The spirit system is poisonous

Chapter 18 The Illustration Book Starts

Chapter 18 The Illustration Book Starts

"What you have done must be overthrown, and we must start over."

Back home, Li Ye started to help Nanako make a picture book.

"it is good!"

Nanako was very decisive, Li Ye said to overthrow, she immediately started to delete the data.

"Start by numbering all the sprites."

"Why do you have to make it up yourself? Isn't it okay to use Dr. Oki's number? Now the common one is his number."

Li Ye shook his head and said: "We want to be the most authoritative national illustrated book. Why should we copy theirs and let them copy ours? Now Dr. Oki's number is authoritative. When our number comes out, I will let us The serial number becomes the authority, and Dr. Oki has to step aside."

"Sister, you haven't adjusted your mentality yet, you should always remind yourself that our illustrated book is the best and most authoritative."

Nanako smiled sweetly and said, "Okay! My sister believes in you! You make it up, and I will enter it!"

"001 Miao Frog Seed, 002 Miao Frog Grass, 003 Miao Frog Flower...161 Tail Stand, 162 Big Tail Stand, 163 Gu Gu...398 Muke Eagle, 399 Big Tooth Fox, 400 Big Tail Fox!"

Li Ye's mouth was a little dry, he looked at the time, and stopped: "That's it for now, I'm going to cook!"

Nanako looked back at him, her eyes were quite shocked. It was hard to imagine that Li Ye reported the names of 400 kinds of elves in one breath, and she didn't hit a single one. Moreover, there were some elves that she didn't even know about without searching online. It's a little scary.

Now she truly believes that Li Ye has a precious illustrated book in his head, if not for this, he would never be able to do this.

"Hey, although I'm handsome, I'll still feel shy if you stare at me like this." Li Ye said to Nanako jokingly.

Nanako hummed lightly: "You are really handsome, the kind that looks more handsome the more you look."

Unable to take it anymore, Li Ye fled in despair.

After eating, at the urging of Nanako, the two of them entered the study, and Li Ye began to skillfully number the numbers again. These things were in his mind, and they came as soon as he opened his mouth.

"401 Master Yuan, 402 Speaker Cricket, 403 Kitten Monster, 404...636 Burning Worm, 637 Vulcan Moth, 638 Gopal Weng...896 Snowstorm Horse, 897 Ghost Horse, 898 King Leiguan, that's it. there is none left!"

"There are... there are 898 kinds of elves, is this true?"

Nanako was a little trembling with excitement. After all, even Dr. Oki's illustrated book has only recorded more than 860 kinds, and Li Ye's illustrated book has more than 30 kinds more than him.

"What to do next?" Nanako looked at Li Ye expectantly.

Seeing her excited expression, Li Ye felt his scalp tingle and said, "In the illustration, each elf must be inserted with a clear frontal image."

"This is simple, I can do it slowly in the future, skip it."

"Uh...then is to edit the various ability values ​​of each elf."

Nanako's eyes lit up and said: "How to do it, you tell me, I will do it!"

Now she is completely focused on Li Ye, and she just wants to fully present the illustrated book in Li Ye's head.

Li Ye thought for a while, and then said: "Before editing the values ​​of various abilities, you must first get a numerical guideline, because the values ​​we use will be very different from those on the Internet, so there must be certain explanations."

"you say!"

Li Ye opened his mouth, but closed it suddenly. He needs to think about it carefully. His illustration book comes from the game, and this world is reality. Reality is different from the game, so he needs to think about it.

"How about eating first, I need to think about it." Li Ye suggested in a low voice.

Nanako's expression froze, and she nodded reluctantly.

Li Ye went out of the study and walked into the kitchen. His head was full of information about the illustrated book. At this moment, he knew that it was too easy to edit the illustrated book. The abilities of elves are divided into six categories. That’s right, all illustrated books in this world are like this, but The specific ability values ​​all take a numerical range.

Li Ye intends to use the race value, individual value, and ability value of the previous life illustrated book. As for whether to use the effort value, it is worth deliberating, because this is a heavily gamified value.

In addition, when it comes to specific values, the HP value is also a headache.

The meaning of this value in the game is very simple, it is a symbol of blood volume, if you have it, you will survive, if it is zero, you will die.

But here it is more a symbol of physical strength. The elves seem to be consuming physical strength when using tricks, running, and jumping in battle.

When fighting, if an elf attacks fiercely but still fails to hit the opponent, its physical strength will be consumed violently. At this time, the opponent may knock it down with a light push.

In addition, there are beasts.

There is no doubt about the power of the beasts, but any high-level elf in the game can kill the beasts, which is simply unimaginable in this world, so the handling of the beasts is also very difficult.

There are also some features that also need to do as the Romans do and need to be modified.

Thinking of this, Li Ye suddenly felt dizzy.

After the rice was cooked, both Li Ye and Nanako were a bit tasteless. Nanako was in a hurry to make a picture book, while Li Ye had a headache about how to deal with those difficult problems.

