The Wizard Supreme at Hogwarts

Chapter 198 Exceptions

Chapter 198 Exceptions
The auditorium was full of voices.

The entire scale of the auditorium is more like a lecture theater in the Muggle world, except that it is bigger and deeper and can accommodate more people.

The auditorium is generally not open to the public, its location is remote, and there are few people on weekdays. On average, it is used no more than three times a year.

After receiving the orders from the prefects, all the students in the school obeyed and quickly came to the auditorium, waiting anxiously.

The professors did not hide the news of the death of the six students, and they could not hide it. The students discussed in the auditorium, and the fear was further amplified.

Many of the students who died were acquainted with them, and they couldn't understand why people who had been together for several years suddenly died strangely.

Fortunately, humans are social creatures.All the students gathered in the auditorium, and as the number of people increased, the timidity in their hearts gradually calmed down.

Jasmine and her roommate stood in the crowd, a little confused.She was cramming up on the history of magic in the dormitory, but was told by the prefect to gather in the auditorium.She heard this shocking news on the way to the auditorium.

She always thought that school was sacred and supreme, and death was far away from school.

"If someone dies... what will the school do?"

Jasmine's heart suddenly surged with panic, and she asked her roommate in a low voice.

"I don't know either. Maybe the school will be suspended."

The roommate didn't behave any better than her, and said pretending to be calm.

Jasmine froze in place, not knowing what to do for a moment.If the school is closed, where else can she go, go back to England and continue to live in those slums?

Their conversation is just a corner that can be seen everywhere in the auditorium.As soon as Nuolin entered the auditorium, he heard several people shouting in an explosive mood:

"School is too dangerous, I want to drop out!"

"Even Leslie is dead...he's the first in grade..."

Norin frowned slightly, a stream of light suddenly burst out from the ceiling of the auditorium, followed by a loud noise that attracted everyone's attention.

Meredith raised her wand with her right hand, looked around the auditorium with cold eyes, and said loudly:
"Calm down. A companion has left us forever, and you are here scared, flustered, and at a loss? When did Durmstrang teach you this?"

Meredith's prestige was still very high, and many people quieted down and listened to her speech.

"What we should do now is to find the murderer who killed our classmate, instead of being in a mess here and there is no order. Our purpose in school is to learn to face the current situation."

"Tell me, Leslie and the others died for no reason, are you willing?"

"Not reconciled!"

In the suddenly quiet auditorium, a girl's scream suddenly sounded.Leslie's girlfriend wiped away tears fiercely, with deep hatred in her eyes.

Some other students who were closely related to the deceased were also burned with anger by what she said. Gradually, the tense and terrifying atmosphere was suppressed a lot, and it seemed that an invisible flame was beating in the whole auditorium.

Meredith, Cecil Howard, and Olier Sturluson were standing at the front of the crowd in their colleges, and it was only then that Nolin knew that Oliel Sturluson was Enheria's prefect.

"It's quite capable."

Noreen walked up to her and said softly.

"My grandfather was the first to step into the gate of Durmstrang in that war-torn era, bringing Durmstrang back to life."

Meredith glanced at him and said lightly, "The school is in another major crisis now, and I don't want him to disappoint me."

Norrin nodded silently. This girl is usually serious, but she is full of the deepest love for Durmstrang.

The professors had already stepped onto the high platform of the auditorium, looking down at the students below.Professor Norman made a downward movement of his left hand, and the voice in the auditorium dropped several levels.He took out his wand with his right hand, a faint light flashed in his eyes, and said loudly:
"I believe you also know what happened. This is the worst thing that has happened to Durmstrang for decades. Before this, there has never been a murder in the school. This is the murderer's provocation against us Durmstrang .If we mess ourselves up, the murderer hiding in the corner will definitely laugh at us secretly."

"After the investigation by the professors, it can be determined that the murderer is among you."

As soon as Professor Norman said this, the students in the audience were in an uproar, their faces full of disbelief.

"Among us? How could..."

Many students shouted out on the spot, even Cecil Howard and others thought for a moment that they had heard it wrong.

"That's right, what we have to do now is to find him and give an explanation to the parents of the deceased."

Professor Norman continued, his old beard hanging down his chest, "Now, take out your wands."

Cecil Howard was the first to do so.As a prefect, he has always carried out the orders of the professors accurately.Although he still doesn't understand the meaning, the instinct of the body has already driven him to act.

Meredith hesitated, but took out her wand anyway.Standing beside her, Noreen noticed that the wand in her hand was made of aspen.

Although the other students were equally skeptical, Durmstrang's long-established school ethos made them take out their wands obediently.

The professors are now in every corner of the auditorium, their sharp eyes have been staring at the crowd, and those few students with outstanding strength are their focus.

Professor Norman nodded in satisfaction, raised his wand in his hand, closed his eyes, and muttered something.

The next moment, a shockingly huge white light beam sprayed out from his wand, turning into countless tiny rays of light, wrapping around the tops of the wands held by all the students.

Except Nolin.

Norin crossed his arms, squinted his eyes slightly, and watched the students' wands appear one after another with different spells.At the same time, I secretly sighed in my heart that Professor Norman was indeed so powerful that he was able to apply the Flashback Curse to every student in the auditorium at once.

There was a commotion among the students, most of them didn't know the magic of the flashback curse, and they didn't understand the significance of Professor Norman's move.

The expressions of the professors became more serious, carefully observing whether there was a green light emerging from the crowd.

However, to their disappointment, although there was a green light, it was not the light of Avada Kedavra.

"you do not need?"

Meredith asked softly.

"I've been checked."

Nuoling said casually, his eyes casually swept across the auditorium, but he froze for a moment.

In the six corners of the auditorium, a fine beam of light appeared at the same time without knowing when.

Noreen felt a shudder for no reason.

(End of this chapter)

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