Chapter 238

"I'm sorry! I washed your clothes, and they are drying in the yard. It will probably be dried tomorrow." The middle-aged woman said to Lin Lan with a smile on her face.

Lin Lan nodded her head, saying this is tantamount to not saying it.

I had to leave quickly, and when that woman came back, I couldn't leave anymore.

So unwilling to give up, Lin Lan walked towards the bedroom again, opened the cabinet, and found one or two white Chinese tunic suits among a pile of women's clothing. Lin Lan saw that the style of the clothes was more neutral.

I gritted my teeth and put it on. I have to say that although it felt a little tight, I didn't feel any discomfort when I put it on. It smelled like laundry detergent.

Lin Lan went downstairs quickly, ignoring the obstruction of the woman who looked like a housekeeper, and walked straight out of the gate of the manor.

"Mr. Lin, don't go!"

"We can't explain to the lady if you leave."

As soon as several people in security uniforms came back to their senses, they rushed to Lin Lan one after the other, hoping that he would not leave.

Lin Lan's attitude was very firm, and she said fiercely to these people: "You better not stop me, otherwise don't blame me for being rude."

One of the security guards rolled his eyes and remembered what Miss Tang left behind when he just left. If Lin Lan wakes up, let him find a place to hide. It may not be safe. If he really wants to leave, you also stop him. Can't live.

The security guard told Lin Lan the general meaning of the original words.

When Lin Lan heard this, she couldn't help but frown.

Could it be that the base is in danger? Thinking of this, Lin Lan couldn't help but have a headache. She deliberately provoked the hated Demon God who hadn't been eliminated before, just to let him take the initiative to come to find her at that time. She hated him very much at the time, so she didn't think too much about it. .

Now it may have gone to the base to take revenge. I waited for so many days before, but it happened to attack when I was about to leave.

Here at the combat readiness base.

There were explosions everywhere. Although the first-level alert horn sounded in the base, it happened to be Sunday and only half of the people were guarding the base.

"Come on! Soldiers, use fighter planes and bombs to kill that monster!"

At the main console, the supreme commander ordered everyone.

Countless flames exploded on the magma giant's stiff skin, but it didn't seem to have any effect at all.

"You humble ants, today is your day of worship!"

The devil-hating ghost laughed.

His giant spirit zombie with a broken arm has evolved to an incredible height. The blood in his body is hot magma. The high temperature inside does not hurt him. How could he be afraid of human firearms.

In the sky, fighter planes fell.

The people in the main control room were in a mess, not knowing whether to abandon the base immediately and flee.

"Commander, what's the situation now?"

Tang Meili came back to the base at this time, and as soon as she entered the control room, she saw that everyone was in a panic. The monster was about to approach here, and they had nothing to do.

"No! Our firepower can't break through the monster's defense. It seems to be stronger than before. I really don't understand how such a powerful body exists!" The commander-in-chief with the six-star logo embroidered on his shoulder The official said with a headache.

He never dreamed of sitting in such a large weapons warehouse and being unable to do anything to face this monster.

"I'm going to meet him!"

As soon as Tang Meili finished speaking, she walked away without waiting for someone to stop her.

High and high!
There are only two fighters left in the sky from dozens of fighters, and the Hate Demon God is more proud of seeing this. Originally, he came here with the mentality of hatred and revenge, and he was a little suspicious of his decision-making. Weapons are nothing more than that, even inferior to the third-level civilization that their void army once attacked in the universe of truth.

Such a low-level civilization does not deserve him to waste too much time dealing with it.

Thinking of this, the Hate Demon God became more and more arrogant. At first, he used his left arm to defend, then he used his giant arm to attack, and then he spit out lava. Now he didn't even take a defensive stance.

Boom, boom!
The last two fighters also fell.

Tang Meili looked at the parachute above her head and sighed that it was so dangerous that she almost died.

In the main control room, everyone thought that the core members were all killed in battle, and everyone looked depressed and ashamed.

Lin Lan pushed aside the guards in front of the door and rushed into the supreme command room. Looking at the image of the sky full of flames on the big screen, she had a bad feeling in her heart.

"Tang Meili, where is Commander Tang?"

As soon as Lin Lan entered the room, she shouted to everyone.

When everyone heard this, they turned their heads, and many people looked at Lin Lan with expressions of silent mourning.

Lin Lan had a bad feeling in her heart, didn't she?
"Tell me, what's wrong with her?"

Lin Lan secretly revealed helplessness in her tone.

Finally, one of the people who had been lowering his head raised his head and said: "Our firepower was unable to break through that monster's defense. All the fighter planes were destroyed and fell, so... they can't come back!"

When Lin Lan heard this, her expression froze, and her face was full of disbelief.

Do the people who are close to me have a bad end?
Lin Lan couldn't help feeling a little self-deprecating, damn it, why couldn't he break the spell.

I must take revenge!
The next time, Lin Lan rushed out of the base, his target was the incarnation of the hated Demon God who kept causing harm to the world.

But as soon as he came outside, seeing a pile of flames approaching from a few hundred meters away, Lin Lan's courage just now leaked out thousands of miles away.

You can't do it yourself!
How to do?
Lin Lan looked at this tall body, which was covered by a layer of fiery red circles of skin. His current state was just an incarnation of a demon god that an ordinary cultivator could not beat, and could smash a fighter plane with a single punch.

There is still a light elf's staff in the exchangeable items in his system, which is useless. Looking at the tall body of this monster, Lin Lan unconsciously had a scene from a special film in his mind.

But that thing seems to have said in the notes that it doesn't have much power, it's just a paper tiger.

But Lin Lan didn't have time to think about it, because as the incarnation of the hating demon god approached the base, he saw Lin Lan at a glance, and a playful and mocking smile flashed across his ugly face.

"System, exchange for the light elf's staff for me!"

Lin Lan said quickly.

On the next table, a short green stick appeared in Lin Lan's hand. Lin Lan closed her eyes and held it up high. Immediately, her mind automatically mastered the low-level magic of a light elf in another world: form with light!
Just when the people in the base looked at the monster getting closer and closer, they all looked desperate.

Suddenly, a large mass of light appeared in the outside world.

"Look what is that?"

"Suddenly a giant about the same size as a monster came?"

"Oh my god, that's not the legendary Ultraman warrior, is it?"

Everyone in the base was full of disbelief, thinking that the scene that happened was extremely absurd and unreal, but the truth was right in front of them.

(End of this chapter)

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