The Wizard Supreme at Hogwarts

Chapter 41 Christmas is coming

Chapter 41 Christmas is coming
The room was filled with a colorless and odorless gas, which escaped from the potion bottle in Snape's hand.

Nuo Lin felt a tightness in his chest, and his neck seemed to be stuck by something unknown, and he was a little out of breath after a long time.

It's a good thing that Snape was only half-refined, otherwise I'm afraid I'll be confuse here today... Norlin thought speechlessly, of course, even if he really refined Snape, he wouldn't open it in front of Norlin.

"How did you see it?"

Snape's tone was still grim, as if he was asking Noreen what he had for dinner.

"I know the effect of this poison...and that pot of unicorns."

Noreen replied.The horn of the unicorn is an important auxiliary material for throat-locking poisonous gas. As for how he knew it, reading so many books is not for nothing.

"You still stay here knowing it's throat-choking gas?"

Snape glanced at Noreen and chased them away.

"I have always wondered whether the Abyssinian shrunken fig can be used as another auxiliary material to refine throat gas. Its medicinal properties and unicorn horns are somewhat complementary."

After Norling said a long sentence at last, he bowed slightly, strode out of Snape's office, and did not forget to close the door before leaving.

Snape frowned, lost in thought.After a while, he put down the reagent bottle, stepped over to the cabinet for potion ingredients, and rummaged through the cabinet.

The door was opened again, and Professor Krell, who was wearing a black robe, stepped into the room and asked with a smile:

"How about it, Severus."

"Did not disappoint Liana's bloodline."

Snape looked at the fig in his hand, with a strange light in his eyes, and said in his mouth.

"I don't know where my sister is now... I don't even tell you..."

Professor Krell sat on one of the few comfortable soft chairs in the house without notice, and the drinks on the shore table flew towards him automatically.

Snape skillfully peeled the figs and said, "It is not a good thing to increase your strength too quickly."

"That's the norm in our family."

Professor Krell laughed, with a touch of pride in his voice.

Snape didn't say any more, and the room fell silent again.


The weather has been surprisingly cold recently, and there are already patches of snowflakes floating in the sky.A faint layer of ice crystals appeared on the surface of the Black Lake, and the castle was also covered with a layer of silver frost.Christmas is coming, which both old and new students are looking forward to.

The decorations in the castle have already started, and Nolin helped move a few Christmas trees to the hall of the auditorium.The tree is dotted with many ornaments, the twinkling five-pointed star shines brightly, and the ends of the branches are rendered with beautiful halos, and various young magical creatures shuttle on it.

"Are you going back for Christmas break?"

Zhang Qiu looked at the blurredly beautiful Christmas trees, and unconsciously became a little confused in his eyes, and asked a few people at the table who only cared about food.

"Definitely go back. I haven't seen little Ginny and cute little Ron for a long time."

The twins looked at each other and smiled maliciously.Ever since they learned about Norlin's performance in Defense Against the Dark Arts class, they were immediately amazed by him, and they no longer regarded him as an ordinary freshman.

Now they are still planning with Lee Jordan how to bring Nolin into their small team. After all, there are still many advantages to being strong in magic. At least there are more ways to tease Filch.

"I'll go back too." Smith held a chicken leg in one hand, "I used to be away from home for no more than a week at most. My mother must miss me very much."

Looking down at an old-looking book, Nuo Lin, who had always had a smile on his lips, froze suddenly, and the smile faded away. Zhang Qiu noticed it and asked:

"Norlin, what about you?"

"Let's go back."

Noreen sighed.

"I have the opportunity to come to my hometown to play. You haven't been to Huaxia, have you? It's a lovely place, completely different from the UK."

Zhang Qiu said with a smile.

Several people shook their heads.Nuo Lin's heart moved. It has been 11 years since he left Huaxia, and he even had the urge to go back and have a look.But there are still a lot of things to do recently, so he can only endure it.

He continued to lower his head, studying the strange runes in the book.These words are like graceful girls wearing mysterious veils, making people's minds swayed but can only be viewed from a distance.

After a period of careful comparative study, he finally understood what the first two words on the Unnamed Book meant.The result was "meditation" as he expected.

Well, the first two words of the meditation method are "meditation", there is nothing wrong with it...

Now, Noreen can barely make out most of the letters on the next page, and he expects to be able to grasp the content of the first page before long.

"Qiu, look, isn't that Hufflepuff's Digory?"

Marietta Aikemo shook Zhang Qiu, and stars appeared in her eyes at some point.

Cedric Diggory and a roommate were using the Levitation Charm to bring a new Christmas tree into the Great Hall.

Norlin looked up at the Hufflepuff grass, and felt that Cedric really lived up to his reputation, and his handsomeness was comparable to his own.

Zhang Qiu also looked back, but said nothing.

Cedric, who was busy, inadvertently noticed the eyes of several people, and blushed slightly for some reason.

"Hey, Cedric!"

George stood up and waved his hand in a loud hello.

The Christmas tree fell to the ground, and Cedric, who was breathing a sigh of relief, hesitated for a moment, and walked over with his roommate.

"Hi everybody."

The voice is gentle, making people feel like spring breeze.

It's been more than half a semester since the school, and they naturally know each other, but they don't have much interaction on weekdays.The twins knew Cedric well because Cedric was a top student in the second grade, and they often asked him to copy homework.

Cedric shook hands with several people graciously, and only when it was Zhang Qiu's turn did he unconsciously feel a little embarrassed.

Seeing it, Nuo Lin secretly smiled, once again lamenting the precocity of children in this world.

A snuffling suddenly emerged from the pocket of Cedric's courtyard robe. It was covered with black down and had a long snout.Its nose sniffed the air vigorously, its eyes lit up, and it went straight to Zhang Qiu's arms.

Zhang Qiu was startled, and almost picked up the little thing and threw it out.But after seeing its cute appearance, her heart softened a little, and her attitude changed immediately. She held it in her arms and stroked it gently, and from time to time picked up the French fries on the table and stuffed it into its mouth.

Nixiu, who was lying in Zhang Qiu's arms, squinted comfortably, and gnawed his teeth at Cedric, who had a strange expression on his face.

Norin was stunned, and when he looked at the handsome and extraordinary Cedric with thick eyebrows and big eyes, there was some inexplicable meaning in his eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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