Chapter 349
"Soul Saint powerhouse!"

"Didn't you agree that there would be at most a group of soul emperors and soul kings?"

Almost everyone, seeing the several old men in black robes exuding seven spirit rings, their fearful hearts beat faster and faster.

Although among them, the leader of the blue-faced fang mask is a level 65 soul emperor.

But the gap between the soul sage and the soul emperor is a huge watershed, the former can completely crush the existence of the latter.

"Seventh Soul Skill: Goshawk True Body!"

An old man in black yelled loudly, and the corners of his clothes were blown up high by the violent wind, fluttering and fluttering.

The sharp and ear-piercing chirping of birds exploded in the sky, and a blue eagle appeared in everyone's sight.The wings spread out more than ten meters, and the huge body seemed to cover the sky and block out the sun, leaving a shadow.

The howling wind became even more violent, like a sharp knife that stings the skin, washing it wantonly.

A terrifying soul power attack followed, and the shock wave split through the crowd in an instant, opening a hole in the crowd.

"Defense, defend!"

The leader of the blue-faced fang mask was still relying on his prestige to stabilize his subordinates, and at the same time released his six soul rings.


With the opening of the path by the soul sage, the valley below the cliff suddenly sounded with mighty shouts of killing.

Many soul masters ran along the cliff, displaying their soul power on their feet, and rushed up directly with a murderous look.

"Why hasn't it appeared yet?"

"Not yet?"

The leader of the blue-faced fang mask took a blow from the soul saint powerhouse, flew out, and broke the big tree that was surrounded by five people for a moment.

Pooh!A mouthful of blood was spat out, and there was still that strong fishy sweetness in his mouth.

However, there was still no movement on the luxurious carriage below the valley, as if there was no one in it.

The target seemed to have guessed the purpose of their ambush, that is, not to show up, not to reveal their identities.

"Get out, get out!"

Many people were bombarded by the soul sage, and they were either killed or injured. They almost only lasted for half a stick of incense before they were beaten to the ground.

"Leader, let's retreat!"

"The opponent is too strong, I can't stand it!"

One brother had blood all over his face. It was a companion who exploded beside him, blood and flesh flew all over his face, and his face was covered with blood. It was only cleaned after a good wipe.

Although the leader was not reconciled, and gritted his teeth with severe chest pain, he also knew that this operation might not be completed, and the most important thing was to take the best plan.


With a group of younger brothers, they ran down the mountain in desperation. There were several trails leading directly to the bottom of the cliff. Not far away was a dense black forest. The group of people went straight in, like a needle falling into the sea. No one can be found.

"Hmph! Come whenever you want, leave whenever you want, it's easy to bully me when I'm Wuhundian!"

The old man in black robe soul sage summoned the goshawk martial soul, and rushed over first, gliding past a shadow in the air.

The speed was extremely fast, and the eyes like eagle eyes precisely locked on the leader.

There is no way, he is the only one with a ghost mask, he must be of extraordinary status, if he is not arrested, who will be arrested?

The strong and powerful eagle claws, which were three meters wide, locked on to the fleeing target, and charged straight at it.

"Not good!" The leader subconsciously felt an ominous premonition, and the howling cold wind blowing from behind made his scalp numb.

He was planning to dodge, but he was caught in the next second, and he was held in the air like a chicken.

This anti-ambush battle lasted for about an hour, and then it was over. On the Wuhundian side, 50 people were injured and 20 people died, but none of the hundreds of people on the other side escaped, and they were all wiped out. It can be called a big victory.

After receiving the report from the people below, Xiao Ning felt a little dissatisfied on his face: "Damn it, you lost a horse before Luocheng!"

"Pass down the order to comfort the injured, cremate the dead, put the ashes in a box, and send them back through the post station in Luocheng."

"Remember to use fame and fame to report to the good students over there to appease and take care of their families!"

I have never met an officer who is so considerate to his subordinates. The person who delivered the order was very moved, and at the same time he respected Xiao Ning even more.


After a while, there was another report.

"Report! The leader of the opponent has been captured, please let me go!"

Xiao Ning was a little surprised: "Oh?"

"Bring it up!"

Not long after, a masked man who was in a panic and controlled came to Xiao Ning's carriage, and the Elder Soul Sage who was in charge of escorting him snorted and said, "Kneel down!"

The seemingly vicious leader has been scared to death, but after all, few people can not panic when their lives are in danger.

In the luxurious carriage, the curtains are tightly closed, and nothing inside can be seen.

The leader also knew that even if he saw the other party's true face, the news would not be spread.

Xiao Ning purposely lowered his voice to a very low tone, like the voice of a demon, making people frightened.

"Speaking of which, who are you? Who is behind the scenes? What is the purpose of ambushing us?"

"It's best to explain everything exactly, or you will be cut into pieces!"

The leader was obviously scared out of his wits, I'll be good, I'll play hard as soon as I come up!My whole body couldn't stop shaking.


A cold light blasted into the leader's neck without everyone noticing.



Just as he was about to speak, the leader suddenly shook, foaming at the mouth, and twitching uncontrollably.

"As expected, the people of the Star Luo Empire are so incapable of doing good things, and more than failing in good things!"

"You'd better keep your mouth clean. There are no scum in the family. Most of us Xingluo men are not vegetarians!"

Two voices sounded from the jungle not far away, and the leader who witnessed the blue-faced fang mask just now was as timid as a mouse, and shot a poisonous needle without hesitation.


The soul sage who was guarding found that his captive suddenly tilted his head and died like that, and a stick was stabbed in his neck by accident.

"Come on!"

The two people who were still chatting ran out while they were talking, and soon disappeared. Even if the people from Wuhundian quickly chased after them, they couldn't find them.

"Ah this!"

The information was silenced before the routine came out, the other party was really ruthless!

Xiao Ning was a little helpless, the clues were interrupted, and the idea of ​​following the clues was useless, but these were nothing.

"Bury this corpse!"

It didn't take long for the team to get ready to go, and soon set off on the journey.

Ju Douluo at the side asked, "Which force do you think is behind this ambush?"

Xiao Ning said without hesitation: "That's needless to say? It must be one of the Star Luo Empire and the evil soul master organization!"

"After all, they all have a deep hatred with us."

Ju Douluo sighed, and said in a deep voice: "What I'm most worried about is that these two forces will form a partnership. At that time, the situation will be troublesome."

(End of this chapter)

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