Chapter 80 Arson
After getting the location of the opponent's cave from the mouth of the stone giant, Miles spread his wings, and he quickly flew to the low mountain peak in the darkness ahead.

With his wings flying across the night sky, Miles' figure was like a shadow in the night, silent and soundless, but making all creatures afraid to look directly at him.

After more than ten minutes, the low mountain peaks in the distance gradually became clearly visible, and the cries and roars behind him gradually became inaudible.

Looking back at the dark forest without any movement behind him, the red dragon whispered to himself.

"I should be at the forefront now. Those stone giants can't catch up with me. I have a short period of time to loot their caves. I hope no other dragons will find this out."

Miles knew that some of the stone giants who fled around would return to the cave after calming down the panic in their hearts. Now that he was in a weak state, he might not be able to deal with them. Therefore, he could only seize this short period of time .

"Hurry up!"

Knowing the urgency of the matter, Miles accelerated the flight speed again.

The mountain peak stood alone under the stars at night. Miles circled the mountain peak, looking for traces of the stone giant's cave.

"West of the Peak"

Repeating the information he got from the stone giant captive, Miles recognized the direction, and then flew to the west of the mountain.

Overlooking from a high place, every detail of the forest at night was displayed in Miles' eyes. He carefully observed the ground, looking for traces that might be the stone giant's lair.

"Clark, did you find out anything?"

"Not yet, maybe you can take a look at the surrounding environment? Stone giants are burly, and there must not be too many trees near their caves."

Hearing what Clark said, Miles showed a look of approval in his eyes.

"You're right."

Looking towards the forest to the west, Miles quickly found some places with sparse trees and flew there. After a while, a smile appeared on the corner of the red dragon's mouth.

"I found traces of the stone giant's lair!"

"That's really great. I hope the other party's collection won't disappoint us."

"I think so too."

Flying to the bottom of the forest, a huge hole gradually appeared in the center of the sparse woodland. Hard rocks wrapped the outer wall of the hole. Looking inside, you can still vaguely see the stone steps illuminated by the fire.

"Little ones, here I come!"

With a low shout, Miles landed at the entrance of the cave, his huge body fell to the ground, and a cloud of dust was raised.

Cautiously walking into the cave entrance, stepping on the stone steps with all four limbs, the red dragon observed the surrounding situation.

The faint light of the fire illuminated a dark underground world. Many sculptures stood in the hall at the end of the stone steps. Myers couldn't see the faces of those sculptures clearly, but he instinctively felt that the expressions of those stones were extremely serious.

Looking down at the feet, the corners of the broken stone steps are covered with the remains of poor creatures. The rough stone walls next to them are carved with colorful murals. If you look closely, you can see that there are ruthless scenes of war depicted on them.

"It's quite artistic."

Clark, on the wing claw, interjected at the right time.

"As far as I know, most stone giants have some artistic talent, although they are more easily guided by the anger in their hearts."

"If you say that, I'm looking forward to their collection even more. I don't think these guys will put a bunch of unprocessed gold mines in the treasure house like the kobolds."

"Then why don't you hurry up?"

"Don't worry, safety comes first."

After saying this, Miles began to cast the low-level spell of detect magic. Although the stone giants were not very intelligent, but the large army left, the defense force of the cave was empty. It was inevitable that some insidious guys placed some magic traps at the entrance of the cave. Now this state is extremely easy to give for nothing, so Miles decided to be more cautious.

A circle of magic aura overflowed from Myers' fingers, and the magic light gradually spread to the front of the steps. Myers carefully observed the surrounding situation, and he thought something would appear, but until the magic aura spread far away, Nothing happened in the cave in front of me.

Seeing this scene, Miles pouted.

"It's just that I overestimated these idiots."

After knowing that there was no trap, Miles quickly ran forward. There was not much time left, so he had to speed up.

Running quickly on the stone steps, the fire in front of him became brighter and brighter, and some vague sounds also reached Miles's ears.

"Miles, there's someone ahead!"

"I know, it's just a group of old, weak, sick and disabled!"

Not paying attention to those old guys at all, Miles roared and rushed into the cave. The stone giant old man who was talking looked at the red dragon rushing in from outside the cave. Their faces were stunned for a moment, and then they became extremely panicked.

"Enemy attack! Enemy attack!"

Roaring loudly, these old men were ready to take the weapons on the wall for defense, but Miles just snorted, and blazing flames spurted out from his jaws covered with ferocious horns, and the painful wails suddenly resounded throughout the cave. .

Following the death of the two stone giant elders, there were commotions from other passages in the cave. It felt like a dozen stone giants were running fast in the passage.

"Miles, those stone giants are coming, you have to think of a way."

"I know."

Rao Miles didn't expect that there were still some defensive forces left in the stone giant's cave. If he was surrounded by these guys in his current state, it would be really terrible.

Looking around the surrounding scene, Myers was thinking about countermeasures quickly, his eyes inadvertently fell on the haystacks and tanned leather on the ground, and an evil thought instinctively appeared in Myers' mind.

Quickly walking to a corner of the cave, Miles took away the tanned animal skins. At this moment, he suddenly saw a wooden barrel with several wooden sticks in it, as if soaking something.

"Is this a stick for making a torch? So is there oil in it?"

Recognizing what these wooden barrels contained, the red dragon moved closer to its nose.

"Pine oil or cedar oil? Never mind, never mind, it's just oil."

Myers' original intention was to ignite the hides and haystacks, but now with these oils, the effect was even better.

Kicking over the wooden barrel on the ground, the viscous liquid immediately flowed to the ground and then spread to a distance. Watching the oil flow to the distance, Miles threw the animal skin in his hand, and his eyes fell on the wooden barrel beside him. furniture and haystacks.

Miles chuckled, and blazing flames spurted out from his mouth. The flames burned quickly. Haystacks, animal skins, and wooden furniture all became the best burning objects.

The fire burned blazingly, and soon the fire spread to other caves. Miles could clearly hear the cry and wailing of the stone giants, and he even heard the cry of the baby.

But that was none of his business, the thick black smoke filled the top of the cave, walking in it, he felt a kind of sincere comfort.

Looking at the stone giants in the distance who were in a dilemma in the sea of ​​​​fire, Miles had a smile on his lips.

"Okay, the trouble has been solved by me, now it's time to loot their treasure house!"

(End of this chapter)

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