediately.

At this moment, the ice cubes on Frank and Liu Erlong's bodies melted, and they were finally liberated.

Quickly rushed to where Tang San and Xiao Wu were, seeing his goddaughter was injured, Liu Erlong held back his anger and heard.

"Who is it, who hurt you, I want to skin him alive!"

At this moment, several rays of light descended from above, Poison Douluo, Bone Douluo, and Ning Fengzhi fell to the ground.

The perception of mental power is enlarged, but the two titled Douluo are no longer there.

All I saw was a gigantic deep pit on the ground, and countless cracks criss-crossing and criss-crossing. The surrounding houses were all shattered, and everyone was shocked. It can be seen what a terrifying blow just broke out.

The news of the fight between the titled Douluo in Tiandou City quickly spread throughout the continent.

In Wuhun City far to the south, Pope Bibi Dong was sitting on a high platform listening to his subordinates' report for the day.

"Report, report to the Pope, Bishop Silas has sent news that a battle at the level of Title Douluo broke out in Tiandou City, and Xiao Ning has been taken away by one of the unknown Title Douluo!"

As soon as the words fell, the atmosphere in the hall was instantly icy cold, and a wave of anger burned from Bibi Dong's heart.

But it soon calmed down. Having been in a high position for many years, Bibi Dong had already developed a calm and thoughtful character.

"Notify all spies in several cities near Tiandou City to check for me!"

"Yes!" The subordinate soul master stepped back immediately.

Bibi Dong picked up the golden scepter and strolled back to the bedroom.

"I want to see, who has the guts to rob my Spirit Hall?"

At this moment, the bad old man who was far away in Barak King City suddenly sneezed: "Damn, who is scolding me!"

If someone at the title Douluo level wants to run away, basically no one can do anything about it!
In just a few days, the bad old man rushed from Tiandou City to the capital of the subordinate Barak Kingdom.

On this day, the Royal City of Barak was extremely lively, so the old man found a chance to leave the hotel and go to the tavern to have a good drink.

A bowl of wine every day is better than a living god!

He came to a shop with a full jug, and at this moment there was a storyteller telling a story, and the people around him were delighted to hear it, and surrounded him one after another.

"By the way, this Tatar Desert is one of the famous forbidden places in the whole continent. The environment inside is harsh, and the spirit beasts are ferocious. Those who venture deep into it will basically never return."

"Old man Zhang, is it as mysterious as you say? Why haven't I heard of it before?"

"Hey, don't you believe it. For a hundred years, the team of soul masters who entered rashly disappeared or were completely wiped out. None of them came out alive!"

"Didn't the Wuhun Palace send a team to go deep in to hunt the spirit beasts some time ago? Guess what, a few days later, people in the edge area found a lot of bones emerging from the sea of ​​sand! Then there was no more News about that team!"

Passerby A also raised his head and spoke humanely to the storyteller.

"Don't tell me, I've heard of this before. Those bones look so miserable, they are all broken, and there is no complete set."

When it comes to the horror of the Tatar Desert, everyone is horrified.

well!The bad old man who heard their conversation next to him was just a so-called drinker, his expression was full of sadness.

"I don't know what happened to that kid, go back and have a look!"

The bad old man shook his coat and returned to the hotel.

Opening the door, what greeted him was a sword light.

What the hell!

The bad old man almost didn't react, but he dodged it anyway. The sword light cut across the wall, piercing it like a sharp blade.

"You're so old, it's so fun to play me!" Xiao Ning didn't succeed in one blow, but he made another sword strike, only to see the afterimage flash, pointing directly at the opponent's heart.

"Oh, oh, oh! Don't be angry! Listen to me carefully."

The bad old man immediately laughed face-to-face, and controlled Xiao Ning's sword with his icy soul power.

"What a strong freezing power!" Xiao Ning couldn't help being a little shocked, this is more than hundreds of times stronger than Shui Bing'er's freezing power.

Indestructible Demon Body, open!

The water attribute energy immediately flooded Xiao Ning's whole body, the freezing power of the ice was instantly weakened, and with a pull of the sword in his hand, he broke free from the control range.

The demon energy all over his body burned from Xiao Ning's body, and he became a burning man in an instant.

The soul power unfolded at the same time, and all four soul rings emerged, one yellow, two purple and one black.

"Good guy, is he so evil?" The bad old man was shocked.

The third soul skill: the meaning of the way of the sword

The magic sword roared like a dragon's chant in an instant, the killing sword intent continued to rise, and the terrifying sword edge power directly slashed at the bad old man's body.

The shattering of the wall came, and a black shadow suddenly flew from the fourth floor to the street, startling a few people who were shopping for vegetables.

"Fuck, who is this, crazy, jump off the stairs!"

"Ah! My dish, move the damn guy away!"

There was another sound of wind in the sky, and another figure jumped down, directly smashing a fat woman to the ground.

"Ah!" There was a sharp scream from below.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry!" Feeling a softness under his buttocks, the old man jumped down quickly.

He grabbed Xiao Ning who was still about to get up, sealed him with a few acupuncture points, and then slapped him on the ass.

"Tell you not to practice, tell you to be playful!"

"Everyone, my grandson didn't live up to expectations, let everyone see a joke! Farewell!" The bad old man pretended to smile bitterly, picked up Xiao Ning nervously and ran away.

At this moment Xiao Ning's heart was setting off a huge wave: "Damn old man! I hate your grandma!"

Seeing that the perpetrator ran away, the vegetable buyer and the fat woman realized that they had chased after him.

"Damn it, run after him, don't let him get away!"

The hotel owner on the side rushed out when he heard the movement, and saw such a big hole in the wall on the fourth floor.

I'm a darling!

Rolling his eyes, he fainted from anger.

Going back to the front, I saw the old man was carrying a person on his shoulders, and he was running fast. Several young vegetable sellers chased him for a long time but failed to catch up.

Then let him run away!
When they came to the ruined temple, the bad old man threw Xiao Ning directly on a tattered straw mat, his face not flushing and not panting.

joke!As a titled Douluo, if he can't even run away from a few ordinary people, then he should not live in this world.

Unlocking Xiao Ning's seal, the old man took advantage of the situation and lay down on the ground, crossing his legs.

"Boy, how are you doing?"

Xiao Ning thrust his sword into the ground, and snorted coldly: "As a Titled Douluo, why did you find a little soul sect like me?"

In the previous fight, Xiao Ning was directly sent flying by nine other soul rings, it's really sad!
"If you didn't have the "Soul Talisman" in your hand, do you think I would find you?"

"Tell me, who gave it to you!"

"Damn it, you don't care who gave it to me, you let me go now, I have to go to Wuhun City to report!"

Xiao Ning scolded directly, and moved out of the backstage to support the scene.

Unexpectedly, the bad old man didn't care at all, took a sip of wine: "Boy, don't scare me with the Pope's lady from Wuhun Palace!"

"Let's be honest, the ancient ruins of the human race in the Tatar Desert have a huge relationship with your "Soul Talisman", that's why the old man came to you!"

(End of this chapter)

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