Things about living in Marvel

Chapter 54 Counterattack

Chapter 54 Counterattack
The Abomination was sent out again by the High Boss.

In the past week or so, Colt acted as if he had completely given up resistance, but this instead made the big boss more vigilant.

"Bang!" There was a loud noise in the room.

Originally, because he was ordered to strengthen surveillance, the absorber who was extremely dissatisfied with having to stay outside the door to monitor angrily pushed open the door.

"What are you doing!" the absorber roared.

However, Colt didn't answer at all, and instead threw two small balls at him.

"I've wanted to kill you for a long time." The absorber showed a cruel smile, stretched out his hand to catch the ball casually, and then crushed it.

"Tell me, how do you want to die?" The Absorber stretched out his hand, wanting to touch the steel wall. However, he was horrified to find that the small ball he had just crushed began to rapidly expand into a ball of ooze-like substance, completely Wrapped his hands.

"No!" He opened his eyes wide in horror.

"Carl Krill, code-named Absorber, was magically transformed by Loki and gained the ability to simulate himself as touching matter." Colt said calmly, "After being simulated into other materials, it will be simulated according to the simulation. The material greatly enhances its own strength, speed and anti-strike ability, etc. "

He slowly stepped over the absorbent man who had turned into a puddle of mud and fell to the ground, unable to move.

"Unfortunately, this powerful ability has a fatal weakness, that is, no matter what you touch, you will change spontaneously." He quickly disappeared into the dark corridor, "You have no choice in this process. "

Colt must seize the moment of Abomination's absence and seize the opportunity to use the Big Boss' computer to send a distress signal to the outside world.Now he has temporarily trapped the absorbing people, and the big boss, as a person who does not have the ability to fight hand-to-hand, will be the weakest defense in the entire base, so he must seize the opportunity.

Rushing to the laboratory where he usually works, he quickly turned on the computer, although the big boss has set up various defense programs on his computer to prevent contact with the outside world.However, in his past work, he has roughly understood the encryption mode of the big boss through various methods. Now, he only needs to completely crack these encryptions.

"Damn it. The encryption of the big boss is still much more complicated than I imagined." Colt looked at the time elapsed on the screen. According to his own statistics, the abomination will come back within 10 minutes, but now, the time he needs Certainly much longer than 10 minutes.

Let the program continue to run, he piled up all the things that could be moved at the door, and if he could delay it for even a minute, he might win himself an extra life.


An abandoned military research institute, loathing and wandering around in boredom, with a large watch on his hand, the chief ordered him to stay here long enough to leave energy traces to disrupt the Avengers investigation.

However, when he boredly pushed open the door of the main central laboratory, his pupils shrank suddenly.

A thin man in a simple sweatshirt was sitting on a chair, looking at him quietly in the dark.

The loathing let out a low growl like a beast, he squatted down slightly, and made a posture as if he was facing a big enemy.

"I'll just ask once, where is he?" The man took off his glasses and slowly took off his sweatshirt.

The abomination didn't answer, but let out a roar, squatted his legs, and rushed towards the man like a cannonball.

"It seems that we need to change the way of questioning." The man's tone seemed to be talking about his own disobedient child.

Moments later, with a loud bang, the body of the Abomination pierced through the ceiling of the lab, and he flew out like a baseball hit by a skilled baseball player.

Then, a green giant jumped out of the hole punched by the abomination's body and landed in front of the abomination.

"Hehe." Hate stood up unsteadily, and he reached out his hand to wipe away the blood that didn't exist at the corner of his mouth, "Not bad, not bad, I thought, after you used that thing to keep yourself sane after transforming, you would Much weaker."

"Answer me! Where is he!" Hulk showed a humane expression, "Bronski, I don't have time to talk nonsense with you, the grievances between us can be resolved later, my target is not you now, tell me, he where!"

"Hehehehe." Hate let out a creepy laugh, "But, my target has always been you, Hulk!"

In the desert under the moonlight, there were bursts of roars that could make ordinary people temporarily deaf.


"A signal has been detected!" Zhao's voice sounded in the captain's earphones.

"What's going on? Banner found the opponent's base?" The captain slammed on the brake of the motorcycle, and then directly assisted the car with his foot to stop the car at high speed.

"It's not Banner, he did find the abomination, but he is still trying to convince the other party." Zhao emphasized on the persuasion, "The signal came from inside a long-abandoned military base."

"Trap? Or something else?" the captain asked immediately.

"I don't know, but if this is a trap, it would be unwise for the other party to carry out this plan after sending out the abomination." Zhao replied, "I sent you the coordinates, we will gather at the target location, I have prepared Against absorbing weapons, he doesn't cause much trouble."

"Okay, be careful, let's act together when I get here." The captain lifted his motorcycle and turned around, leaving a group of S.H.I.E.L.D. agents sitting in the car staring at each other.


Colt doesn't know why the abomination hasn't come back yet, but it has nothing to do with him. He even hopes that the abomination will be caught by Hulk and thrown into prison when he is out shopping.

Now, he didn't know how long it would take for Absorber to break free from the trap he set for him, but since the abomination hadn't returned, he could proceed with his plan further.

Once got the Avengers identity card, he still has a little memory of the communication channel of the Avengers, so he began to re-adjust the frequency of the radio waves to try to receive the frequency of the Avengers, if he can directly contact the Avengers, then he The chances of rescue will become greater.

After some hard work, he finally managed to access a channel.

"This is Colt. I was kidnapped by the big boss. I need your help. I just sent out a signal for help. Please go to my coordinates immediately. At present, there are only big bosses and absorbers in the base."

"Okay...uh!" The person who received the message seemed to be interrupted by a punch before he could utter a complete word.

"Captain and Zhao have received your message, they are rushing to your side, I still have a little trouble here to deal with." The man replied.

"Hulk! Focus on me!" Colt could hear the roar of the other person through the other person's headset.

"Sorry, I have to take care of something."

"So, the abomination was really caught by Hulk outside?" Colt was stunned, how lucky was he?

(End of this chapter)

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