Who made me a red dragon

Chapter 91 Cherimba Swamp

Chapter 91 Cherimba Swamp
"It's not too late, let's go now!"

After deciding on the initial location, Myers stopped wasting time and asked the system to scan the map under him. The Red Dragon simply packed up his belongings, and then crawled out of the ruins.

Holding a strange round stone in his hand, under the influence of mysterious magic, the stone door engraved with magic runes slowly closed.

"The Cherimba Swamp is not too far from here. You can put the treasure here first, and just make one or two more trips in the future."

Walking out of the aisle, Miles spread his wings, kicked his thick legs, and the huge figure flew into the sky.

Flying in the clear blue sky, Miles found that for the first time, he could devote some extra attention to observe the world.

Looking to the south, it is a huge and vast rocky mountain range. It undulates and winds west until it enters the highest wasteland. That is the Viper Mountain Range. There are countless poisonous snakes and snake people hidden under the gray-brown rocks. Red dragons also contend for territory here with the benevolent brass dragons.

Staring at it for a while, Miles couldn't help talking to himself.

"Sooner or later, this area will be my territory. At that time, I can call the kobold next to the ruins to come over and explore the underground gold mine for me."

With a snort, Miles flapped his wings, and he quickly flew towards the Cherimba Swamp ahead.

A few hours later, Miles entered an area with humid air, and the wilderness below him was covered with fog at some point, which blocked his vision and prevented him from seeing the situation on the ground clearly.


The Cherimba Swamp is shrouded in fog all year round. If he flew in the right direction, this should be the target location.

"It's really close to my birthplace, but I don't know where the lizard tribe is."

Controlling his body, Miles lowered his flight altitude, his huge body flew over the low trees, and the red dragon began to look for the traces of those lizardmen.

But after flying for a certain distance, Miles found that the fog in the Cherimba Swamp was too thick. The deeper he flew, the more elusive the fog became. The entire swamp was filled with everything from the dirty water to the low trees. With the thick fog, he couldn't see the traces of those lizardmen at all.

The wide wings stopped flapping, and Miles had no choice but to land on the ground to continue the search mission.

The mist was blown away by a gust of wind, and Miles' figure descended from the sky. He landed on a huge moss-covered rock, carefully observing the rotting and dead swamp beside him.

Rotting leaves floated on the filthy water, and swamp gas slowly emerged from the muddy land. Walking between the swamps, Miles couldn't help feeling a little depressed and irritable.

"Well, I know I don't like swamps, but for the sake of future ruling plans, I will get used to it."

Whispering to himself, Miles also began to ask Clark about the surrounding situation. Clark probed, but he didn't find anything worth noting.

"Maybe you should go deeper into the swamp? Or dive into the swamp to see what's going on? I remember that there are many small creatures in the swamp. After you find them, you may be able to get those lizardmen from their mouths." Location."

"Dive into the swamp?"

Hearing these words, Miles refused without thinking.

"I won't dive into the swamp. It's too dirty. Those ugly black dragons may like it, but I won't."

"Okay then, take your time looking for it."

Clark stopped talking, and Miles continued to focus on the dirty mud beside him.

Not long after walking, Miles suddenly noticed that a piece of soil not far away seemed to move?
Without thinking too much, he hurriedly walked to that place, and at the same time flapped his wings to exude terrifying coercion. For the creatures in this swamp, his coercion can be said to be the most effective means.

Walking in front of the mud, Miles snorted, flicked his sharp claws lightly, and a large piece of mud was thrown away by him, and an ugly creature appeared in front of him.

This is a toad-like humanoid creature with two protruding round eyes on its toad-like head, and its green skin is covered with cancerous tumors and protrusions.


The memory of the bloodline quickly gave Myers a reminder. The red dragon looked at the boggard man below him with wrinkled eyes, and the other party was also looking at him in horror.

Seeing the dense blisters rising continuously in the swamp, Miles thought for a while, and he decided to spare the other party's life first, after all, it might know the location of those lizardmen.

"Humble worm, do you know the location of the lizardman tribe in this swamp?"

"Red Dragon. Lord Red Dragon, I know. I know."

Hearing the other party's moaning words, Miles got angry in his eyes, and he shouted loudly.

"Can't speak?"

"Yes! Yes!"

"Then why don't you tell me where those lizardmen are?"

"There! There!"

The swamp man emerged from the swamp, and he raised his webbed palm and pointed it tremblingly in a distant direction.

"It was there."

Knowing the location of the lizard man, he looked at the swamp man in front of him again. Miles snorted, and he slapped him. The man disappeared into the distance of the swamp without even screaming.

Turning his head to look in the direction of the lizardman, Miles stretched his wings and was about to fly forward, but at this moment Clark's words came from beside his ear.

"Why did you kill it? Wouldn't it be nice to have a guide?"

"Because it's ugly."

"Well then."

Flying into the sky, with the instructions of the boggard man, it didn't take long for Miles to find many dense paw prints on the mud in front of him. The paw prints were messy, and there were even some dead fish on the ground. Obviously, The lizardfolk were nearby.

"Finally found."

Arriving at the lizardman's residence, Miles didn't waste any more time. He looked at the mist in the distance, and then roared loudly.

"Lizard people living here, I order you all to come out now, don't disobey my order, otherwise death will be your only result!"

(End of this chapter)

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