The Wizard Supreme at Hogwarts

Chapter 32 Conflict Under the Stars

Chapter 32 Conflict Under the Stars
At midnight on Wednesday, the freshmen of Ravenclaw and Slytherin gathered at the top of the Astronomy Tower.

This is an empty place with several astronomical telescopes and a mysterious star map placed on it.Professor Aurora Sinista stood in front of a telescope, waiting for their arrival.

Astronomy class is held every Wednesday at midnight, because it can observe the stars in the sky more clearly.

The freshmen brought their own binoculars and came to the top floor in a bustling manner.

To tell the truth, Norling's enthusiasm for astronomy class is not very high.When he took the first class, he discovered what subjects he was not good at.

Charms, Potions, Transfiguration, and Defense Against the Dark Arts are all at his fingertips. There are few obstacles in learning, and his power is far beyond that of his peers.Only in astronomy class did he experience the feeling of being a scumbag in his previous life.

His eyes were so darkened by those slow-moving stars that he couldn't tell them apart.

He is a top student in the courses of the wizarding world, but a scumbag in the courses of the Muggle world. I have to say that this is very interesting.

There are gains and losses, that must be the case.Norin stroked her chin, silently comforting herself.

"Astrology is the most romantic thing in the world, and I hope you can all realize the beauty of those great celestial bodies." Professor Sinista said loudly at the beginning, "I said in the first class, knowing and observing stars, planets and constellations It is our purpose, but after a few classes, some students don't seem to take this course too seriously."

The little wizards suffocated their laughter, and Norin felt that this young and beautiful professor was targeting him.

Yes, Professor Sinistra was surprisingly young.She was wearing a pointed wizard hat and all kinds of star pendants on her body, and her face didn't even look more than 20 years old.

I was not interested in astronomy when I was not a wizard, how could I be enlightened to astronomy now... Norlin thought angrily.

"Now, grab your telescopes. Today we're going to observe Mars..."

Smith next to Nolin raised his head quickly when he heard the words, and put the binoculars in front of his eyes.He is not outstanding in other courses, but he has a talent unexpected by Noreen.

Not only him, but the freshmen next to him observed carefully and carefully, exclaiming a few times from time to time, as if they could accurately identify the stars in the sky.

Well, it seems that it is not that they are too strong, but that I am too bad.

Norin shook his head and looked around, suddenly his eyes lit up, and he walked quickly towards Slytherin.

"Aha, so you can't understand it, it's okay, we will be companions on the way to the scumbags of this course."

Norin happily sat down beside Elena, feeling that I am not alone.

Elena was holding a book, her lips moved slightly.The cold starlight sprinkled on her body.

After hearing Nuo Lin's voice, a trace of doubt appeared on her face: "What?"

"Astrology, don't you also not understand it? Otherwise, why are you sitting here?" Nuo Lin said as a matter of course.

"Sorry, don't use the word 'also'." Elena raised her eyebrows, "I read all the astrology a year or two ago."

"... Oh." Nuo Lin's face changed, and he choked out a word.

"Why don't you just watch the stars at home, isn't it good to learn magic?"

Noreen couldn't understand.

Elena's expression froze, and she said softly, "Watch it when you're bored."

Norin pursed her lips, and her intuition told him that it was best not to ask any further questions.

"Don't think that others can't do what you don't know."

Just when Norin was bored and was about to be in a daze, a slightly childish voice rang in his ears.

Norin raised his head in astonishment and uncertainty.A boy wearing a silver-green courtyard robe stood in front of him and Elena at some point, with an obvious provocation on his face.

He has thick brown curly hair and holds a binoculars in his hand.

It seems to be called... Walker Carroll, right?

Norin thought about it carefully, and found that he didn't have too many impressions of this person in his mind.On weekdays, he knew very few people. There were only 50 freshmen at Hogwarts, and he couldn't even recognize half of them.

"Are you talking to me?"

Norin asked curiously, and Elena also raised her head and glanced at Walker Carrow.

Noticing Elena's gaze, Walker Carrow blushed slightly, but pretended not to see it.

He secretly puffed out his chest, making his figure look a little taller.Of course, 11-year-olds are not much taller.

"If you insist on thinking that way, I can't help it." Walker Caro said with some pride.

For Nolin, Walker Caro had considerable dissatisfaction.Or it wasn't just him, many Slytherins were dissatisfied, but most of them were wise to protect themselves and didn't want to provoke trouble easily.

If the grades are good, Slytherin has no complaints, after all Norlin is a Ravenclaw.But he was able to get so close to Elena Selwyn, which made some Slytherins uncomfortable.

They haven't seen a person of the opposite sex who can talk to Elena for a while, so how can you, Noreen Davis?
So, after seeing Nolin deflated in astronomy class, which he was least good at, Walker Caro couldn't help but stab him a few words.

Norin scratched his head, made sure that he hadn't done anything to provoke him, and asked seriously, "Did we have a grudge before?"

"No. I just can't get used to it."

Carlo fiddled with the telescope in his hand, pretending to say casually.

"No? Is it because I'm more handsome than you or I have better grades than you—wait, can't I?"

After Nuo Lin casually said a few words, he suddenly realized something, opened his mouth wide, and looked at Elena beside him in disbelief.

My God, are foreign children so precocious?Knowing how to be jealous at the age of 11?
Nuo Lin tried hard to recall that in his previous life, when he was 11 years old, he had just entered junior high school, and he was so young that he didn't even dare to touch the hands of his female classmates.

To be honest, he has never had the idea of ​​falling in love since he entered school, even if Pekasi teased him many times, he didn't take it to heart.

Falling in love with an 11-year-old?It never occurred to Norlin that she didn't know whether to be a lover or a nanny.And in China, it is against the law to be under the age of 14.

However, he didn't know what these little wizards were thinking.

"All right, all right, let's play. Let's talk about these things when we grow up."

The somewhat dazed Norin came back to his senses, shook his hands impatiently, turned to Elena and said, "Are you so popular in your academy?"


Elena didn't know what happened yet, she only realized it after hearing what he said, and a blush crept up her cheeks unknowingly.

Carlo on the side was trembling with curly hair, and Norlin's actions reminded him of the same gesture when he drove his servants.He pulled out his wand at once, pointed at Noreen's face, and said in a vicious voice:
"How dare you... speak to a noble pureblood with such an attitude! You..."


(End of this chapter)

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