Who made me a red dragon

Chapter 37 Natural Spirit

Chapter 37 Natural Spirit
"Humans really can't change their greedy nature, especially these uncivilized barbarians."

Whispering to himself, Miles urged.

"Hurry up! I paid you so many gold coins not to let you waste your time here."

"Yes Yes!"

Coman yelled and put all the gold coins on the ground into his pockets. These gold coins were enough for the Blackstone tribe to survive this cold winter.

Putting the gold coins into the bag, Miles grabbed the barbarian on the ground again, spread his wings, and quickly flew into the distance.

Flying to a high mountain, Miles put down the barbarian in his hand, he said.

"Now you're telling me to go berserk like this."

Hearing Miles' words, Coman began to think about how he learned to be violent. In his memory, he seemed to have become a real barbarian under the ritual of the tribal shaman. Training, this is how to master the berserk.

It's just that he really doesn't know how to teach the dragon to be berserk. He can't help but glance at the giant in front of him, feeling the majestic strength of the opponent. Coman is very sure that if he really wants to say no, the only thing waiting for him is death.

"I seem to have accepted a life-threatening job."

Thinking quickly in his mind, Koman racked his brains to figure out how to teach the red dragon to go berserk.

The other party's breathing gradually became heavy, and Coman's face also showed a trace of panic. At that moment, a flash of inspiration suddenly flashed in his empty mind.

"Maybe I can guide this red dragon the way the elders taught me?"

With such a thought in his mind, Koeman nodded in his heart, and at this time Miles was a little out of breath, and he whispered.

"Human, what's your answer?"

Coman raised his head and looked at the giant beast in front of him. His eyes swept over the ferocious corners of the opponent's cheeks and jaws. He tried his best to keep calm.

Take a deep breath, the Savage said.

"It is not difficult to learn to be violent, but you'd better follow my request."


Miles just wanted to learn to be berserk at this time, so that he could complete the prerequisites for becoming a bloodscale berserk earlier, so he agreed to the other party without hesitation.

"First of all, you need to communicate with the natural spirits. The easiest way for us barbarians to enter the rage is to become partners with the natural spirits under tribal rituals and invite them to enter your body. Condensed together, only in this way can we become invincible and inspire the violent power of nature."

"Natural spirit, what is that?"

Miles searched through his blood memory, but there was no record of the natural spirit.

When mentioning the spirit of nature, Coman's face straightened, and his tone became extremely serious.

"Natural spirits are part of the symbol of the will of the world. They rule the sky, the earth, mountains and rivers. Some of them are extremely weak, while others are so powerful that they cannot be matched. They float in this world and maintain the balance of the world."

Hearing what the barbarian in front of him said, Myers' eyes sharpened suddenly.

"Are you asking me to believe in nature?"

Koeman's expression changed and he said quickly.

"There is no such thing, I am just explaining to you what a natural spirit is. According to our tribe's method, as long as you can successfully communicate with a natural spirit, when his power enters your body, you can enter the berserk. It's the easiest way to get berserk."

"So that's the case, I was thinking too much."

Speaking of nature, Miles thought at first that the barbarian was setting him up. After all, this kind of subtle change is the most harmful, but now it seems that the barbarian in front of him does not have such a scheming.

"So I just need to sense those natural spirits and cooperate with them?"

"Theoretically, yes."

"Then how should I sense these natural spirits?"

"This is simple. Our tribe has the simplest way to sense the spirit of nature."

The method that the tribal elders told him at that time emerged in his mind, and Coman told the red dragon in front of him verbatim.

Hearing the other party's method, Miles thought for a moment, then nodded.

"The way I use you now is to perceive those natural spirits."

After speaking, Miles immediately lay down on the ground, perceiving the natural spirits wandering in the world according to the method Coman told him.

Feeling silently, suddenly at a certain moment, the world in front of him seemed to change into another space, a space filled with dark blue light in the sky,
He opened his eyes and saw that Coman, who was under him, had some kind of creature attached to his body at this time?It seemed to be a humanoid creature with a shimmering body. It was closely integrated with Coman, and even Miles couldn't see its specific appearance.

With a little interest in his heart, Miles stretched out his head to carefully observe the natural spirit on Coman's body, but at this moment, the white light-emitting figure on Coman's body let out a scream, and then completely disappeared in Coman's body. In Man's body.

"This little guy seems to be quite afraid of me."

With a snort, Miles was not interested in forcing the natural spirit out of the opponent's body, and now he wanted to find his own natural spirit.

Spreading his wings to the sky, Miles was surprised to find that he had lost his mind.

"It turns out that sensing the spirit of nature will do this."

While being surprised, an angry roar came from the other side of the hill. Miles looked up and saw a huge and ferocious white bear roaring at him.

"What is this? Natural spirit?"

Looking at the opponent's body made of dark blue particles, Miles quickly determined that it was a natural spirit.

"Looking at his burly appearance, it seems that his strength is not bad?"

With some thoughts in his heart, Miles immediately roared.

"White Bear, you dare to roar at the great Miles, you are really tired of your life, now you must surrender to me, only in this way can you avoid death."

A trace of disdain flashed across the eyes of the roaring white bear, and he roared angrily.

"Evil red dragon boy, you are stepping on my body now, get out of here quickly! I don't want to see you! Everywhere you are is full of evil aura."

"What? I stepped on your body?"

Looking at the mountain under him, Miles was stunned for a moment. Is this white bear the natural spirit of this mountain?

Seeing that the red dragon seemed to realize his identity, a smug expression appeared on Bai Xiong's face.

"Little brat, your threat is of no use to me. I have lived for tens of thousands of years, what world has I never seen? As a red dragon, you still want to cooperate with us? It's a dream! Get out! Don't disturb my rest .”

Miles hadn't been sprayed like this before. He just came here to find a natural spirit that could cooperate. This white bear sprayed up and directly ignited the anger in his heart.

His complexion gradually turned cold, and hot flames spewed out of his mouth, Myers growled.

"You nature spirits are really looking for a dead end!"

(End of this chapter)

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