Chapter 80 Lu Wei
After lunch, the twins decided to visit Hagrid.

Hagrid usually gave them a lot of convenience, and more importantly, although he opposed them entering and leaving the Forbidden Forest, he still tried to cover it up as much as possible, which made the twins have a great impression of Hagrid.

Norin wanted to relax, so he went with them.Zhang Qiu and Smith had nothing else to do, so they simply set off together, just going for a walk.

So, a group of people rushed to Hagrid's hut on the edge of the Forbidden Forest.

The snow has not yet melted, and the soles of the feet are a little slippery when walking on the road.

"Wang Wang Wang-"

Before reaching the hut, Nuolin and the others heard a dog barking dully like thunder.After seeing the person coming, a Neapolitan mastiff wagged its tail excitedly and greeted him.

"Yaya, stop barking."

A rough sound came from the house, the wooden door of the hut was opened, and a frighteningly large half-breed giant wearing a floral apron came out.

"It's you guys, come in quickly." Hagrid's big face was full of surprise, and he quickly stepped aside.

For some reason, seeing his apron, Norin had a strong premonition to turn around and leave.

In front of the wooden door stood a large crossbow and a pair of rubber overshoes, tailored to Hagrid's build.Several people walked around the big bow and walked into the house.

The cabin has only one room, with pheasants and turkeys hanging from the ceiling, a copper pot boiling water in the brazier, and a large bed in the corner with quilts stitched together in small steps.

"Copy to double."

Noreen cast a few Copy Charms on a small wooden chair in the room.Although there is only one room, it doesn't feel too crowded for a few people, and there is still a lot of space after a few chairs are placed.

"What would you like to eat? Rock pie or a ferret sandwich?" Hagrid rubbed his big hands with enthusiasm.

"No, no, we came over after lunch." Several people politely declined.After Smith came to Hagrid's place for the first time and almost knocked out his front teeth after eating a piece of rock cake, they were not sensitive to the food Hagrid brought out.

"OK then."

A look of regret was evident on Hagrid's face.He picked up the copper pot, poured the boiling water into the teacups, and handed each of them a cup of tea.

"Speaking of which, I haven't thanked you enough yet, Nolin, Dumbledore said you saved my life."

"It should be done." Norin glanced at the steaming teacup, but didn't dare to take it.

"Hagrid, do you remember how you were poisoned?"

Straightforward, Smith cut to the chase.

Hagrid's face was a bit ugly. He blew on his seaweed-like beard and said angrily, "It should be in Hogsmeade Village. I just drank a few glasses of wine there, and after I came back, I felt something was wrong."

"Which bar?"

Norin asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Three Broomsticks. When I finished drinking, a man poured another glass into my glass with a wine bottle and toasted me. I saw that this man was very polite, so I drank with him. Unexpectedly, I almost died Obsessed by him."

Hagrid slapped the table, which groaned under the strain.Ya Ya ran in, and drilled back and forth under the chairs of several people.

Hagrid opened a can and threw it to Fang, and it immediately stretched out its slightly fishy tongue and licked wildly.

The corners of Zhang Qiu and the others' mouths twitched slightly when they heard this. Their eleven or twelve-year-old children all knew that strangers' food should not be eaten indiscriminately... Only Hagrid could do such a thing.

"Did you see the face clearly?"

"I didn't see it." Hagrid shook his head, "He's covered in black robes, so he can't see clearly."

Norin was also speechless now.He dared to drink the wine poured by such a suspicious person... Presumably, the person who attacked Hagrid also did some research.

"Obviously, he has nothing to do with what happened in the Forbidden Forest!"

George put on the posture of a famous detective, touched his chin and said in a deep thought.

"Perhaps, Dumbledore will tell me something."

said Hagrid a little irritably.With the blood of a giant, he was poisoned, which is not a glorious thing.

Then you might be disappointed... Noreen thought silently, it seems that Dumbledore didn't tell Hagrid what he thought.

There was a strange smell in the air, he suddenly sucked his nose hard, and asked suspiciously: "Hagrid, are you cooking something?"

"Oh yes!"

Hagrid woke up like a dream, hurriedly stood up, ran to the cauldron by the corner, and said happily:
"I'm preparing to improve Lu Wei's food."

"Lu Wei?" Norin frowned, feeling that the matter was not simple, the name became more and more familiar.The others also shuddered involuntarily.

"That's right. It's really wronged him to eat raw meat every day. Today I'm going to give him cooked food."

Hagrid opened the lid of the pot, and a strong smell of meat mixed with blood almost made Noreen faint.

"Authentic Irish elk meat! I paid a fortune for it."

Hagrid put on his big gloves and picked up a large piece of meat that still seemed to be stained with blood.

"Little cutie, come out quickly." Hagrid shook the sliced ​​meat, the juice dripping wetly on the floor, he turned and said, "Show you my big baby."

Before they had any reaction, there was a sound from under Hagrid's bed, and then, a strange thing crawled out from under the bed, and went straight to the piece of meat in Hagrid's hand.

"Merlin's beard, what the hell is this?"

Smith's voice trembled.

Zhang Qiu looked pale, and she swore she had never seen such an ugly thing in her life.

The body of this thing looks like Fang, but the has three heads.Each head is very distinctive.

The head in the middle is the largest, with two eyes as big as copper bells, staring dangerously at the crowd, and a row of horrible teeth are tearing the venison fiercely.

The head on the left, as if someone had stepped on it, looked dazed and unintelligent, but the instinct of eating still drove it to join the ranks of grabbing meat.

The head on the right has a huge nose, and the tongue sticks out, licking Hagrid's hand with all his heart.

Norin finally remembered that the three-headed dog Lu Wei had such a ghostly appearance.

"Cute, isn't it? It's a three-headed dog named Lu Wei."

said Hagrid, somewhat smugly, and picked up two more slices, all three heads.


It took all the twins to manage to get the word out.

Fang whimpered aside, dissatisfied with Hagrid's partiality.Why can it only eat canned food, but this ugly monster can eat meat?

Nuolin and the others stood firmly on Fangya's side this time.In contrast, Yaya is simply effervescent.

Hagrid smiled, and also threw Fang a piece of venison, watching them eat so happily, with a look of intoxication.

"Hagrid, Dumbledore knows that you raise this...uh, Lu Wei?"

"He agreed!"

Hagrid said happily.With Dumbledore's approval, he didn't have to worry about Lu Wei being discovered.After all, it is illegal to keep a three-headed dog privately.

Noreen probably knew Dumbledore's purpose.He began to pray silently in his heart for Harry who would enter next semester.

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(End of this chapter)

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