Magic Sword starts from Douluo

Chapter 64 Powerful self-created soul skills

Chapter 64 Powerful self-created soul skills
"What is your soul skill? I finally obtained it, okay?" Xiao Ning said angrily.

"Hmph! Glib, let me show you the soul skills of this old man!" Under the crisis, Jian Douluo wanted to speak harshly.

Yellow, yellow, purple, purple, black, black, and black soul rings emerged, and powerful soul power erupted.

The Sixth Soul Skill: Ten Thousand Swords Returning to the Sect

The Seven Killing Swords turned into thousands of swords in an instant, and with the blessing of Chen Xin's sword intent, white light burst out in an instant, and the storm of swords met Xiao Ning's magic sword.

For a moment, the two seemed to be resorting to fairy tricks, summoning violent storms to attack each other.

Slaughtering Sword Intent and Chen Xin Sword Intent collided with each other, but the latter was more powerful, forcing Xiao Ning's Ten Thousand Demon Sword to retreat steadily.

"Damn it, senior won't bring such a bully! Even the sixth soul ability has been released!"

Xiao Ning tried his best to maintain his soul skills, but it was only a matter of time before he lost.

Sword Douluo was a little embarrassed, but he still wanted to save face: "Hmph! Boy, this old man has suppressed [-]% of his strength to fight you. If you attack with all your strength, you may have been blasted to pieces!"

"Good fellow, senior, it seems that you are going to force me to do a trick!"

"Use it if you have a trick, don't talk to the old man, the old man is not scared!"

I saw Xiao Ning's palms merged, and Jian Yu was controlled and shot up into the sky.

Self-created Soul Skill: Ten Thousand Swords Returning to One
In an instant, tens of thousands of magic swords were automatically combined, and at the same time Xiao Ning's whole body of magic energy was injected into them, forming a [-]-meter giant sword.

All of a sudden, the vision of heaven and earth appeared, the wind and cloud in the sky changed, the electric rain was mixed, the strong wind formed a tornado, and a ray of dawn shot out from the center, shining on Xiao Ning's face.

At that moment, it seemed that the soul merged into the giant sword.

Sword Douluo on the opposite side felt the danger rising from his soul, and there was a fierce aura around him, as if he saw the ancient demon god standing upright in front of him, and raised the giant magic sword in his hand to aim at him.

The generation version is a god, and the generation version plays Galen.

Xiao Ning's expression had completely merged into it, and he let out a loud roar.


The [-]-meter giant sword pierced down from the sky with terrifying power, pointing directly at Sword Douluo.

"Sword Soul True Body!"

Sword Douluo no longer kept it, and the Seven Killing Sword instantly turned into a giant sword shield, the power of the soul merged into the sword body, and all attributes were doubled to block this blow.

At this time, it seemed that the most terrifying spear in the world collided with the most invulnerable shield.


A huge explosion was produced, and the violent vibration caused all the nearby trees and buildings to be torn into pieces like crisp paper.

The energy storm rushed towards the disciples who came to watch the battle like a huge wave, and a large number of them were killed by the storm.

"Not good!" Ning Feng was shocked.

How could Uncle Jian make such a terrifying sword move?Are the disciples of the sect dying?
"Seven Treasures True Body!"

The huge Seven Treasures Glazed Pagoda directly blocked the disciples, and the energy storm slammed into it fiercely, as if crazy waves hit the boulder, making it shake continuously.

Powerful soul power was poured into it, and after a while, the Seven Treasures Glazed Pagoda in the form of the real body blocked the terrifying energy storm.

Seeing that the disciples in front were safe and sound, Ning Fengzhi couldn't help heaving a sigh of relief: "Huh!"

"What's going on!" Bone Douluo, who was out on errands, came back, and encountered this kind of scene as soon as he came back.

"Grandpa Bone!" Ning Rongrong was completely taken aback, and threw herself into Bone Douluo's arms.

Gu Rong hurriedly comforted this little princess whom he treated as his own granddaughter.

