Magic Sword starts from Douluo

Chapter 347 Heading to Luocheng

Chapter 347 Heading to Luocheng
"Your Majesty, calm down!"

"Now is not the time for us to take revenge!"

Behind the door curtain made of golden nanmu, a man dressed in black exquisite soul master uniform came out, with jet-black hair and an elusive ghostly look in his eyes.

It was Ghost Douluo: Ghost!

"Then, what does Elder Ghost mean?"

Seeing this person, Emperor Xing Luo slowly calmed down. After all, as the ruler of a country, he still has the ability to adjust his mentality.

Ghost Douluo shook his head, the meaning clearly expressed in his eyes.

"Not yet!"

"Your Majesty, we have to wait for the right time."

A wave of air pressed over, and even a ripple erupted in the air.

But Ghost Douluo is a level 95 titled Douluo, and he didn't lose his grace under such pressure.

"Wait, wait, how long do you want me to wait?"

Obviously, Emperor Xingluo's anger is hard to calm down now, after all, his favorite eldest son was killed!
Who can tolerate this?

What's more, the best heir to the throne has been slaughtered, so should he pass it on to the useless Third Prince who lives in the Heaven Dou Empire?

Ghost Douluo naturally knew that he was thinking in his heart now, and immediately revealed another message.

"Your Majesty, based on our reliable information, it seems that Wuhundian is going to make some big moves recently."

"Some time ago, a group of people was secretly sent from the Wuhun City headquarters to Zhennan Pass. It seems that they are going to carry out some mission in the Star Luo Empire."

"What do you mean?" Emperor Xing Luo quickly guessed what he meant, but it's not clear yet.

Ghost Douluo smiled evilly, with a gloomy and strange look in his eyes: "Since we can't treat him clearly, what about Wuhundian?"

"But secretly, there is no such rule."

"But, to do this? Is it appropriate?" Emperor Xing Luo asked back: "This matter cannot be hidden from the opponent's intelligence personnel."

Speaking of this, Ghost Douluo made a simple gesture, which means that after killing a person, he threw a knife at another person.

"Framed and framed!"

"Just find the evil soul master to be the dead ghost."

After returning to the General's Mansion at Zhennanguan, and personally testing Xiao Ning's current strength, Qin Feng has clearly understood that he has the qualifications to do this task.

At the same time, in this kid, Qin Feng saw the arrogance and self-confidence that belonged to young people.

He was very similar to himself back then, and he couldn't stop laughing.

They dragged and held several tables of receptions one after another, so they had a good time eating and drinking.

He looked at a man sitting in the north, eating meat and drinking heavily.

Xiao Ning felt a little surprised, and asked Ju Douluo: "Old Ju, has the general's personality always been like this?"

"It's quite different from what I imagined."

During the previous sparring, General Qin was extremely calm, calm and unhurried.

What kind of feeling made Xiao Ning think that what he was facing was a flawless war machine.

But this was not the case in daily life. General Qin didn't have the slightest domineering aura that made people feel intimidated. Instead, he appeared to be extremely bold, lenient towards others, and made people feel respect from the bottom of his heart.

"You will know later." Ju Douluo gave Xiao Ning a look.

It's a classic quote again, I'm almost sick of seeing this kind of routine on a certain website.

Well, I don’t want to ask anymore, it’s useless to ask.


In the eastern part of the Star Luo Empire, on the narrow path close to the Yinshan Mountains, several jet-black figures flew past.

It was night at this moment, and under the moonlight that seemed a bit cold, the evening wind was bleak, making the environment a bit deserted.

Then came the rustling of forest leaves and weeds.

"Tonight, I have arrived at the only way to Luocheng at the foot of the Yinshan Mountains!"


The speed of the people around them was obviously speeding up, and they dared to head towards the rocky cliff three kilometers ahead.

Luoshiya is the only place leading to Luocheng.There are cliffs about tens of meters high on both banks, and below is a road that runs through the valley, leading directly to the Luocheng in the distance.

Merchants and hawkers coming and going, as well as official cavalry and military troops, all have to pass through this place.

At this time, it was one o'clock in the morning at night, and some caravans on their way planned to set up tents to rest in the valley on one side.

No matter how important traveling is, it is not as important as sleeping.


The person at the night watch shouted: "Damn it, sleep on your own, let me guard it by myself."

"After driving for a day, I'm exhausted!"

After all, sit down and prepare to take a nap, I believe no one will find out.

Suddenly, there was a sound of footsteps running past, which made him jump up immediately.


However, the reaction was still too late, a sharp claw wrapped in black soul power pierced his chest.

The sneak attacker pulled out his bloody paw and shook it in disgust: "It's so ugly!"

"The smell of blood is really unbearable."

This was just an episode, and the nightmare of this group of caravans had just begun. In less than an hour, the area was filled with corpses.

The sound of battle quickly disappeared, and all that was left was to clean up the battlefield and clean up the corpses.

"Boss, within a few miles around, all irrelevant people have been cleaned up."

"Our whereabouts will never be known by anyone."

Wearing a blue-faced fang mask, the leader with only a pair of eyes exposed slightly nodded: "Good job!"

"After the matter is done, I will make great contributions to you."

"Thank you boss!"

On the morning of the second day, Xiao Ning and the elite team of 500 soul masters were almost approaching the city of Luocheng.

In the black forest in front of Luoshiya, a low-key group of people in black cover-up robes rode horses and hurried on their way.

There was a luxurious carriage in the middle, Xiao Ning was sitting on it, and some carts carrying goods were being escorted behind.

They had set off for more than a week, left Zhennan Pass, entered the territory of the Star Luo Empire, and headed for Luocheng under the Yinshan Mountains.

Before coming, General Qin told Xiao Ning that the situation in Star Luo Empire is no better than that in Heaven Dou Empire.

The degree of danger is very complicated. In order to cover up their whereabouts, they specially set up a carriage and transported some goods by the way, pretending to be a caravan.

In this way, the degree of suspicion is greatly reduced. Even if someone really jumped out of the ambush, they are bandits and bandits who don't understand anything and are low in strength, which is easy to deal with.

In the bumpy carriage, Xiao Ning silently looked at Ju Douluo beside him.

"Old Ju, isn't it true that you can't have Contra-level or higher experts in this operation?"

"Why are you so old?"

To be honest, I just sat down to practice today, when a familiar aura suddenly came from the side, and I opened my eyes, it was Ju Douluo.

Ju Douluo looked a little embarrassed: "Why, I'm not welcome?"

"I'm someone sent by the Pope, not a Titled Douluo guarding this place."

To put it bluntly, you are the imperial envoy, and the policies of your local officials can't control me.

(End of this chapter)

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