Magic Sword starts from Douluo

Chapter 291 Zhu Zhuying's Insidiousness

Chapter 291 Zhu Zhuying's Insidiousness


"Isn't it common for injuries to occur on the field?"

Although Zhu Zhuying was a little weak, after all, the martial soul fusion skill was broken by others, which was a great blowback to the soul master.But in fact, that's all. I can barely stand up.

Ma Hongjun, who was always short-tempered, suddenly became angry, pointing his finger and moving forward.

"What did you say? Say it again!"

"It's clear that you cheated and poisoned you secretly. This is ignoring the rules of the game and using foreign objects!"

Looking up at the young host and referee, he said angrily.

"Referee, members of the Star Luo Empire Academy openly violated the rules of the competition, should some punishment be imposed?"

Just now Dai Mubai had told everyone about the matter, a fire blazed from his heart, the eyes staring at Zhu Zhuying became even colder, as if it could kill people a thousand times.

However, Zhu Zhuying just smiled and stood with her chest folded, her seductive face was actually dismissive.

"Hehe, it's just that my martial spirit has its own poison. Could it be that Tang San's martial spirit in your team is allowed to be poisoned, so my martial spirit can't be poisoned?"

"It's such a powerful reversal of right and wrong, black and white!"

Shrek Academy's accusation seemed to disappear, and for a while, people couldn't find any openings.

That's right, why do you allow your own family's Wuhun to be poisoned, but not your opponent's.

Immediately, the audience in the spectator seats began to discuss and point their finger at Shrek Academy.

"This Shrek Academy is also real, if you can't win, you still like to make excuses!"

"That's right, that's right, I've never seen such a shameless team, it just refreshed my view."

"Oh, these days, everything has happened."

At this time, the host was also in a bit of a dilemma. It was hard to say anything. Coupled with the constant discussion from the surrounding spectators, he could only keep his voice open to keep quiet.

"Boom!" There was a huge roar, and a strong man monitoring the game released Nuo Da's soul power and breath, and the scared people all closed their mouths and dared not speak again.

"During the game, no noise is allowed!"

The scene calmed down all of a sudden, but the momentum of clamoring to end the match had subsided. People from the two colleges were basically still facing each other, and the match hadn't really decided the winner.

"This Shrek Academy can't afford to lose, it's just like this when a person is poisoned!" Hu Liena muttered, basically she only had to act like a little woman in front of Xiao Ning.

In front of other people, he always maintained a cold appearance, covering up his emotions.

Xiao Ning gradually narrowed his eyes, and stared at Zhu Zhuying on the field with sharp eyes like golden eagles. The aura from before was very different, yet very familiar.

But although he felt very suspicious, he couldn't think of it for a while, just shook his head and said.

"No, it's not that simple!"

Nana was almost dumbfounded when she heard this, she looked at Xiao Ning with rosy beautiful eyes, full of doubts.

"What's wrong?"

"Don't you know after reading it?"

On the battle stage at this time, Oscar obviously thought of something, and pulled back Ma Hongjun who was so angry that he wanted to rush forward.

Tang San calmly felt Zhu Zhuqing's pulse, and found that the toxin had invaded very quickly, and had already flowed into the internal organs along the blood.

This speed was caused by the fact that Boss Dai had already sealed the acupoints. If he didn't seal the acupoints in time and the "little sausage" from Oscar that he handed over before, what would happen? I can't believe it.

"Little San, how is Zhuqing?" Dai Mubai looked very anxious at this moment, which shows how deep his relationship with Zhuqing is.

At the same time, looking at Zhu Zhuying's appearance, he gritted his teeth in anger.Did he know that Zhuqing had almost the same experience at home, being tortured every day by an elder sister to make things difficult and play tricks, his life was no better than him.

When he immediately went to the Heaven Dou Empire to look for him, he was chased and intercepted by Zhu Zhuying several times, and he was injured in many places. If he hadn't escaped from death and entered the border of the Heaven Dou Empire, he might never have seen him again.

Now it's like poisoning the arena and knocking one's own people into a coma, which really makes people angry.

Tang San raised his head and said to Dai Mubai without hesitation: "Boss Dai, you go deal with them first, I'll help Zhuqing detoxify!"

Dai Mubai was a little worried: "Little San, is this okay?"

"Don't worry!" Tang San gave him a heavy and determined look.

Dai Mubai naturally knew his ability to detoxify, there was no one he knew who could play with poison better than him, anyone who played with poison was naturally a master of detoxification.

Then he stood up slowly: "Okay!"

Looking at the figures of Davis and Zhu Zhuying, the tiger who was on the verge of bursting into anger was actually in his eyes.

Ten years is not too late for a gentleman to take revenge, but I can't wait for a moment now!

"Rongrong, help me!"

The four spirit rings continued to light up. Although most of them were consumed by the spirit fusion technique, why should they care about it?

"Okay!" Ning Rongrong yelled in response, now Tang San and Zhu Zhuqing can't fight anymore, they have to beware of Zhu Zhuying and others' sneak attack on the opposite side.

"Nine treasures have glass, three said: soul!"

Nine Treasures Glazed Tile Pagoda emits seven-colored radiant light, pouring into Dai Mubai's body, and the soul power that consumes most of the time begins to skyrocket.

The second soul skill: White Tiger Fierce Light Wave
The phantom of the evil-eyed white tiger stood behind him, and the roaring sound waves blasted like white lasers, causing ripples in the surrounding air.

"Hmph!" Davis sneered, clutching his chest.The second soul skill: White Tiger Bursting Light
A dissatisfied and not weak soul power laser shot out, rushing towards the attacking energy at high speed.

Boom!Like the loud noise produced by the explosion of several catties of explosives, the two forces were annihilated in an instant, but the aura produced still affected Davis to some extent.

At this time, it is obvious how strong the auxiliary system soul skills blessed by Ning Rongrong are, this is the charm of the number one top auxiliary system spirit in the mainland.

Although the auxiliary soul master on the opposite side was not in a daze, but she was a girl who hadn't reached level [-] soul sect, how could she compare to Ning Rongrong.

"Ugh!" Dai Mubai roared like a tiger entrenched on the hill, scaring Xiao Xiao.

The whole group rushed over quickly, aiming at Zhu Zhuying.

The blessing power behind came again, Nine Treasures Youli: Three Days Speed.

The speed of his feet suddenly exploded, turning into a shadow that passed by quickly, ready to get close.

But how could Davis let him succeed, but the opponent's speed was too fast, and he had already reached the front and barely reacted.

After receiving such a punch abruptly, the kinetic energy was so strong that Davis retreated violently, going more than ten meters in a row.

"Hmph!" Seeing that something was wrong, Zhu Zhuying shot out her dark claws, and there was a faint, disgusting smell, which was very unpleasant.

(End of this chapter)

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