The Wizard Supreme at Hogwarts

Chapter 186 Karkaroff's Panic

Chapter 186 Karkaroff's Panic

As September gradually passed, the damp and cold surrounding Durmstrang Castle as always, the weather became colder, and the students had to put on warmer coats.

Today is a good day. Students above the third grade can take advantage of every Saturday to go to the wizarding village not far from Durmstrang Castle.

Leaving school without permission is a hassle, but if you have the school's permission, you can talk about anything.

Like Hogwarts, there is an all wizarding village near the castle called Wyledall.

According to the students who have been there, there are many entertainment facilities there, and you can find anything you want there. It can be called a mini version of Diagon Alley.

"Before, I had someone bring an authentic goat's cheese, and it tasted really... delicious."

Giles walks beside Noreen, using body language to express his fondness for goat cheese.

"Should I fill out a form when leaving school?"

Nolin asked, tilting his head.He remembered that a senior senior came to him a few days ago and asked him if he wanted to fill out the form. Norlin thought he was also one of the many presidents, so he simply avoided him.Thinking about it now, he was wronged.

"It requires the approval of your parents. But you are an exchange student, so you shouldn't be so strict."

Giles thought for a while and said.

Cheerful students continued to pass by them, their faces full of excitement and longing. It seemed that Unledal was indeed a good place, which could make so many people think about it.

"Then I'll go to the principal."

Nolin said with a smile.Campbell was not interested in this kind of thing, so he got up early in the morning and wandered around the castle again. If Giles hadn't explained to him, he didn't know that he could leave school today.

"Then I'll wait with you."

Giles said, sitting directly on the stone bench by the roadside.


in the principal's office.

Igor Karkarov was sitting in the principal's chair, staring at a document on the desk.

That is the latest document from the Norwegian Ministry of Magic, which declares that Gary Travers, the Death Eater who escaped in the past, was finally arrested in Norway. The Norwegian Ministry of Magic is preparing to hand it over to the British Ministry of Magic for trial by the Wizengamot .

"What an idiot, why don't you go to Norway for nothing..."

Karkaroff let out a foul breath and muttered to himself, unable to tell whether it was gloating or indignant in his tone.

After the fall of the Dark Lord, he, who was good at adapting to the situation, immediately surrendered and confessed a large list of Death Eaters' identities, which saved him from being imprisoned in Azkaban and allowed him to Return to Durmstrang and continue to be his headmaster with peace of mind.

Even so, there was still a faint worry in his heart.He had seen the might of the Dark Lord, and the idea of ​​the Dark Lord's return had never left his mind.

Karkaroff didn't know what face and identity he should go to meet the Dark Lord if his idea came true one day.

If the Dark Lord knew that he was a traitor who betrayed the organization, he probably wouldn't have given him a chance to speak, and would have rushed over as soon as he sent Avada Kedavra?

Based on what Karkaroff knew about the Dark Lord, he was quite sure that the Dark Lord would do so without hesitation.

Because of this, he has spared no effort to inquire about the Dark Lord's news these years, and he will not let go of any trouble.That's why Karkaroff attacked the exchange student from Hogwarts on the first day he arrived.

According to some gossip, the Dark Lord appeared at Hogwarts last year... This shocked Karkaroff a lot. He couldn't wait to learn the truth through Nolin. Unexpectedly, he failed to take Nuolin down, and even had the possibility of being counter-killed...


The more he thought about it, the more angry he became, and the more he thought about it, the more afraid he became, Karkaroff couldn't help but let out a long and sad sigh.

"What are you sighing for?"

Suddenly, a hoarse voice that seemed to come from the depths of hell rang in his ears.Karkaroff's body stiffened suddenly, as if a mechanical doll had been turned on by a switch, and it dared not move.

Countless thoughts flashed through his mind in an instant, and cold sweat suddenly flowed from his forehead.His soul seemed to tremble.

"answer me."

The very familiar voice of Karkaroff reverberated in the office again. At this moment, Karkaroff felt that he was not the head of the school, but turned into that humble and panic-stricken appearance again.

"Master, Master?"

Karkaroff's lips trembled, and he swallowed a mouthful of saliva with difficulty, his voice dry.

"It seems that more than ten years have passed, and you still remember that I am your master."

A wisp of black smoke passed through the snow and ice in northern Europe, and came to Karkaroff's office, congealing into Voldemort's appearance.He was floating in mid-air, with a sneer on the corner of his mouth, and his blood-red pupils stared at Karkaroff below.

Karkaroff felt his legs trembling, and he wished he could slap himself twice so that his crow's mouth could calm down a bit.

His goatee kept shaking, and he stood up quickly, half kneeling on the ground, forehead pressed to the floor, looking as loyal as he could be.

"No need to put on this faithful servant. Where were you when I needed you most?"

Voldemort looked indifferently at Karkaroff who was kneeling on the ground, and said in a cold tone.

it's over... it's over...

Karkaroff thumped in his heart. Although he didn't know why the Dark Lord would come back from the dead, his strength during those dark days had been deeply etched into the depths of Karkaroff's memory, and he couldn't give birth at all. Thoughts of resistance.

"I lived my life in the jungles of Albania, worse than a wild ghost, worse than the humblest wandering spirit... Where are you? Your headmaster in Durmstrang with peace of mind?"

"I thought my loyal servants would not betray me. I waited for them day after day. Unfortunately, there were countless poisonous snakes waiting, and a young fool."

Voldemort's tone was indifferent, but it seemed like one after another of sharp knives, they kept stabbing Karkaroff.

Of course Karkaroff didn't feel any guilt towards him, he just felt that Voldemort's mood was becoming more and more unstable, and he might attack him at any time.He bit his lower lip hard, and hurriedly said:

"Master, listen to me... I'm being watched by people from the magic world, and if I do anything unusual, I'll be discovered... I want to find you too, Master..."

Saying this in his mouth, he couldn't help cursing Dumbledore secretly in his heart.He was the one who swore at the beginning that Voldemort was completely out of his wits, otherwise he wouldn't have turned his back so quickly.If Voldemort knew about his betrayal...

Karkaroff dared not think any more.

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(End of this chapter)

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