Funeral customization, let you have a mysterious past

Chapter 17 Uncle Wang's Arrival Again

Chapter 17 Uncle Wang's Arrival Again

Since Lin Lan went down the mountain last time, she spent another week in the bustling and central area of ​​Binhai City.

"Hey, after such a trip, I have a lot of money left!"

Looking at the five-figure balance on her card, Lin Lan sighed.

It seems that the goal of lying down is a long way to go!

Embarking on the journey back to her last wish company, walking on a winding road paved with jade, before entering the company gate, Lin Lan saw that the last time after bidding farewell to her, she moved a small one-story house next door. Give it to your Uncle Wang.

Lin Lan was curious for a while, what's the matter with this Uncle Wang coming here now?

Seeing him lingering in front of his company, it seems like he has been waiting for a long time?
"Hi, Uncle Wang!"

Before Lin Lan approached him, she shouted at a distance of ten meters away, and waved her arms to say hello.

Uncle Wang is holding a cigarette butt at the moment, smoking while meditating.

Hearing Lin Lan's greeting, he was taken aback for a moment, and then he realized that he fixed his gaze on Lin Lan eagerly.

Lin Lan held her travel bag in her left hand, and followed her brisk steps with her right hand, and quickly walked in front of Uncle Wang.

"Xiao Lin! You are finally back. Where have you been these days? Did you go on a trip?" Uncle Wang first asked with a friendly expression, and then there was a flicker and doubt in his eyes.

"Of course I'm not traveling! I'm here to develop customers. You must know that my funeral service company hides behind so many unfinished buildings and dilapidated alleys. If I don't go out to advertise, who knows where it is!"

Lin Lan didn't change his face, and said as if something happened.

When Uncle Wang heard it, he suddenly realized that he thought so, I thought you didn't want this company anymore!

But do funeral companies really need to advertise everywhere?
In Uncle Wang's mind unconsciously, the scene of Lin Lan going to the center of the city to distribute company business cards or leaflets, introducing the company's business and being beaten and scolded.

"Uncle Wang, tell me! Come to my company to find me, what's the matter?"

Seeing Uncle Wang's thoughtful look, Lin Lan wondered if he would like to ask or ask her something?
I occupied his one-story house for nothing, and finally let myself decorate it as a bathing and convenient place. I owe him a favor. If he has any small favors that are not too much, I can help him.

"Xiao Lin! Your company has just reopened not long ago. Have you really received any business?" Uncle Wang heard that Lin Lan spoke first, so he changed his twitchy posture and threw out his temptation directly.

When Lin Lan heard Uncle Wang's question, she was taken aback for a short while, but soon came back to her senses.

"My business is okay! I have already received two orders during this period, which is barely enough to maintain my living expenses!" Lin Lan replied honestly.

But he had a bad premonition in his heart, could it be that Uncle Wang is going to make trouble?
Don't make trouble for yourself, I just got the funeral system not long ago, and I am about to grow the company!
"That's not bad!"

"I didn't expect that you look young, but you are a businessman who is good at doing business!"


After Uncle Wang finished speaking, he burst out laughing.

Although his appearance and tone were still very polite, Lin Lan knew in his heart that this old guy must be trying to use some reason to pluck his wool?
What the hell, I haven't grown into a fat sheep yet!

"Uncle Wang, is there something wrong with you? Just tell me directly, I don't mind!"

Lin Lan's eyes were shining brightly, and she said with a raised eyebrow.

He was already getting a little impatient, it was really tiring dealing with these old guys who liked to be riddlers, who obviously had something on their mind but were unwilling to express it straightforwardly.

Uncle Wang took a deep breath of a cigarette butt held between two fingers, then threw the cigarette butt on the ground, and finally lit another one.

When he handed Lin Lan one, Lin Lan shook his head. He didn't like this kind of small brand of cigarettes sold in street shops.

"Xiao Lin! Why didn't you tell me that you renovated this house and didn't even tell me about the direct road? The originally mud road was paved with jade and cement, and it was repaired all the way to the outside. Didn't you spend a lot of money on it? money?"

Uncle Wang's eyes shifted from Lin Lan's body to the road.

Lin Lan didn't know what Uncle Wang meant by asking this.

The last wish company was originally mine, and the dilapidated bungalow in my arm was also given to me after you said you didn’t want it anymore!
Why do I have to paint and renovate and ask your opinion?
What's even more outrageous is that the road outside this passage is also a common path for nearby residents. I didn't want to take the dirt road, so I repaired a short section willfully.
Although Lin Lan cursed Uncle Wang's somewhat overreaching question in her heart, she remained calm on the surface and said politely: "Uncle Wang! I was used to renting a house in the city before, and I finally found a place to stay. Of course it needs to be repaired, and the road paved with cement and jade cost 2 yuan. Those are not real jade, they are just cobblestones made of glass, so you don’t have to be so surprised!"

Lin Lan's words were actually his true thoughts, because every day after playing computer games in the company, he had to walk on the dirt road to eat in restaurants outside, which made him lose his good mood for the day.

Also, there are no two restrooms in the company. If he doesn’t fix one, he goes to the nearby public restroom that smells bad and is full of toilet paper and poo. He must go crazy!
"It cost tens of thousands of dollars just to pave the road! But your pavement is too bad, it's hard to step on it!" Uncle Wang shook the ashes and said.

Lin Lan rolled her eyes up slightly, and explained: "After dinner, wouldn't it be nice to sit on it and massage your feet?"

When Uncle Wang heard it, he suddenly realized: "So that's the case. When I said that I came here before, why did I feel like I was walking on the square?"

Before Lin Lan could continue to speak, Uncle Wang finally got to the point this time, telling the truth about his visit.

"Xiao Lin, I wanted to tell you directly when I saw you before, but I didn't expect to find out that you spent a lot of money to repair the inside and outside of the house and the road. I'm so embarrassed!"

After Uncle Wang finished speaking, Lin Lan was very surprised, are you embarrassed?
Could it be that you still want to take back this last wish company?
You have made it clear before that this is the legacy left by my great-grandfather, so is it possible that you can still turn a deer into a horse?
Lin Lan looked expectantly, with a cold light in his eyes, and looked at Uncle Wang quietly.

Being stared at by Lin Lan like this, Uncle Wang didn't flinch at all, so he continued: "Xiao Lin, you may suffer a big loss this time!"

"This funeral company left by your grandfather! In fact, there was an investor before, and it was jointly owned by your grandfather and that person. Generally speaking, the previous person looked down on this broken company, but Now there is a change!" Uncle Wang finally stated his general purpose like a complete showdown.

(End of this chapter)

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