Chapter 20 I Have a New Place

"Really?" The old headmaster said with a look of surprise and a hint of surprise.

Lin Lan nodded without hesitation, and continued: "Yes, my name is Lin Lan, but I don't know if you still have any impression, old principal, because I only studied in Feixiang Vocational School for one year!"

"Is that so? I seem to have a little impression..."

The old headmaster stretched out a finger to wipe the surface of the reading glasses, and said with a vague memory.

"So which funeral custom are you going to buy?"

Seeing that Lin Lan had already gotten closer to the old principal, she preemptively said.

The old principal muttered, but Lin Lan didn't hear what he said clearly.

Then I saw the old principal's elated expression looking at the folder that looked like a menu turned depressed again.

Lin Lan was puzzled by the old headmaster's expression from sunny to cloudy. Could it be that he revealed his identity, and the old headmaster still refused to believe him?
Then the next table heard the old principal sigh, glanced at the prices marked on the back of each funeral, and then said: "The funeral service I want to buy is a bit expensive, I have no money!"

When it came to the word "no money", the old principal's voice became smaller and smaller, and he looked away from the document with great reluctance.

"No money?"

Lin Lan was also very surprised to hear the old principal's reply. You run a vocational technical school, but you don't have any money?
Hearing Lin Lan's doubtful words, the old principal told Lin Lan about his experience and situation over the years.

It turned out that although the old principal was a good-looking principal on the surface, in fact, he had become obsessed with investing in the high-risk financial market these years. In addition, his college was not doing very well. It was difficult to recruit students for technical colleges these years. In addition, the college spends a lot of money on water, electricity and students' meals every month. These expenses have been borne by the school since the school was established, so the old principal is embarrassed to change.

After listening to the old principal's explanation, Lin Lan gradually realized that it was indeed difficult to do any business in recent years, except that being a landlord was less risky.

"But I remember that your lover doesn't have a good family background? Doesn't she know about your predicament?" Lin Lan said as if recalling something.

He remembered that when he was studying in the college, he saw the wife of the old headmaster driving an expensive luxury car to visit the school.

Unexpectedly, when the old principal heard Lin Lan's words, he, who was already dying due to old age, became emotionally excited, and said in a complaining voice: "Hey, don't mention her, she divorced me a long time ago, and I guess he has a few children with him now." Went to Europe!"

Lin Lan didn't expect this to be the case. Isn't this a good hand that went bad?

But this is the old principal's private matter after all, and Lin Lan can't interfere too much.

It turns out that the old headmaster is in such a miserable situation, so how can I help him?
After all, when I was in school, I had received some kindness from him.

The old principal Ganqing is a man who likes to be a good man, unlike some businessmen who are obsessed with interests all day long thinking about how to extract wealth from others.

He can be a good man, a good schoolmaster, but never a good husband and a good businessman.

"Which customization are you looking at?" Lin Lan slowly walked up to the old principal with her evaluation of the old principal in mind, and asked with her head.

The old headmaster supported the reading glasses on the bridge of his nose, and pointed to a paragraph of text on the white paper with trembling fingers.

"It's only 10 yuan, so it's not expensive! You've been busy all your life, so you wouldn't even be willing to spend this little money on yourself?" Lin Lan was a little surprised when she saw where the old principal pointed. Said.

The old principal said with a bitter expression: "Xiao Lin! You don't know that I am in a difficult situation right now, and I really don't have much money in my pocket!"

Riding a tiger?
Lin Lan was even more puzzled when she heard what the old principal said.

Then the old principal took out an envelope, handed it to Lin Lan, and then began to talk about his predicament.

Of course, he didn't expect Lin Lan to help him much, but felt that he had finally found someone to confide in.

"You owe so much debt?"

Lin Lan took out a stack of bills from the envelope, and said that even he, an outsider, found it very troublesome and a headache.

"Well, Xiao Lin, you see, I'm already old and I might leave one day. Can you give me a discount?" the old principal said with a sincere expression.

After he said this, he felt inexplicably relaxed. He thought that his inexplicable arrival here today must be some kind of guidance.

"A little discount?"

Lin Lan opened his mouth halfway and said, it was the first time he met a client who bargained with him.

[System, can you give the old principal a discount? 】

Lin Lan secretly said in her heart for the convenience of finding the system when in doubt.

System: What do you think?

Lin Lan received a systematic negation, and she knew in her heart that it was impossible to take advantage of any loopholes.

"Principal, just tell me directly! Let me help you figure out how much money you have now."

Since the system didn't agree, Lin Lan didn't have much choice. She couldn't pay for it and give it to the old principal!

It is estimated that the old principal, who cares about face, will not agree, so he can only make a detour.

"I... I have more than 4 balance left on my card..."

The old principal showed an embarrassing look on his face, and said embarrassingly.

When Lin Lan heard this, she was very surprised. She didn't expect that the old headmaster was already poorer than him.


Lin Lan was hesitant about how to get the old principal to give up the idea of ​​being his client, but he was too embarrassed to order to evict the client.

Just when Lin Lan was hesitating, the old principal suddenly said something that shocked Lin Lan.

"Xiaolin! I feel that my health is getting worse day by day. In fact, that college is almost at the end of its rope. It should have filed for bankruptcy settlement a few days ago to repay foreign debts, but I still don't want to. After all, My whole life's painstaking efforts." The old principal's eyes suddenly lit up, and he took a deep breath and said.

He seemed to have made a decision in his mind.

Before Lin Lan understood what he meant, he continued: "If you are interested, you can move your company to a room near my place that used to be a canteen. It is much more enjoyable than here. Of course, my place After the property of the college is repaid, there is not much money left, so you understand what I mean?"

Lin Lan was very surprised. She didn't expect that the old principal would mortgage part of the college's land to herself in exchange for cash to buy her own funeral service?
Lin Lan hesitated for a while, but quickly agreed. This deal is a sure profit, but it's just a little troublesome to deal with later.

(End of this chapter)

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