Chapter 39 Leolu

"This is the last chance to draw a lottery, cherish it!" The system's tone was somewhat smug.

Li Ye remained silent with a sullen face. He was not in a hurry to pump, but put down the backpack, tossed in it, then took out a dagger, unsheathed it, and held it in his hand.

"What are you doing?" the system asked inexplicably.

Li Ye said coldly: "For the last time, if you don't give me a normal one, I will wipe my neck!"


"Young man, you don't talk about martial arts!"

Li Ye sneered: "You should make mouse tail juice (so you can do it yourself)!"

Li Ye pressed start, waited for a while and pressed stop, then put the knife on his neck, and told the system with his actions that he really knew how to wipe his neck.

The entry finally stopped. Seeing the name, the system was inexplicably relieved. Fortunately, it was not messed up.

"There is only one Riolu, do you want to challenge now?"

Li Ye smiled when he saw the result, put away the dagger, he couldn't do suicide, it hurt so much, so he frightened the system, and the effect was gratifying!

"Challenge! Where is it?"

There were ripples in the space not far away, and a Riolu fell out of the ripples. He looked around blankly, then locked his eyes on Li Ye, put on a fighting posture, and was vigilant!

Li Ye was a little excited and took out the illustrated book for identification.

The level is the same as his water jumping fish, which is level 10, and the ultimate move cannot be analyzed because it has not been subdued.

Li Ye stepped forward, took out Shuiyueyu's elf ball and threw it over: "Shuiyueyu, your first battle is coming, come on!"

Bright red light fell, and the water jumping fish appeared on the opposite side of Leo Road.

The two elves were full of energy and looked at each other, their fighting spirit gradually ignited!

Leolu moved, brought a white light, and rushed towards the water jumping fish at an extremely fast speed.

"A flash of lightning?"

In the game, Flash of Lightning is the first-come trick, and the first-come speed +1. If the opponent's unique move is less than 1, then the elf using Flash of Lightning will ignore the speed difference and attack first.

In reality, Flash of Lightning activates extremely fast, and two trainers make commands at the same time. The side that uses Flash of Lightning will definitely move first. The difference from the game is that when the opponent activates Flash of Light, you will not Waiting to be beaten, you can also attack during this process, but whether you can hit it depends on God's will.

After all, the speed of the elf will increase a lot after launching the lightning flash.

Li Ye didn't choose to attack when Riolu launched the lightning flash. With Shui Yueyu's current level, the possibility of hitting is extremely low, and stable attribute improvement is the kingly way.

"Water jumping fish, curse!" Li Ye commanded.

In fact, double repayment is the best choice, but Li Ye doesn't want to do that, he wants to exercise the marsh leap fish's ability to fight.

Riolu's lightning hit the water jumping fish in a flash, and the water jumping fish screamed in pain and slipped out.


A black light flashed on the body of the water jumping fish, and after a descending purple airflow appeared around the body, the golden airflow and orange airflow rose up at the same time.

Because it is a non-ghost elf, the speed of the curse will be reduced by one level, and the physical attack and physical defense will be increased by one level. (The initial ability is 2/2, the numerator is +1 when one level is raised, and the denominator is +1 when one level is lowered).


Riolu attacked again, a spinning air mass formed in his claws, and after being thrown out, it turned into a wind blade, slashing towards the water leaping fish!
It's a vacuum wave!

Li Ye's eyes lit up. Leolu, who is so smart, knew that after the water jump fish improved its physical defense, it would switch to special attack to attack.

But it's still too immature, a little whimsical!

Before he evolved into Lucario, Riolu's special attack was very low, and even if the vacuum wave hits the water jumping fish, the damage was limited.

Even so, Li Ye had no intention of letting Shui Yueyu be beaten passively. He calmly commanded: "Water gun!"

The water jumping fish sprayed out a water gun, which hit the vacuum wave, and with a bang, the two tricks canceled each other out.

This is the gap between reality and the game. The game's rigid turn-based system will not offset the unique skills at all.

call out!
Riolu charged forward again, his right fist glowing white.

"This is... tile splitting?!"

Li Ye was a little uncertain, but this did not affect his command: "Shui Yue Yu, call!"


The water jumping fish breathed in and made a sound, the sound was piercing, and circles of sound waves visible to the naked eye rippled.

There was a falling golden airflow all over Riolu, and his face was ugly, but he rushed to Shui Yueyu and punched it into the sky.

It's a pity that the water jumping fish's defense power is increased by one level through the curse, and the cry reduces Riolu's attack by one level. Although the tile-splitting power is not low, the damage caused to the water jumping fish is also very limited.

call out!
Taking advantage of the water jumping fish in the air, Riolu launched a vacuum wave again, and the wind blade slashed upwards.

