The Wizard Supreme at Hogwarts

Chapter 20 Snape's Shock

Chapter 20 Snape's Shock
The door slammed shut behind Professor Snape.Whenever he passed a window, with a wave of his wand, the curtains would automatically close.When he walked to the podium, the classroom had the same gloomy atmosphere as before.

Professor Snape is still the same, wearing a deep black professor robe, greasy half-length hair hanging on both sides of his cheeks, thin lips under his hooked nose, and a bottomless coldness in his eyes pond.

He shook his wand, and something like a projection screen appeared out of nowhere in front of the classroom.

Probably Professor Snape was the first person at Hogwarts to use PPT to teach... Nolin twitched the corner of his mouth, he really couldn't complain about this slot.

"Get out your textbooks," Snape said in a low tone.

There was a rustling sound immediately, and the little wizards were in a hurry, as if Snape would deduct their house points if they were too late.In fact, it's not like he hasn't done it before.

Snape pointed at the projection with his wand, and a series of potions appeared on the projection.

"You have taken a few Potions classes, and you are no longer laymen who know nothing about this art." The corners of Snape's mouth twitched slightly, "Of course, in my opinion, most of you are nothing like laymen The difference. In this class, let me see if you have picked up a little bit of potion in the past few weeks. Each of you refines a potion independently. I don't limit the specific potion, and I will check it before class ends."

The little wizards were suddenly dumbfounded.He didn't mention the consequences of not making it, but just thinking about it is enough to make people shudder.Mainly...they only studied four Potions classes!

Listening to the mourning in the classroom, Norin touched his chin.Is this... a practical class?

"Your dean is as strict as ever." Norin tilted her head and said to Elena with a half-smile.

Elena frowned her beautiful eyebrows and said, "He treats the people in our academy very well."

Isn't this nonsense, he only treats your college well, and he wants to deduct all the points of other colleges.Norin thought subconsciously, and asked, "What potion are you going to refine?"

"I haven't figured it out yet." Elena flipped through the textbooks with some distress. Most of the potions textbooks for the first grade are relatively easy to refine, including scabies healing potions, tranquilizers, herbicides, etc. She is considering whether to take them or not. Refining the most difficult magic potion.

Noreen shrugged, got up and walked to the cabinet on the side of the classroom.He needs to see what materials are inside before deciding what potion to make.

Dried nettles, porcupine thorns, aconitum, daisy root, wormwood, etc., all kinds of potion materials are displayed.Nuo Lin looked at all kinds of materials, and committed a phobia right away.

"Hey, I have it." Nuoling pondered for a while, his eyes suddenly lit up, and he reached out to pick out Narcissus Root, Wormwood, Jiecao Root and Sleepy Bean.

A name slowly emerged in his mind, "Half-Blood Prince".

I don't know what expression he will have when he sees his improved formula being made by a first-year freshman.Norin thought with some mischief.

Eileen looked at the contents of the Nuolin basin, rolled her big eyes around, and asked uncertainly, "Are you going to refine... the Water of Life and Death?"

"Bingo." Nolin snapped his fingers.

"You're crazy! This is a potion that only the seniors are exposed to!" Elena's eyes widened immediately, with an unbelievable expression on her face.

"I don't do things I'm not sure about. Just wait and see." Norin said with a smile.

Elena looked at him for a while, and with a "hum", she also walked towards the cabinet.

"Hmm... Let me think about it, adding wormwood infusion to the root of the narcissus..." Nuolin tapped his head, recalling the formula of the Water of Life and Death.

He pointed his wand down the cauldron, and the flames rose up.The potion mixture in the cauldron was bubbling and bubbling.

Norin glanced at the potion and ignored it, then turned around and picked up the silver knife.

Eileen didn't know what potion she was refining. There was a lot of movement in the cauldron, and a wisp of black smoke would rise from time to time, making her little face dirty.

"Give me the knife in your hand." Norin said with a suppressed smile.

Elena angrily threw the knife to Norin, turned her face away, and continued to fiddle with the contents of her cauldron with her back turned to him.

"Crush..." Nolin muttered softly, squeezing the Sleepy Bean with the side of the knife, and the silver juice oozed out.

Time passed bit by bit, and Snape was always writing and drawing in his seat without raising his head.

When there were 5 minutes before get out of class ended, Nuolin threw a maple leaf into the crucible. As soon as the light maple leaf touched the liquid medicine, the liquid seemed to be dyed and gradually turned silvery white.

"It's done!" Noreen clapped his hands excitedly, raised his eyes and glanced at Snape secretly, and found that he had no sign of observing, then secretly took out a test tube and filled it with the liquid medicine.

Refining the water of life and death is not a whim, he still has great uses, and it is obviously impossible for him to take this potion away.

"It's time..." After a while, Snape stood up and spit out a few words.He began to inspect the classroom, and the little wizards all looked like they were waiting for judgment, and some of them even closed their eyes in despair.

Norin leaned towards Elena's cauldron curiously, but there was too much steam, so he couldn't see clearly for a while.On the contrary, Elena had a confident expression on her face.

"What is this? Mr. Cliff, did you go to the sewer to fill a pot of waste water and come back?" Sure enough, Snape's unique sarcasm came out again.He stood in front of Keo Cliff, a Ravenclaw boy, pointing to the unknown liquid in his cauldron, speaking mercilessly.

Keo Cliff was on the verge of tears.

Fortunately, Snape didn't mention the deduction of points, and went straight to the next one.

"Is this a scabies cure potion? I can assure you that if you drink it, you will lie down at Madam Pomfrey's for a few days." Even if it was a Slytherin, Snape's tone was not so good.

"A scabies potion again... So-so."

"Did you go to the sewer with Mr. Cliff?"

"Herbicides... Pomona doesn't welcome you in her greenhouse."

As Snape walked past the cauldrons, the faces of all the freshmen were pale, and Noreen couldn't bear to see the expressions of being shocked and suspicious of life.Even Elena felt uneasy for a while, her two little hands kept entangled with each other.

"Huh, antidote?" Snape stopped in front of Elena's cauldron, with a trace of surprise in his eyes, "Not bad, effective antidote. Miss Selwyn, you won ten points for Slytherin."

Eileen's expression was visibly joyful.

"Next...Mr. Davies, our little genius." Snape walked up to Nolin, said with a slight sarcasm, and poked his head on Nolin's cauldron, "Huh?"

The silver-white medicinal liquid clearly reflected Snape's surprised face.His voice stopped abruptly. After watching for a long time, he turned his head and stared into Norin's eyes, and asked word by word, "You made this yourself?"

"Hmm." Norin nodded calmly to meet his scrutinizing gaze.Anyway, the advanced textbook was still in Snape's possession, and Noreen was not at all worried that it would be revealed.

"Very... good." Snape stared at him for half a minute, then said dryly, "Ravenclaw adds ten points."

While talking, he packed the medicines of Nuo Lin and Elena into test tubes one by one, and sure enough these medicines could not be taken out.

However, as soon as he finished speaking, everyone in the classroom looked at Norin with incredible eyes.This was the first time Snape gave points to a non-Slytherin house!

Norin muttered in dissatisfaction, the potion made with Snape's formula is only worth ten cents...

Snape was now beside Noreen, hesitated to speak, and finally said in a voice that only the two of them could hear: "Very good idea."

Nuolin is happy, praising me is the same as praising yourself?What a tsundere.

After class, Elena walked out of the classroom with Norin, and she asked with a look of disbelief, "How did you do it?"

"Secret." Norin blinked and smiled.He touched the test tube in his pocket, his eyes sparkled, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

(End of this chapter)

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