Who made me a red dragon

Chapter 66 Say what you think (ask for a recommendation ticket!)

Chapter 66 Say what you think (ask for a recommendation ticket!)

"Yes, believe me, although strength is a very important aspect, as far as you are concerned, I can't think of anything you can improve, so it's better to simply speak your mind to those female dragons , there may be some unexpected effects."

Listening to Miles' words, Reginald was a little skeptical, but when he thought that he still didn't have a dragon partner, the emptiness and pain with nowhere to hide tortured him every long night, he didn't There is no way to endure it any longer!
He must find a female companion, now, immediately!
At this time, a green dragon with emerald green scales suddenly flew from the distant sky. Reginald recognized at a glance who this green dragon was, and it was his neighbor - Shaliste.

"It's actually her."

Regarding this neighbor, although the two of them have always been in an inexplicable hostility because of the territorial issue, if it is her, Reginald is not unacceptable, and the previous grievances are treated as small fights between lovers Bar.

What Miles said just now emerged in his mind, and the black dragon let out an excited roar, and then fixed his eyes on the other party.

"What do you want to do?"

Hearing this roar, Miles also felt something was wrong.

"I want to lick her."

Reginald said these words almost from the bottom of his heart.


Seeing that Reginold was in heat to such an extent, Miles couldn't help but fell into a certain silence, and at this moment Clark, who was on the wing claw, began to shoot at him.

"Then you go up and lick it!"

"I'd like to do that, but it's a bit too direct, isn't it?"

After saying this, the black dragon seemed to realize something, and he looked left and right.

"Who's talking? Who?"

"It's me, believe in the teachings of the great scepter, and you will surely succeed."

"Smart magic item?"

Seeing the black scepter on Miles's wing claws, the black dragon's expression changed for a moment, but soon returned to normal. It was just a smart magic item, so there was nothing to make a fuss about.

Looking at the green dragon ahead again, Reginald showed a trace of confidence on his skeleton-like face.

"Really? I think so too."

After finishing speaking, Reginald no longer stayed in place, he quickly flew forward, and at this moment, Myers, who was behind, came back to his senses, and he whispered.

"Are we going to hurt him like this?"

Clark put on an innocent look.

"Who knows, maybe we helped him in some way? Opening up is also very important, especially when it comes to chasing the opposite sex."

"Well maybe."

Reginald excitedly flew in front of Shaliste and blocked her way. A trace of disgust flashed in the green dragon's emerald eyes, and she said mercilessly.

"Reguinald, get the hell out of here!"

Reginald didn't listen to the other party's words at all, he said to himself.

"Shaliste, do you know? Actually, I really want to say something to you."


Shaliste immediately became alert, her slender neck raised, and the green dragon asked warily
"What do you want to say?"

"I want to lick"

As he spoke, Reginold stuck out his slender and forked tongue, and stuck it out with a look of fascination.

A trace of astonishment flashed across Shaliste's delicate face, but deep anger followed.

"you wanna die!"

The green dragon screamed, and a large amount of corrosive gas spewed out of her mouth. Reginald had no defenses. After being hit by this blow, his mouth and nose were burned by the acid gas, and a painful roar came from his mouth .

Miles, who was standing in the distance, saw this scene, he suppressed the smile in his heart, and immediately flapped his wings and left here.

The green dragon who was teaching Reginald a lesson turned her green eyes when she saw the red dragon leaving in the distance. She probably understood the whole story.

"This guy must have instigated Reginald to do this, otherwise how could this idiot be so straightforward? Damn Red Dragon, sooner or later he will have to pay for this behavior!"

After thinking about giving Miles a hard blow, Sharist didn't stay any longer, and flew to her lair with wings.

Miles didn't know that he had been hated by a green dragon girl. At this time, he came to an open place where the vegetation was sparse, and he could test the effect of the breathing storm neck ring.

Carefully sensing the strange ability of the neck ring on his arm, Miles inhaled slightly, and while he was doing this, he felt a strange energy flowing into his body from the breath storm neck ring.

A flame spewed out, and the strong wind blew wildly. With the help of the wind, the range of the flame spit was expanded several times. If before, the flame he sprayed was only a cone-shaped range at an angle of about 60 degrees, now there may be some It's more than [-] degrees.

"The scope has indeed expanded a lot, which is not bad."

After testing the effect of the breath storm collar, Myers was in a good mood. He looked at the forest in the distance, which was his newly acquired territory. His empty stomach urged him to do something. Myers licked his lips, He quickly flew to the distance.

Just as Miles was filling his stomach, two burly giants also came to the front of a cave on the outskirts of the Gray Peak Mountain Range. Their skin was a kind of gray, and their foreheads were flat and protruding.

Walking to the cave, one of the giants said.

"Guda and the others haven't returned to the tribe for several days. What happened?"

"I don't know, but since the elder sent us to look for him, let's try our best to find their traces. The cave in front of us is one of our tribe's strongholds outside. I hope he can provide some clues."

As he said that, the stone giant bent down and entered the dark cave, and walked in the dark passage. There was a rotten smell in the air. The stone giant frowned slightly, and a bad premonition appeared in his heart .

Looking at the partner beside him, the stone giant made a dangerous move, and the partner beside him immediately understood what he meant. The two held the giant wooden club tied around their waists in their hands, and slowly walked towards the front of the cave.

As they got closer to the center of the cave, the rotten smell in the air became stronger, which reminded them of what happened in front of them.

Unable to bear it any longer, while running wildly, two corpses covered in flies and maggots appeared in front of their eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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