"Water gun!" Li Ye commanded.

The damage of splitting tiles was reduced by the screams, and the water jumping fish was very awake. After hearing Li Ye's command, it adjusted its body, and a water gun accurately hit the vacuum wave. The two tricks canceled out again, and the water jumping fish landed safely.

"Then it's time for our show."

Li Ye laughed, I added you and subtracted, and Leolu was completely destroyed by him.

"Water Leaping Fish, Water Gun!"

Shui Yueyu opened his mouth and shot a water gun at Leolu, but Leolu dodged in embarrassment to avoid the attack.


"Ga Na Ga Na Ga Na..."

The Water Leaping Fish Monster screamed and rushed towards Riolu. Although it was small, it was full of momentum!

Riolu's expression was embarrassing, the stubborn one was not to be outdone, and greeted it with a white light!

The two elves collided, and Riolu, whose attack had been weakened by the cry, was still the opponent of Shui Yueyu after his physical attack was upgraded by one level, was slammed into the air and screamed.

"water gun!"

The water gun followed closely and hit Riolu again, and the screams sounded again.

"One more hit!"

The water jumping fish rushed up quickly, knocking Leolu on his back.

Li Ye took out the elf ball, enlarged it in his hand and threw it out: "Go to the elf ball!"

The elf ball hit Leolu precisely, and a red light gushed out, wrapped around Leolu and collected it into the goal.

The poke ball began to shake, making a trembling sound, and suddenly opened under Li Ye's expectant eyes, and Riolu ran out panting violently.

Li Ye was stunned for a moment, stared at the stubborn Leolu for a while, then directed Shui Yueyu again and said, "Water gun!"

The water jump fish opened its mouth and sprayed out a water gun, hitting Riolu.

call out!
Riolu cut out a vacuum wave and detonated the water gun.


The water jumping fish monster screamed and rushed towards Leolu, and Leolu started to split tiles to meet him.

The water jumping fish hit Leolu, and Leolu resisted hard, giving the water jumping fish a split tile!
One of the two elves flew backwards and the other slipped backwards. The water jumping fish was fine, although it was embarrassed, its body wobbled and finally stabilized.

Riolu couldn't do it anymore, and lost his fighting ability after falling to the ground.

"Well done, Water Jumping Fish!" Li Ye praised.


Shui Yueyu straightened his chest and smiled broadly.

Li Ye took out the poke ball, pondered for a moment and put it away again. He walked to Leolu and picked it up. He went to the backpack and took out the medicine to treat it!
After a while, Leolu woke up Yoyo.

Li Ye smiled and said to it: "You lost, according to the unwritten rules, you are my elf."


Riolu was not angry and screamed angrily.

"If you don't accept it, let Shui Yueyu beat you up again. You are so stubborn that you deserve a beating."

Leolu's face was dark, and he was very unconvinced when he saw the Shuiyueyu who was proudly following Li Ye. It didn't think it was inferior to Shuiyueyu, but it just lost!
Very depressed, very aggrieved!
After giving Leo good medicine on the road, Li Ye packed up his things and said lightly: "For your sake, I won't use the poke ball to take you in for the time being. After a while, put yourself in it. Don't think about running away. You should know you If you run out, you will definitely be subdued by others, and maybe they will even take you out for sale."

The rarity and strength of Riolu predestined that it cannot dangle in front of humans like other elves, which is very helpless.

Riolu was dejected. It knew that Li Ye was telling the truth, and its only choice was to follow Li Ye temporarily.

Putting the Water Leaping Fish into the elf ball, Li Ye led Leo Lu towards Evergreen City.

On the way, Li Ye communicated with the system.

Li Yedao: "This Riolu is not simple!"

The system said in desperation: "Products produced by the system must be high-quality goods!"

"You made it?" Li Ye asked.

"I have that function that has already overturned the will of this world."

"Where did that come from?"

"The rights granted to me by the rules of this world were transferred from other places."

Li Ye asked: "Can you check the potential of the elves?"

"Of course, it's a very simple matter." The system said proudly.

"Then... how much is the potential of this Riolu converted into individual value?"

"Six V's!"

"Is it so awesome?" Li Ye was dumbfounded.

The individual value is the so-called potential, which is innate and cannot be changed. In the previous game, the individual value is divided into 0-31 and represented by 0-9 and A (10)-V (31), and 6V represents physical strength, attack, physical The six individual values ​​of defense, special attack, special defense and speed are all full, which means that all potentials are at the top.

Li Ye looked at Riolu beside him, his eyes shining.

This is a masterpiece comparable to flash.


(End of this chapter)

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