After the meal, Nanako took Li Ye to make a picture book. Li Ye made up his mind and made up his mind to change it and not change anything. Just follow the picture book from his previous life as he likes.

"Regarding the program of numerical values, please record it. Racial value: It is a numerical value that reflects the general situation of various abilities among different types of Pokémon. Each ability has its corresponding racial value. The value range of each racial value is 0. to 255.

Individual value: that is, potential, innate ability, which cannot be changed!is a hidden parameter of each Pokémon.

Ability value: It is a variety of parameters of a Pokémon in the battle, indicating the strength of a Pokémon.

Effort value... Forget it, the effort value is not needed for the time being, you can make a note, the various abilities of the elf can be improved through training, but it will not exceed the range of its ability value. "

Nanako recorded carefully, and after pondering for a while, she exclaimed: "Your numerical planning is amazing."

Li Ye smiled and said: "The next step is the specific values ​​of the elves. The racial values ​​can be displayed in a horizontal histogram, filled with various colors, HP green, physical attack golden, physical defense orange, special attack cyan, special attack Anti blue, speed purple."

Nanako has slender fingers, and she has a special aesthetic feeling when operating the keyboard. After a while, Nanako has designed Li Ye's needs.

"First is the Frog Seed, the race value is HP45, the physical attack is 49, the physical defense is 49, the special attack is 65, the special defense is 65, the speed is 45, and the total is 318. The ability value..."

Li Ye was stunned and remained silent for a long time, his face turned red. He ignored a big problem.

"What's wrong?" Nanako raised her head and asked seeing Li Ye eating and saying nothing.

"That... we may first divide the elves into a detailed hierarchy."

"Uh... the level of elves is very vague, why is there a detailed level system?" Nanako was puzzled.

"Because..." Li Ye felt a little ashamed, "Because the ability values ​​in my head are based on levels, and the range of ability values ​​for each level is different."

When Nanako heard this, a gleam flashed in her eyes, her chest rose and fell slightly, and her breathing was slightly rough: "Really?"

Li Ye nodded awkwardly.

"How do you plan to classify?"

"From 1 to 100, the lowest level is 1 and the highest level is 100."

"You first report the ability value of Miao Frog Seed, and I will enter it." Nanako turned her body and faced the computer, "You may give me a big surprise."

"Uh..." Li Ye was a little puzzled, but he still reported the ability value of the frog seed from the first level.

After recording a hundred levels, Nanako looked at a piece of data and fell into deep thought. After a long time, she sighed softly: "The range of values ​​is too large. It is difficult to determine the specific level of the elves. Additional specific and conclusive data support is needed."

Li Ye didn't understand, so he asked, "What do you mean?"

"That is, if this data alone cannot support the specific determination of the elf level, other data that can determine the elf level are needed."

"Determination of the level of elves?" Li Ye was a little dizzy, "I just thought about dividing the specific levels of elves. How can you make a judgment here?"

Nanako smiled and said, "Since you have specific data to support, why don't we make an electronic illustrated book to determine the level of other people's elves? It's not difficult to detect the abilities of elves, but it's impossible to judge because of the lack of data support."

Li Ye was shocked. He thought of the elf illustrated book in Xiaozhi's hand. If he could judge the level and ability of elves... the world would be crazy.

Li Ye said bitterly: "Is this too crazy? Once it appears, the whole world will probably be shocked."

He likes an ordinary life, but if this is really done, the ordinary life will only be a dream.

A bright color flashed in Nanako's eyes: "If you want to do it, you must do your best. Isn't that what you said?"

Well, that's exactly what he said!
"We still need a set of accurate level data support, think about it, is there any!" Nanako excitedly said.

Since you like it, I will go crazy with you!
Li Ye looked up and thought for a moment, a little uncertain: "I have an elf here, what specific skills can be learned, and what specific levels can evolve, do you think it will work?"

Hearing this, Nanako excitedly said, "Say it!"

"Frog seeds, under normal circumstances, evolve into Froggrass at level 16, and Frog Flower at level 32. At level 1, they will collide, at level 3, they will learn to cry, at level 7, they will learn parasitic seeds, and at level 9, they will learn rattan whip..."

Nanako entered excitedly, and when Li Ye finished speaking, Nanako asked, "Do you know what trick each elf learns at the specific level?"

Li Ye nodded: "I know!"

Makoto pondered for a moment, and asked if you could tell me about your so-called effort value in detail?
Li Ye nodded: "Effort is worth 510 points as a base, and every four points of effort can increase one point of ability value. Each ability value can use up to 252 effort points, which means that each ability value can be increased by up to 63 points."

Nanako pondered for a moment and said: "With these data, maybe we can really make a picture book of appraisal level!"

Nanako suddenly stepped forward, looked at Li Ye's face with a smile on her face, and suddenly kissed Li Ye's forehead: "Xiao Ye, my sister loves you so much!"

Two red clouds rose on Li Ye's cheeks!
Drunk drunk!


(End of this chapter)

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