The Wizard Supreme at Hogwarts

Chapter 170 Meredith's Engagement

Chapter 170 Meredith's Engagement

Durmstrang's meal time is much more generous than Hogwarts, from twelve o'clock to two o'clock in the afternoon, a full two hours.

And when class ends early like today, it seems that time is free.

George and Fred often complain that eating at school is like fighting a war, and there is only one hour to hurry.In most cases, students can only fill their stomachs in a hurry.Because during this hour, there are other things to do.

The bell for the end of get out of class had just rang after Noreen and Giles had finished with the food.They walked out of the restaurant and back to the east tower.

The East Pagoda is quiet, occasionally a few owls fly overhead.It was only then that Norin remembered that Hua Luo was still in his pocket and hadn't come out to breathe.

There are two marble escalators coiled in the center of the east tower, like two twisted twists.

Due to his promotion to the third grade, Giles also moved to the East Tower, and the dormitory is not far from Nolin.

When he returned to Gorfein's lounge, Norin found that it had become a duel field.Many students were in pairs, waving wands in the corner.More people are watching and cheering for them.

In the rest room, there is a small platform with a solid magic barrier to prevent the magic spell inside from accidentally injuring others.This is for the convenience of students dueling.

When Norin stepped into the lounge, everyone focused their eyes on him, with awe in their eyes.

They are students of Norlin's same grade, and they watched the duel in the morning from beginning to end.They were too deeply impressed by the spells cast by Professor Norlin and Mars that they could not even name.At this moment, even the most aggressive students dare not have any thoughts about Norin.

An orange flame burns in the fireplace, filling the living room with vibrant colors and warmth like spring.There was an extremely comfortable-looking upholstered armchair by the fireplace, and Meredith, the prefect of Grofein, was sitting on it, her eyes narrowed slightly.

Seeing Nuolin coming in, her eyes lit up slightly, she stood up and greeted her.


Giles said with some respect that he knew how terrifying this prefect was.This was known not long after he entered school.

Meredith nodded to him, and said to Noreen:

"I forgot yesterday. I brought you your hospital uniform, textbooks and schedule."

Next to the soft armchair, there are two sets of neat courtyard robes and a stack of books.

"This matter still needs to be sent by the prefect in person?"

Noreen said jokingly.

Unexpectedly, Meredith nodded seriously, looked into Nolin's eyes and said:
"It wasn't necessary. But I still have something to tell you, so I stopped by."

Norin was at a loss for words for a moment, Giles saw this, and immediately walked away tactfully.Before leaving, he patted Nolin on the shoulder and said with a smile:

"Come and play with me when you have time."

After Giles' figure disappeared into the passage, Nolin asked:

"what's up?"

"Play a game with me."

Meredith's exquisite face changed slightly, and she stared at Norin with burning eyes.

Come again?

Norin just diverted this topic last night, but Meredith did not expect Meredith to pursue her again today.

Norin hesitated for a few seconds, ready to fool around:

"Well... let's talk about it another day. I consumed so much magic power today that I can't recover in a few days."

"accurate time."

Unmoved, Meredith asked persistently.


Norin was stunned for a moment, then said speechlessly, "Do you really want to look for me? What about the other senior students? They should also be very strong, right?"

"They can't beat me."

Meredith said lightly, her eyes suddenly sharpened, "You don't agree?"

Norin finally knew why she sat at the front last night.He glanced at Meredith's face, and always felt that if he refused directly, she might have pulled out her wand on the spot.

After thinking about it, Nolin said:
"Before I leave Durmstrang, I'll fight you, won't you?"

Meredith stared at him for a while, then nodded slightly, turned and left.

Let's make it the day before she leaves, so no matter what the result is, she won't be able to find herself after the fight.

Nuo Lin thought in his heart, and secretly praised his wit.

When he returned to the dormitory with his hospital gown and textbooks in his arms, the roommate was still missing, and the dormitory looked particularly clean.

Norin changed into the courtyard robe and smoothed the neckline with his hand.I have to say that Durmstrang's school uniform is very flattering. Once the brown robe is added to the body, no matter it is a five-big and three-thick bucket, or a scrawny willow, it can exude some wise and outstanding temperament.

In contrast, Ravenclaw's robes seem more than wise, but not heroic.

Unlike the popular wizard robes, Durmstrang's court robes are neither fluffy silk that cannot withstand the severe cold, nor a rigorous gentleman's dress, it is more like a woolen winter coat above the knee in the Muggle world .

Wide lapels, double-breasted buttons, slightly narrow waist, plus a long belt of the same color, Durmstrang's school badge and Russian school name are embroidered on the left chest and cuffs.The collar of the sleeves and the hem of the clothes are trimmed with creamy white fur, which has a unique look and feel.Wear the same color stand-up collar casual clothes distributed together inside the robe, which is made of the same thick material as the coat to keep warm, which is very practical.

Norin released Valor from the pocket of his Ravenclaw robe, and Valor flapped his wings in dissatisfaction, strongly condemning Norin for forgetting it.

It stayed with a pile of lifeless objects all day long in the space blessed by the Wuheng Stretching Mantra. It was so boring that it wanted to come out a long time ago to get some air. Unexpectedly, this unscrupulous master would forget himself for two or three days.

Hua Luo couldn't wait to fly out of the window, and the next second, he jumped back several times faster, trembling.The low temperature outside almost froze Hua Luo's wings, and he crawled into Norin's bed with lingering fear, wrapping it tightly.

"Now you know why I didn't let you out."

Norin said with a smile, finding an excuse for his behavior.

Hua Luo trembled and refused to come out again.Norin didn't care about it anymore, and glanced at the timetable.

The class in the afternoon is Potions class. Norlin guesses that there is not much difference in the content of the lectures from Hogwarts. After all, potions are used all over the world.

I have to say that Durmstrang's courses are really loose. The required courses are only black magic, potions, charms, history of magic, transformation, herbalism and flying. They take all Muggle-related courses. Not learn.

After all, Durmstrang is a pure-blood school and has nothing to do with Muggles.

After hastily flipping through the textbook, Norin walked out of the dormitory, ready for the next Potions class.It was a subject he was very interested in, and he had brought Snape's "Half-Blood Prince" textbook.

(End of this chapter)

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