The Wizard Supreme at Hogwarts

Chapter 64 Alice Matilda

Chapter 64 Alice Matilda

in the principal's office.

As soon as Alice entered the door, she saw the phoenix Fox lying in the cage, and she cried out in surprise:
"Fox! I haven't seen you for so many years, come and give me a hug!"

Fox, who was sleeping soundly, with a trace of saliva still hanging from the corner of his mouth, opened his eyes in a daze. After seeing the person coming, he was so startled that his feathers spread all over his body, and he fluttered his wings to try his best to dodge.

Fawkes dodged left and right while screaming, and finally flew to the ceiling shaking.Alice snorted, a ray of light flashed quickly on her legs, she tapped her right foot lightly, and jumped up.

This jump directly reached the position of the ceiling. If Norin saw it, her eyes would widen, and she would lament that it would be a waste of money if she didn't go to the Olympics.

Alice grabbed her right hand, and Fox had nowhere to hide, so he could only whimper, and resigned himself to her embrace, accepting her wild hands.

Dumbledore sat on the headmaster's chair and watched with a smile.Fox's dark eyes were fixed on Dumbledore, as much resentment as he wanted.

I fought my life for Hogwarts, I shed my blood for Hogwarts, and you don't want to save me!

"Okay, Alice, let it go."

Being stared at by Fox like this, Dumbledore couldn't bear it, "We'll play later."

Fox, who had been hopeful in his heart, stiffened as if he had been hit hard.Alice, who was fiddling with Fox's little head, let go of Fox and said with a smile:

"Then see you later."

She took off the hood of the silver-white robe, and let her dazzling long blond hair hang down. She was so amazed that the light in the room dimmed a bit.

"Back then Liana's witch title should have been given to you."

With such a big movement, the principals of all generations perched on the wall were awakened.Former principal Armando Dippet couldn't help but smile.

"She just entered school one year earlier than me." Alice Matilda curled her lips in disbelief, apparently she knew Armando Dippet very well.

With a wave of Dumbledore's wand, two cups of steaming tea appeared on the table.He took a sip from his cup and asked:

"Come on, it's so late, what's the matter that made Silver Spear let you come."

"Come back and see if you're alright."

Alice said something with a smile, put down a quill she was playing with in her hand, slowly straightened her face, and said, "The organization has discovered that something is wrong with the Black Demon Cult recently."

"The Dark Lord has fallen, hasn't the Dark Demon Cult disappeared as well?"

Armando Dippet interjected, amazed, "Interesting, the Dark Cult can tolerate the name Dark Lord, I thought they would fight first."

"In fact, they actually fought."

Dumbledore said, "It's just that Tom was stronger back then, and the Black Demon Cult could only endure it."

During Armando Dippet's tenure, he faced the original Dark Lord Grindelwald.Dumbledore has even dealt with the second-generation Dark Lord Tom Riddle countless times. They can easily evaluate the Dark Lord, but Alice obviously cannot.

"According to the news from the organization, there may be turmoil in the Forbidden Forest of Hogwarts recently, and the Black Demon Cult is gathering manpower. The organization asked me to come and see if there is anything that needs help."

Alice picked up the teacup and took a sip, sticking out her tongue from the heat, and said vaguely.

"Forbidden Forest..."

Dumbledore pondered, his blue eyes sparkling.

"Speaking of which, is that child Liana's son just now? His eyebrows and eyes are somewhat similar."

Alice thought of something, suddenly became excited, and asked enthusiastically.

"Well." Dumbledore nodded lightly, and said, "That child has amazing sensitivity and strength beyond ordinary people, and it is without Liana's help. You can't compare to him when you entered school."

Alice was not annoyed, but licked her lips instead.Anyway, it's so small, why don't you play with it however you want?
"Since you're here, let's be a teaching assistant for a while. Defense Against the Dark Arts is pretty good. This course is quite expensive to teach. I'm afraid he'll be exhausted."

Dumbledore thought for a moment, showed a smile, and said lightly.Alice's smile froze slightly, and her eyes were a little complicated.


"What is a silver spear?"

In the past, there was no backstage, and I had to find answers to any problems by myself.Now that there is a ready-made cheap uncle, Norin will naturally not be polite to him, and went to Professor Krell's office early the next morning to inquire.

"Silver Spear?"

Professor Krell, who was sleepy, was taken aback, and he became more awake from sleepiness. He asked nervously, "How do you know?"

Norlin recounted the process of meeting that woman last night. After hearing Norlin's description of that woman, Professor Krell instantly felt relieved.

Especially after Noreen said that Dumbledore called her "Alice", Professor Krell lit a pipe sadly.

Only now did Norin realize that he was still smoking.

With the addition of drinking, you almost got a three-piece suit, uncle.

Noreen sniffed, not bothered by the smell of smoke.I was an adult at least in my previous life, and I was used to second-hand smoke.

Professor Krell doesn't usually smoke in school. Seeing that he made an exception, Norin couldn't help but feel even more curious.

"The Silver a dueling club formed a century ago." Professor Krell flicked the ash, and the ash flew into the fireplace automatically.

"They only accept wizards with outstanding duel strength. The standard equipment is silver-white robes and poplar wands. The people inside are all powerful wizards. They have contributed very important contributions to the fight against the two generations of Dark Lords. Strength. Otherwise, the number of wizards lost at that time would be more than doubled."

"After the fall of the Dark Lord more than ten years ago, the magic world was calm, and the Silver Spear gradually faded from the sight of the magic world. They were unknown and only invited wizards who were qualified to join them."

"So, what is the relationship between that Alice and you?"

Norin, who was sitting on the sofa and listening quietly, laughed, and suddenly made a move, breaking the defense with one move.It has long been seen that uncle and that woman have an unusual relationship.

Professor Krell shook his hand, and the cigarette butt almost burned his thigh. He stubbed out the cigarette and said angrily:

"What does it matter? What are you asking so much, you little brat? Is this something you should ask?"

"is it?"

After a wave of quality and three consecutive matches, before Norin had time to speak, a nice voice sounded.

Professor Krell's body trembled for a moment. He was completely different from the usual majestic Defense Against the Dark Arts professor.

Nolin turned his head and looked, the door of the office was opened at some unknown time, the slender figure of Alice Matilda leaned against the door, said with a sneer:

"Long time no see, Claire Yaxley."

 Daily recommendation ticket (òó)

(End of this chapter)

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