Chapter 39 Questions
Colt sat silently in the room.

"Bang bang!" The door of the room was suddenly slammed twice.

Colt, who was thinking about how to get out, was awakened, and looked up to see that the door was opened.

Since he had been in a relatively dark room for a long time, the sudden light that came in at this time made him feel a little uncomfortable for a while.But soon, he saw clearly the person standing at the door.

It was a short middle-aged man with strange green skin and a huge head.

"Hello." He said in a polite tone, "I hope you have adjusted to the new environment."

"Big boss?" Colt said hesitantly.

"Very well, it seems that you know who I am." The chief said with satisfaction, "This will save a lot of time in introducing myself. Alright, now we should start working."

"Work?" Colt frowned, "Do you think I will work for you?"

The big leader turned his head and glanced at him: "It also makes sense."

Then, he looked to the side outside the door: "Take him there."

There was a roar like a wild beast, and then, a dark green giant with strange protrusions on its body and fin-like organs on both sides of its cheeks squeezed into the room, grabbed Colt, and in Colt's frightened In the eyes, dragged him out of the room.

"Okay, hate, be gentle, we need him to live." The chief looked at Colt who was caught by the hate.

Hate growled, "Okay." Then let go of Colt.

"I hope you can also be clear, don't try to do inappropriate things." The chief looked at Colt, "Otherwise, I don't guarantee that he will be so obedient next time."

Unable to resist for the time being, Colt just rubbed the arm that was grabbed by the abomination just now, and followed the big leader silently.

As he marched, he carefully looked at the layout around him, trying to figure out where he was.

It is a long walkway with wall sconces at exactly equal intervals.

"It doesn't look like an ordinary residential building, but more like some kind of military building?" Colt thought to himself, although he had never actually been inside any military building, but due to the developed network and film and television works, this similar He has seen quite a few buildings and structures, "Is the chief working with the military? Or did he simply find an abandoned military building somewhere?"

Colt forced himself to calm down. Fear and tension had no effect on getting out of the predicament. He tried hard to think about his current situation: "If it is cooperating with the military, I don't believe that the government military will be so relieved of the big boss or the abomination. They There will definitely be surveillance personnel, but I don't seem to see any possible government personnel. Of course, it is not ruled out that they are all monitoring in the dark, but this possibility is too low. Then, the big leader should occupy a certain Abandoned military facility."

After thinking about it, they came to the door of a room. After entering the password, the chief led Colt into the room, while Abomination stayed outside the door.

"Don't have any other ideas of subduing me as a hostage." The big leader walked towards the console in the room without looking back, "You have to believe that here, the only person who is willing to take your life is me."

Taking a deep breath, Colt finally let go of his clenched fist. Under the command of the big leader, it is impossible for him to escape just by hijacking him, even if what he said is that he wants to save his life is not true, He, too, must have had a backup plan in place to guard against his own threats.

"Very well, you made a wise choice again." The chief turned his chair around and looked at Colt, "Now, I'll give you time to ask questions."

"you want……"

"What do I want to do." The chief shook his head regretfully. "Although this question is normal and everyone will ask it, I still want to say that this alone does not satisfy me."

"Why are you……"

"Why did I arrest you." The chief shook his head again, "This is also not a matter of satisfaction to me, you still have one last chance."

Colt was silent. Although the chief didn't say what would happen if the last chance still didn't satisfy him, Colt could probably guess that it would definitely not be a good thing.

"There is no hint, but rather than wanting me to ask him a question, it is better to say that asking me to ask a question is a question in itself." Colt thought quickly, "If there is a hint, then the first two do not meet the conditions The big boss mentioned a wise choice earlier, and the choice I made was not to attack him. Although it can be understood that I was frightened by his threat, it can also be understood that I considered that he might have other backups. Plan to prevent being held hostage by me, considering that his current behavior is to let me talk to him instead of intimidating me, the latter possibility will be far greater than the former."

"And if this question still inherits from the previous question, then he is still testing my thinking ability, and my first question, what does the big boss want to do, let alone whether he will really give me this question. The answer is simply to analyze the current situation. If the big boss captures an ordinary person, then according to the normal situation, the biggest possibility is that a hostage is needed to threaten other people. However, if I am just a hostage, then he is not at all No need to have these irrelevant conversations with me, just lock me in the room.

"Another possibility is that he is now conducting some kind of experiment and needs experimental materials, but as before, if I am just a guinea pig, he can even do it directly before I wake up, without having to contact me at all. nonsense.

"According to this analysis, the common possibilities are all wrong, so there is a high probability that he arrested me not because of others, but deliberately targeting me. This can directly explain the second question, why he arrested me, the only special thing about me , only the super brain power that Zhao mentioned before, and if the big boss is really coming for me, he can only be because of this.

"And knowing that he wants to use my super brain power, although he is clearly one of the smartest people in the whole world, what else needs me to do, but this reason should be the only answer. And according to this , and considering the things that require super brain power, there is a high probability of researching or decrypting something, then this also explains the first question, he should want me to help him with something.

"In this way, the first two questions are actually questions that can be answered only by analysis, and since he needs my intelligence, then this test must also be aimed at intelligence or analysis ability, so I need to ask One, a question that cannot be answered by analysis alone.

"Since this is the case, what kind of question can satisfy this answer?"

(End of this chapter)

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