Things about living in Marvel

Chapter 66 Just Say Two Sentences

Chapter 66 Just say a few words
First of all, answer a question that many people are asking, which timeline is this book in the end.

The answer is that this book does not belong to any timeline, it is not MCU, it is not 616, it is not a new and completely different, and it is not 1610. To be precise, it does not belong to any known Marvel official universe.

Then, there is another question. Many people will say, how can it be possible that you do not belong to any official universe when you write Marvel?
Here is a question about my personal understanding of doujin.

I know that the doujin that many readers see at the starting point basically travels to a world with a known plot, and then conducts a series of interactions with the original characters and the original plot. This is of course a kind of doujin, or even a kind of doujin. Very mainstream thinking.

However, this is not what I want to write. For me, better fans are works like "Ganteman" and the pm special. They are the same as the original, but they are also different. They are from the original. In , another work born out of the womb.

Marvel has many, many parallel universes. You can regard this book as a brand new universe. His basic character design is no different from the most classic character design. Tony is still Iron Man, and Steve is still the captain. Reed is still the magic stick, and Franklin is still the one who has a self-seal and can't use his abilities casually, but uses it to hang on the wall. In fact, if you are familiar with comics and movies, you should have noticed that in this book, in fact There are many elements from the movie, such as the black one-eyed Fury, such as the middle-aged and bald Coulson, and I just mentioned, when Tony was still alive, Morgan grew up...

In the timeline before the beginning of this book, what happened in the end is no longer important. You can understand that his past is the same as the destroyed 616. He fought a civil war and a secret invasion. It can also be understood that they have also experienced The snap of the fingers crisis, but because there are more heroes in this world, there is no need to fight the last snap of the fingers, as I said, it doesn't matter.

What matters is what happens to the protagonist in a world already full of superheroes and super-powered criminals.

Let me talk about my thoughts on the protagonist.

I know that Colt is not a "starting point" protagonist, he is not cold-blooded enough, his parents have never died, and even strictly speaking, he is not even a time traveler, he is very immature and will feel sad for the victims of the incident , and there are no systems that can provide you with various weird skills, not even a shovel with an abomination.

However, he is really a very Marvel protagonist.

He has his own concerns, his own family, the girl he likes, his own teacher, and in the future he will have his own friends, his own comrades-in-arms, and maybe even his own children. For the protagonist of the game who even feels that he is born superior, he is a character in the play.

In fact, I know very well that this kind of writing is destined to be impossible to catch fire in the current Internet environment.

It might take Colt several chapters to figure out who his opponent is, another few chapters to figure out what his opponent is up to, and finally several more chapters to formulate a plan to defeat his opponent, and all this, in many other protagonists, may All it takes is an energy wave or a punch.

This involves another problem that I have been mentioned by many readers. In addition to the protagonist, many characters have won more roles. "If the role of xx is not deleted, I can't read this book." I know this is the mainstream idea of ​​online literature. If the protagonist is well written, the protagonist will take care of everything, and the others will be obediently as tools.

But I don't want to write like that.Whether you say I am stubborn or rigid, I just don’t want to write like this. In my opinion, every Marvel character is a living and plump character. They are drawn and described by countless generations of authors little by little. Yes, I don't want Tony in my book to become a bastard who can only pay bills, wear armor and can only paddle for fish to be rescued by the protagonist. I don't want my Steve to become a guy who can't beat anyone all day It was used to tease [-]/[-], I didn't want Nick Fury to be reduced to a plot machine that can only issue missions to advance the plot, I didn't even want to make S.H.I.E.L.D.

In my book, they are all living characters. They have their own ideas and plans. They are not scumbags who cannot live without the protagonist.

I made an outline of tens of thousands of words for this book, and I selected and reasoned 7 original major events. In other words, no one except myself knows what the plot of this book will become. Isn't it the fun of reading?If you already know what will happen in the future, and you still play the game with the plug-in according to the strategy, even if this is a plot-oriented game, is it still interesting?

Well, enough rambling has been said, let's stop here.

I know very well that when this single chapter is published, some people will definitely spray: "The author is just kidding himself, it has no meaning at all."

But ask yourself, isn’t a literary work, even traditional literature, the expression of the author’s own feelings?Isn't this all the author's self-promotion?

In the end, I hope to get more support. I know that posting here, I must have collected everything I can see, but it has been recommended for three days. Except for the first day, the results are not bad, and the next two days are better One day is bad, although at least so far, I definitely have no plans to cut it off, but I still hope to get more support, whether it is a recommendation ticket or something else, even if it is just an interactive comment.

Stop answering me with "I haven't read the original Marvel novels, and I don't know the plot, so I don't know how to comment". With so many original novels from Qidian, do readers know the future plot when they comment?
Sorry, I'm not in a good mood, so be it, there is another chapter tonight.

(End of this chapter)

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