Things about living in Marvel

Chapter 51 Anger and Sanity

Chapter 51 Anger and Sanity
After the big boss brought enough intelligence information to Colt, Colt resumed the criminal planning operation.


Since Colt started working again, there were often sounds of smashing and cursing in the working laboratory.

"This kid needs a lesson!" Abomination said, looking at the big leader leaning against the door.

"No, no, no." The big leader seemed to enjoy it, "This is a very interesting process."

Colt knew very well that he had to curb the decline in moral values, and he couldn't get used to this kind of thing.However, after continuously joining criminal activities, it is very difficult to maintain the original morality.

To do this, he decided to arouse his own anger. It is difficult for ordinary guilt and guilt to maintain his aversion to criminal behavior, and it will gradually fade in the continuous daily life. Then, he will do the opposite Instead, they continue to arouse their own anger and enhance their disgust for all criminal acts.

To be honest, this kind of behavior is not in his own character.Colt was not originally a person who was as jealous as a punisher, but now he had no choice but to push himself to the other extreme instead of degrading himself into a criminal. lose myself.

"There's always something to lose," he said with difficulty after making his decision.

However, maintaining anger is not an easy task, after all, this is not a mental state that normal people should maintain.Maintaining anger for a long time is a very painful thing, which will cause a huge burden on people's physiology and psychology at the same time, and more importantly, when people are in a state of anger, it is difficult to continue to maintain a calm mind.

In other words, letting yourself be angry about participating in a crime may temporarily resist the decline of morality, but it cannot help you solve your predicament. If you want to switch your emotional state freely, this requirement is too harsh.

The big leader watched Colt try to use his emotions to resist with an attitude of observing experimental creatures, and then he even recorded Colt's emotional behavior with great interest.

"This kind of effort, this kind of resistance, is really interesting." The chief said, "He is so talented, even in this almost desperate situation, he is still trying to use everything he has to fight."

After several days of trying, Colt didn't know whether he could stop his moral values ​​from slipping, but he really felt a little bit exhausted.

The despair she fell into after working hard is even more terrifying than what she experienced before.

It's like when you're stuck in a swamp, the quagmire just covers your ankles at first, and then you try your best and try everything, only to find that your feet are still in the quagmire, which is far worse than standing still. It's much more terrifying.

"There is no hope." This thought naturally appeared in his mind.

In the middle of the night, Colt was lying on the bed, and suddenly laughed, it was a kind of hopeless laugh.

As one of the smartest people in the world, the big boss was already fighting against the Avengers and S.H.I.E.L.D. even before he was born.Super brain power is indeed a kind of superpower, an amazing talent, but it is also an ability that requires experience and learning, and the knowledge reserve and actual combat experience possessed by the big boss are far beyond what he can match of.

Even if he took advantage of a little advantage from another memory and obtained detailed information about the big boss, it still couldn't help him gain even the slightest advantage in this confrontation.

In other words, in all the confrontations from the beginning to the present, I have never done any behavior that exceeded the expectations of the big boss.Delay time, obtain information, and now use emotions to delay the opponent's plan.The reason why the big boss didn't stop him was not that he didn't know or didn't realize what he was doing, but that he didn't think there was any need to stop him, and he was even happy to see himself experience the pain of failure after making an attempt.

The harder you struggle, the faster you will fall into the swamp.

"It's been more than a month." Colt gritted his teeth and aroused his wits, "I can't go on like this, I can't continue to expect the Avengers to come here to save me, I have to make a new plan, who can save me ,Only myself."

"Anger and reason cannot be maintained at the same time, but I can keep myself hating everything I'm doing now." Colt made up his mind, at least to maintain himself first to buy enough time for his escape plan, "I want Hate everything right now, including myself."

"I can never go back to the peaceful and ordinary days of reading in the library." He sighed, it was time to bid farewell to the ordinary life of the past.

He already knows very well that after this incident is over, he will completely enter the world that he was not so interested in.


"Sometimes I really feel how rich Tony is." The captain stood in the living room of the villa, watching Banner connect the projector and computer to the server of the Avengers Building.

"Yeah, he seems to have his own real estate everywhere." Banner shrugged, "It would be great if I could have such a luxurious safe house when I fled."

Zhao walked in from the yard and skillfully helped Banner start wiring: "I have already sent the first batch of abandoned bases and laboratories we screened out to S.H.I.E.L.D. Fury promised to help us search, but... ..."

"What's the condition?" Banner asked unsurprisingly. He already knew that Fury would never stand idly by when the matter developed to this point, especially when it came to a super-brain newcomer with great potential.

The captain was also silent. Although he didn't like Fury's behavior of using human life as a bargaining chip, but now, there is nothing more important than saving people.

"People have to return to S.H.I.E.L.D." Zhao sighed.

"I remember, he refused." The captain was a little dissatisfied, he was not happy with this condition.After all, he always believes that everyone should be free to choose their own future, as long as they don't do bad things.

"Fury is very sure that after this incident, he will change his mind." Zhao shook his head, "And Fury needs us to guarantee that S.H.I.E.L.D. will be his only option."

"Promise him." Banner didn't hesitate.

"Yes, no matter how much we disagree with S.H.I.E.L.D., we shouldn't sacrifice the life of an innocent person." The captain said, "And no matter what, at least S.H.I.E.L.D...."

(End of this chapter)

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