Chapter 157
It should be recognized by the magic circle that a werewolf in transformed form cannot cast spells.The werewolf's physical fitness was extraordinary. If they could cast spells like normal wizards, they would have been able to unify the magic world long ago.

However, it seems that what Hall Chard releases is not a regular magic, but a magic spell such as blessing physical fitness. His sharply increased movement speed is the best proof.

Hall Chard's sharp claws struck Nolin's magic barrier, and Nolin couldn't even catch his movements for a while, and he vaguely heard a crisp sound in the air, and the magic barrier appeared under his sharp claws tiny cracks.

Not only the speed, but also the power has been strengthened...

Nuo Lin thought about it in his heart, and soon came up with a plan.He pointed his wand towards himself, and his body quickly dissipated into the air.

The Disillusionment Curse is a tried and tested spell, but at this moment it has lost its effect.Hall Chard completely lost Nolin's sight, but he didn't panic at all. He sneered, sniffed vigorously with his nose, and found Nolin's body with his paws, and attacked again.

Norin frowned, and couldn't help cursing himself inwardly. He even forgot that the werewolf's nose was more sensitive than that of a hunting dog, and he could easily track his own scent.

"Lishen Jinxie!"

Seeing that Hall Chard's attack could not be avoided, Nolin decided to be cruel, and condensed all the remaining magic power of the magic barrier in one place, blocking the only way for his claws, and a magic spell was launched, directly facing in the direction he came from.

The magic barrier that had been supported for a long time was shattered under this claw, and Norin's spell also successfully hit the opponent.Hall Chard's body took a step back, and his speed slowed down a bit visible to the naked eye.

The corner of Nolin's mouth hooked, and the next deceleration curse was seamlessly connected, hitting Hall Chard's chest again.

Hall Chard raised his arm with a little effort, and his strength was much weaker than before.With a low growl, he burst out at the fastest speed, and his figure turned into an afterimage and went straight to Norin, obviously wanting to make a quick decision.

Nuoling quickly pointed to the ground and shouted:

"Shadow Imprisonment!"

Under the tables and chairs, in the corners, anywhere with shadows, a hand made of shadows quietly stretched out from all directions towards Hall Chard who was moving at high speed.

Norin's body rolled twice on the ground, and his sharp claws narrowly brushed against his hair.Hall Chard couldn't make a single blow, and just stood on time, but found that his movements were much slower than before, as if he was stuck in a swamp, unable to move an inch.

Unknowingly, many shadow hands wrapped around his body, tightly grasping him to prevent him from moving.


Gritting his teeth, Hall Chard roared, desperately trying to break free from these shadowy hands, but after finding it was futile, he could only bite the bullet and continue to pounce on Nolin.

However, his speed was not as good as before. Norlin was always able to keep a certain distance from him, and used the long-range advantage of magic to fly the kite.

As Nolin's spell hit his body one after another, Hall Chard felt that he might not be able to hold on any longer.

However, while Hall Chard was feeling desperate, Norlin also had considerable doubts... How is this wolf different from other werewolves? Isn't this too bearable?
Norin made a rough estimate, this werewolf has been hit by more than a dozen spells, and he used six of them for the stun spell alone. Even a fire dragon has to stop and take a few breaths, right?
But the werewolf in front of him can still persist, this kind of magic resistance is even comparable to the basilisk.

Coupled with the magic he released before, Norin became very interested in this werewolf.Instead of killing him, he used the Stunning Spell again to defeat his defense step by step.

When the ninth stun spell hit Hall Chad's chest, he finally couldn't resist, and his huge body hit the floor with a "bang".

Probably because it is in the basement, the ground is full of soil and rammed cement blocks, and the sound is not too loud.

However, this sound was like a death knell in the hearts of all the werewolves lying down. They couldn't imagine that the powerful leader would fall in the hands of this young wizard.

Norin immediately cast out another binding spell, and the magic power entangled upwards, binding Hall Chard firmly on the ground.

After finishing off the powerful enemy, he relaxed slightly, but the hairs on the back of his neck stood on end, and a sharp, bloodthirsty breath was about to touch his neck.

Norin subconsciously rolled his body to the ground, a red light shot out from the wand in his hand, and hit the attacker precisely.

Jasmine, who came quietly behind Nuo Lin, seized the chance and was about to kill her, but she didn't expect that Nuo Lin's reaction was so fast, and she was beaten back again and again by the red light.

The spell Norlin released in a hurry was not very powerful, otherwise the little vampire might have been killed by the spell on the spot with the same force as when he was fighting Hall Chard.

There was no one standing in the room.

Norin turned over and stood up, patted the dust off his clothes, ignored Hall Chad, who was restrained by him and couldn't move, and walked towards Jasmine step by step.

Jasmine's thin arms were propped on the ground, and an abnormal flush appeared on her small face. It looked like she was in extreme pain, but what was more, was hatred and unconcealable fear.

She knew that this man was very strong, but she never imagined that he could deal with a room full of werewolves.She stubbornly opened her eyes wide and looked at Norin, her heart was overwhelmed by despair.

Jasmine had seen Norin's decisiveness in killing, and knew that there must be no reason why she would not be spared if she betrayed him.She closed her eyes, waiting for death to come.

However, after waiting for a long time, she did not receive Norin's spell.When she opened her eyes, Noreen had walked in front of Hall Chard, pulled a chair over and sat down.

Hall Chard's psychological activities can be described as extremely rich.He didn't expect at the beginning that this battle would end in his complete defeat.

He didn't take Norlin seriously at first, but he was just a wizard, and he was never afraid of wizards in battles in a small space.

However, he didn't expect that this kid couldn't be measured by ordinary wizards.The total amount of magic power is terrifying, and there are countless spells, especially those of control, which tortured him unspeakably.

"Can you tell me now?"

Norin sat on the chair in a leisurely manner, looked at Hall Chard with a half-smile, lifted part of his imprisonment, and asked aloud.

Hall Chard moved his neck, looked at him in surprise, and secretly guessed the origin of this young wizard.

"There's such a big commotion, are you trying to tear down my bar?"

Hall Chard was still struggling with how to answer, but the door was pushed open, and a sexy voice came in.

Norin turned his head to look, his eyes narrowed slightly.It was the wild girl on the dance floor.

(End of this chapter)

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