Chapter 231 Taunt, pull hatred!
That gaze seemed to be meeting Lin Lan who was looking down at the ground, and that gaze was also full of sarcasm.

It seems to be laughing at his running away, and the embarrassment of leaving his friends behind.

Lin Lan couldn't help but get a little crazy. To be honest, he really wanted to go down and beat that monster to death, but at the moment his strength really couldn't beat him. The only thing he relied on was the funeral system.

Under Lin Lan's gaze, the giant spirit lowered its head and looked at the ground instead, making Lin Lan bewildered.

Immediately afterwards, Lin Lan saw the giant spirit hugging a boulder, and Lin Lan's heart trembled.

"Fly left!"

Everyone didn't dare to face the small river on the ground. When the monster waited and watched, Lin Lan suddenly said.


The driver was confused by Lin Lan's words in the back seat. Just as he was about to continue saying something, he heard Lin Lan roar again in a stern, seemingly unquestionable, slightly murderous tone: "Left to the left. ,hurry up!"

Tang Meili couldn't help but feel that Lin Lan was making trouble out of no reason. Could it be because she was thinking about running away with the soldiers before?
But you can't blame yourself for that!

He didn't order Lin Lan and Hua Que not to escape, but to fight the monster to the death to cover everyone's retreat.

At that time, I also called these two people to run away, but these two people were like stubborn donkeys who were not afraid of the sky and the earth, and kept fighting with the incomprehensible extraordinary monster.

But then again, without these two guys delaying the monster's furious pursuit, they really couldn't get away.

"Lin Lan, don't make trouble! Tang Meili figured it out, she was not at fault, so she reprimanded Lin Lan.

At this time, a boulder was rushing toward the front of the helicopter's flight, making a whizzing sound of breaking through the air.

"What the hell, the labor and management made you move to the left quickly, are you deaf?"

Seeing that the driver was still walking in his own straight line, Lin Lan finally couldn't help but roared.

The pilot couldn't help shaking his hands in shock from Lin Lan's angry roar, and immediately made the plane change its flight trajectory quickly.

He didn't know why he suddenly obeyed this man's order. He was not a commander, but he just obeyed. Maybe he was intimidated by the other person's domineering aura and subconsciously chose to obey.

Tang Meili didn't expect Lin Lan to go too far. Why was she so aggressive towards the kind pilot who came to rescue them?

Just when he was about to open his mouth to reprimand him, suddenly there was a piercing sound from the side of the plane.

Everyone noticed the change, and immediately turned their heads to look, and suddenly found a huge boulder flying towards the sky, which was even higher than the helicopter.

Finally, it sprinted for a while over the right side of the plane tens of meters away, and then fell straight down from a high altitude. Finally, like a meteor, it smashed into a forest on the ground with a little fire, and there was an explosion.

This scene made everyone on the plane tremble. The monster on the ground couldn't help but have brute force and a good mind. If Lin Lan hadn't reminded them just now, they must have been successfully plotted by the monster and destroyed the plane. Death, the end is bleak.

Thinking of this, Tang Meili immediately swallowed back the cursing words towards Lin Lan that she almost uttered, and couldn't help but blush.

"Scared me to death, let's speed up!"

"Nearly died, I never want to come to this kind of place again!"

Several soldiers said in trembling voices.

Tang Meili remained silent, wondering if such an outstanding talent like Lin Lan could stay in the future.

Suddenly, Lin Lan spoke again to the driver who was still in a state of command: "Do you have any thermal weapons on this plane?"

The driver couldn't help being taken aback, but because Lin Lan had successfully predicted the operation of the monster on the ground just now, he admired Lin Lan very much now, so he said bluntly: "There is no cannon, there is only one torpedo, and there is a gun that can emit signal smoke." equipment."

When Lin Lan heard the words, anger flashed in his eyes suddenly, and he said seriously: "You fly back now!"

Hearing the words, the pilot of the helicopter couldn't help being stunned. He couldn't figure out what Lin Lan wanted to do for a while. Seeing that the commander in the co-pilot seat didn't speak, he hesitated for a moment and finally chose to obey. He was also curious about what Lin Lan wanted to do. What.

The soldiers behind were immediately unhappy, but they were also embarrassed to resist Lin Lan. They even thought that Lin Lan was a terrible person, and after experiencing so many moments of life and death with them, the killing spirit on his body had already surpassed them .

When the helicopter flew over the edge of the river, the monster on the ground couldn't help but look at the plane going back and forth very curiously.

Thinking about those lowly species on the plane, could it be that he wants to continue to provoke him and taste the taste of rocks again?
But the more the other party thought about it, he decided not to do it. Besides, he hated the devil to save face. If he threw the stone again and missed, he would be like those stupid species.

"Drop all the torpedoes down now and blast that monster!"

Lin Lan continued to order the driver.

The driver thought so, so he did so.

The others looked disdainful. It seemed that Lin Lan must have been too tired to be stupid. Many people had died at the hands of the monster before. How could a few torpedoes be able to settle this mutant monster.

Accompanied by a loud and clear sound, several torpedoes bombarded around the giant spirit zombie.

The giant spirit was excited for a while, he wished that these things would blow him apart, so that he could re-simulate and transform into another flying species, and then fly up to kill these lowly humans.

But it was clear that those explosions had only made his skin-open wounds more painful, and hadn't reached the point of tearing him apart.

damn it!
The wound that was about to heal was opened again, and the deep wound was caused by the two humans before.

Hate Demon God thought angrily.

He couldn't help but look up to the sky, only to see a burst of multicolored smoke in the sky, circled several times, and finally turned into the shape of two letters.

The God of Hate had eaten the brains and pineal glands of many human beings before, and digested their memory tissues long ago. He probably understood the meaning of these two words.

"Stupid human beings, you will pay for your provocations and slights with vengeance!"

The demon god of hatred gritted his teeth, and looked at the far away plane that fled towards the west.

Several people on the helicopter couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief after making sure that they were far away from the terrifying mutant monster again.

They really couldn't understand what Lin Lan did just now. Could it be that he was just taking revenge, but this revenge was neither painful nor itchy.

"Lin Lan, although I think what you did just now is a little bit of a relief, but it is of no use at all. I think you should be more mature."

When the others looked silent and at ease after the disaster, Tang Meili spoke again.

Lin Lan has a little frown, does this woman like giving advice to others so much?

It's a pity that he doesn't accept anyone's opinion, this is his consistent style, he is him, different fireworks.

"Who says it's useless? That monster is very vengeful!"

Lin Lan said an answer that baffled everyone, and everyone couldn't help but start to think deeply.

(End of this chapter)

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