Chapter 93 Luna
"Long time no see, Norlin."

Charlie came downstairs and greeted Noreen with a smile.

After more than a month of graduation, his figure seems to be a little bigger, looking like a hill.

Noreen hammered his shoulder like a rock.


There was a loud bang from the kitchen.

Charlie smiled wryly, and George leaned into Nolin's ear and whispered:

"Charlie was planning to go to Romania to feed the fire dragon. My mother was so angry that she scolded him for several days, and ignored him when she saw that he would not change his mind."

"I don't understand, the fire dragon is so cute, why doesn't mom like it?"

Charlie said inexplicably, as if feeling a burst of cold air from the kitchen, he subconsciously shrunk his neck.

"George! Fred! Where are you hiding my Scabbers again! It's from Percy!"

Suddenly there was an angry shout from the second floor, and Ron, whose face was covered with freckles, poked his head out and stared at the twins downstairs with an unkind expression.

"Don't worry, we just add a little nutrition to it."

George said with a grin.

Noreen shook his head. He couldn't figure out how Arthur and Molly raised brothers and sisters with such extreme and diverse personalities as a family.

The eldest son, Bill, has a rock style all day long, and he seems to be working in Gringotts, Egypt.Patsy has a high regard for saving face, and the twins love to play practical jokes.Even Ron was a little prone to low self-esteem.

The only ones who were normal were Charlie and Ginny.

The dining room of Weasley's house is not big, it is full of seats, but it looks extraordinarily warm.

"It's a pity that Bill went to Egypt and couldn't catch up with this meal."

Molly has a big smile on her face, and she feels a great sense of security in the presence of her family.

At lunch time, Arthur Weasley had returned to the Burrow, was sitting in the main seat at this time, and said with a smile:

"Norlin is welcome to come to our house as a guest. Don't be too reserved, just treat this place as your own home."

Arthur smiled gently, he is a person who likes children very much.He also has bright red hair, an ordinary middle-aged man image, but the pillar of the Weasley family.

"Thank you Mr. Weasley."

Norin smiled shyly, took a sip from the juice glass in front of him.

Patsy sat across from Nolin, nodding to him as a greeting.Then he continued to look down at a thick book in his hand, and Noreen glanced at the title, "How to Be a Prefect".

Fred, who was sitting next to Nolin, followed his eyes and saw it, and smiled maliciously:
"Passy just received the prefect badge a few days ago, and immediately asked his mother to buy several books for him, so that he can enjoy the addiction of being a prefect."

Passy's face flushed red, he glared at him, and said righteously:
"Don't let me catch you and George at school, or a lot of points will be deducted."

"Hey, Mr. Percy has such great authority."

George lay on the gun innocently, and said eccentrically.

"Okay, you two, stop laughing at Patsy. Bill and Charlie are both prefects, and now Persy is too. You two are left with nothing to learn, and you spoil Ron."

Molly stared at the two of them seriously. She liked good students, and she often worried about George and Fred.

"I bet Ron wouldn't be that prefect either."

George and Fred looked at Ron who was eating the chicken leg at the same time, and said with a smirk.

Ron stopped eating the chicken legs and looked at the two of them in confusion.He had just been concentrating on dealing with the chicken legs, so he didn't hear what the two of them said, but he didn't even need to think about it, he knew it was not a good thing.

"Nonsense! Ron... stay away from the two of them in the future, and you are not allowed to mess with them after school starts, do you hear me?"

Molly looked at Ron, who was a little silly and cute, and said bitterly.


A little girl couldn't help laughing, and when she realized that everyone was looking at her, she quickly covered her mouth.

Noreen glanced at the little girl. This should be Ginny, Princess of the Weasley family.The little girl's brows and eyes have not yet opened, and she still looks green at this moment.

Lunch went on happily, with George and Fred, and lots of laughter.As expected by the twins, Arthur asked Noreen some common things in the Muggle world.

Not only him, but others also listened with gusto.

"Dong dong dong."

Suddenly, there was a knock on the Burrow's door.

"Are there any guests today?"

Molly glanced at Arthur and asked.


Arthur also looked puzzled.

Ginny jumped up and down to open the door, and after seeing the person's face clearly, she yelled:

"Hi Ginny."

The voice was surprisingly nice, with a hazy sense of erratic.Luna Lovegood came through the door, a basket in her hand.

"I made some lemon pie at home today, and Dad said I should share it with you."

She has silver eyes and dark blonde hair.Pale complexion, light eyebrows, turnip earrings, and a necklace made of a butterbeer cork.

"Good afternoon, everyone."

Luna walked in lightly and put the basket on the dining table.

"Mr. Lovegood is very kind. Let's eat together, Ron, and get another chair."

Molly walked over to hold her hand, smiled and pressed her on Ron's chair, apparently she was no stranger to this girl.

"Oh... new faces?"

Luna's slightly protruding eyes noticed Norin, and said in a daze.

"His name is Noreen Davies, and he was a school friend of George and Fred's."

Ginny answered with a childish voice.

Norin smiled slightly at her, but seeing Luna's eyes fell on him, she said sympathetically:
"You've been stalked by harassers."

here we go again……

Members of the Weasley family stroked their foreheads secretly, and Fred was even more touched.The first time he saw Luna, who was visiting at home, the little girl slapped him in the face and said she wanted to get the harasser out of his head.

Who knows what a harasser is.

Noreen thought it was wise for the Sorting Hat to sort her into Ravenclaw after two years.Only Ravenclaw can accommodate her erratic temperament.

"How did you see that?"

Noreen asked curiously.

"I just can see it."

Luna stared at him with big eyes, speaking firmly.There was a look in the eyes that Noreen could not understand.

Arthur looked around and interrupted quickly:
"Eat first, let's talk about the harassing gangsters later. Nuolin, I just talked about mobile phones. I'm very interested in this."

The embarrassment was resolved smoothly, and Nuo Lin continued to popularize electronic equipment with them.

After lunch, Molly didn't want to chill Luna's heart, cut the lemon pie she brought into equal parts, distributed them to everyone, and said solemnly:

"One serving per person, must be eaten."

(End of this chapter)

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