Chapter 14 Talent
no?Does this look like a rookie?Is it such a lofty topic from the beginning?

"Magic power..." Professor Flitwick waved his wand indiscriminately, and said with admiration, "An unpretentious name has all-encompassing power."

"As the name suggests, magic power possesses miraculous magic and power. It supports the operation of all things in the wizarding world." Professor Flitwick paused for a while, and helped the frame on the bridge of his nose, "You should know that every wizard has This is the most important condition for them to become wizards. And when they can perceive the existence of magic power is another indicator for judging talent among wizards."

Speaking of this, Professor Flitwick pointed to Nolin, with a vicissitudes of life and some relief in his tone: "Obviously, your talent belongs to the top one among wizards."

"Professor, I don't read much magic books, don't lie to me..." Nolin felt a little embarrassed by the compliment, touched his nose and said.

Professor Flitwick glanced at him, and said to himself: "When every beginner wizard releases magic at the beginning, he only relies on the power of the spell and the wand, using the spell as the carrier and the wand as the guide, to complete the magic. The most important magic power is the object that is carried and guided. When they can recognize the existence of magic power—maybe three to five years, maybe ten years, maybe a lifetime, maybe... two or three days, their magic level It’s going to another level.”

"So, the advancement of a wizard is from being unaware of magic power to being able to perceive and use magic power?" Norlin asked ponderingly.

The light in the office was dim, but the young wizard's eyes were shining brightly.

"Use..." Professor Flitwick looked at him thoughtfully, but did not answer directly, "After sensing the magic power, the wizard's spellcasting intensity will become controllable, and the magic power will not be too strong or too weak At the same time, the total amount of magic power in the body will be clearly visible, and try to avoid the magic power from drying up. After reaching a certain level, they can cast spells silently and without staff."

Norin nodded knowingly, as if he had benefited a lot.

"Obviously, you have a great advantage in being able to perceive magic power as a beginner. You can precisely control spellcasting, gain insight into the trajectory of magic power, and more importantly, you can practice magic power right now."

"Wow... my god, can magic still be cultivated?" Norlin forcefully suppressed a curse word. In his memory, there was never any mention of magic cultivation in the original book.

"Of course." Professor Flitwick was a little surprised by Norlin's weird tone, "Generally speaking, the total amount of magic power increases with the age of the mage, and after sensing the magic power, you can carry out targeted practice. We call it It's meditation. It's the foundation of a wizard's strength."

Nuolin heard the words, looked down at the "Magic Analysis and Meditation" in his arms, and said, "So, this book is..."

"That's right, this is your initial guide to meditation." Professor Flitwick said affirmatively, "Of course, don't meditate for too long, just one or two hours a day, otherwise it will greatly damage your spirit."

"Okay, thank you Professor Flitwick. Then I'll go back first?" Noreen couldn't wait to go back and try the meditation experience.

Professor Flitwick naturally understood his little idea, and responded with a smile.

When Noreen returned to the dormitory, Smith hadn't come back. It seemed that the delicious food in the restaurant made him linger.It was only then that Norin remembered that he hadn't had lunch yet, but he had no intention of going to the cafeteria at all.Leaving aside his hunger, the "Magic Power Analysis and Meditation" in his arms exudes a tempting fragrance, eagerly waiting for Nuolin to open it.

The book is divided into two parts, the analysis of the magic power mentioned in the title and the method of meditation.The analysis part is not long, and it is not much different from what Professor Flitwick explained. Norlin quickly turned over it.

"Meditation is an extremely precious technique in magic, and it is a way to enhance magic power. The fundamental purpose of all real magic meditation techniques is to guide mages into a state of communion with magic power. The true meaning of meditation is to bring the heart, god, and spirit Concentrate on the sea of ​​magic power..."

Norling carefully read the meditation part.After reading, put the book on the desk, lie on the bed, and close your eyes.

He tried to empty his mind as the book said.However, when he just closed his eyes, all the messy thoughts disappeared.The mystery of crossing, doubts and surprises about the world, daily life, etc., these thoughts are not deliberately thought of by Norin, but they are infinitely magnified at this time.

Noreen shook his head, trying to get rid of these thoughts.His breathing gradually stabilized, and his attention was only focused on the depths of his brain.

After an unknown period of time, he felt that his thoughts were slowly rising into the sky.Even though his eyes were closed, he found himself in a strange space.Surrounded by invisible and colorless forces, just as his thoughts are also invisible.Those forces cautiously wandered around the mind, approaching cautiously.

Norin was startled, and his thoughts moved accordingly.However, after this movement, that strange space suddenly disappeared.

Nuoling opened his eyes suddenly, seeing the familiar dormitory scene in front of him.Smith was sitting in a chair looking at the schedule and muttering to himself.

"You're awake. I'll call you if you sleep again, and there's flying lessons in the afternoon." Seeing that Nolin woke up, Smith's tone was full of expectation, "That's flying lessons, flying in the sky on a broom— — Wow! It’s so cool to think about it!”

"How long have I been asleep?" Norin scratched his head with a headache. This roommate talked a lot as usual.

"I don't know. But I have been back for more than an hour." Smith thought for a while and said.

about an hour?Nolin was stunned to himself.He felt that not much time had passed, only a few minutes at most, but he did not expect that more than an hour had passed.

"How long is there left for class?" Norlin's stomach was flattened, and a feeling of hunger came, which made him very uncomfortable.He remembered that he hadn't eaten lunch.

"It's about half an hour. What's the matter with you?" Smith asked sideways.

"Go to the restaurant. I didn't eat lunch, so I don't know if I still have it now." Nolin put on his shoes, "Do you want to go together?"

"I'm full..." Smith's eyes gradually lit up, "but I don't think it's a problem to solve half a roast chicken! Let's go!"

The big restaurant that used to be bustling and bustling is now much deserted, with only a few people dining.Smith excitedly yelled "half a roast chicken", and a plate of roast chicken exuding aroma appeared on the dining table out of thin air.

Noreen casually ordered a sandwich and a cake, thinking about how he felt while meditating.That strange space is the sea of ​​magic mentioned in the book?How should the magic power be improved, is it absorption?It is very feasible, after all, he doesn't know what else to do.The question is, how to absorb it?
Smith wanted to talk to Nolin while eating grilled chicken, but found that Nolin ignored him at all, eating a sandwich casually, with a confused and puzzled face, knowing what he was thinking about, and didn't dare to disturb him.

After eating the roast chicken, Smith shook Nolin's arm: "Go, go to class."

"Oh." Noreen swallowed the last bite of the sandwich, hurriedly stuffed the cake into his mouth, and followed Smith out of the restaurant.

(End of this chapter)

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