After asking Ning Fengzhi about the situation, he realized what happened, and couldn't help being furious.

"Sword lunatic, what are you doing?"

Amidst the billowing smoke and dust, a huge pit appeared before everyone's eyes.

Jian Douluo's voice came from below: "Bone old man, don't yell around, be careful I will beat you!"

"Come here, whoever is afraid of whom!" Bone Douluo almost jumped down to duel with Sword Douluo, but Ning Fengzhi stopped him with a numb mind.

Looking at the boy in black in front of him, Sword Douluo quickly suppressed his fighting spirit.

This time it was too irrational to choose a place with many people to compete with him. If he had known Xiao Ning had such a terrifying move earlier, he would not have fought him here.

How good it is to choose on the top of Zijin Mountain!

After one move, Jian Douluo is fine, but Xiao Ning is not. He only feels that his soul power and devil energy are exhausted, as if his whole body has been hollowed out.

Jian Douluo couldn't help but sighed with emotion: "The younger generation is talented! Boy, get up if you are still angry, why are you lying on the ground like a bastard?"

However, it was Xiao Ning's hoarse voice that answered him: "Uh!...I...have a kidney deficiency, and I...can't get up!"

Now he's become "Master Empty" again, Xiao Ning's sad reminder!

"Seven Treasures and Glasses: Three Days: Soul!"

Colorful divine light descended from the sky and poured into Xiao Ning's body. An inexplicable sense of comfort came from Xiao Ning. Xiao Ning felt that the soul power in his body was recovering at a terrifying speed.

After a while, the sense of emptiness disappeared, and Xiao Ning stood up.

Sensing that he was in a big pit, Xiao Ning was a little embarrassed.

"Uh! I'm sorry, senior, I broke up your house!"

But Jian Douluo was so happy, he didn't say anything and flew up with Xiao Ning.

"Stinky boy, you've made our territory like this, pay for it!" The Bone Douluo above caught Xiao Ning as soon as he saw him.

"Hey!" Sword Douluo turned on his old friend, and happily said to Xiao Ning, "Boy, your aptitude is heaven-defying, and your swordsmanship is very superb. How about it, this old man wants to take you in as his apprentice!"

Sword Douluo was so excited, he finally found a monstrous genius with a high level of swordsmanship, so he had to quickly accept him as an apprentice.

The people around, including Ning Fengzhi and Bone Douluo, were all shocked. Sword Douluo had been in the sect for so many years, and none of them took his fancy.

"But, I'm from Wuhundian Academy!"

"Wuhundian Academy is nothing, come to this old man, I guarantee that your swordsmanship will be one step closer!" Sword Douluo said angrily.

"But, I still have to find my girlfriend in Wuhundian Academy?" Xiao Ning thought about it, but still said it.

I haven't heard from Bai Luoer for a long time, so I don't know how she is doing.

Jian Douluo's face turned pale with anger: "What kind of girlfriend are you looking for, do those vulgar fans of your Wuhun Palace look as good as our Rongrong?"

⊙⊙!What the hell is this!

Only Oscar can handle this little witch Ning Rongrong, okay?We can't wait!

"Grandpa Jian!" Ning Rongrong was about to protest.

Ning Fengzhi next to her immediately held her head and took off to the back: "Don't make trouble, your Uncle Jian is joking with you?"


"What else is there? Isn't the old man Tangtang a 96-level Titled Douluo worthy of your apprenticeship?"

One old and one young were bargaining there, making the Bone Douluo next to him look down on it.

Gu Rong grabbed Xiao Ning's shoulder again: "If you don't agree, it's fine! We will compensate our sect for the loss now, otherwise you don't want to go out, it's useless if your Pope girls come!"

Hurrah!Xiao Ning wanted to cry but had no tears: "You guys are buying and selling by force, I protest!"

"Protest is ineffective!"

"Today, if you promise, you have to agree, and if you don't agree, you have to agree! Otherwise, don't even think about leaving!"

 The next few chapters will be updated in the afternoon, please recommend tickets, thank you!


(End of this chapter)

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