The Wizard Supreme at Hogwarts

Chapter 137 Norlin's Flying Conjecture

Chapter 137 Norlin's Flying Conjecture

Professor McGonagall stopped what he was doing, looked at Nolin, and finally said with a little deep meaning:

"Nolin, your idea is very dangerous."

She sat on the soft chair again, motioned for Norin to sit down too, and said:

"In Transfiguration, some wizards have gone further than the average man. Every great transformation you can think of has been attempted by all kinds of wizards. However, some wizards have succeeded, and many more But in the process of exploring knowledge, he failed miserably."

"The reasons for failure, without exception, were all due to lack of caution."

Professor McGonagall's tone was so serious that Norlin almost wanted to give up, but she changed the subject and said:

"Now, you can talk about your thoughts in detail."

Norin thought for a while and said, "That's it. Since the animals transformed by Animagus retain some human characteristics, can humans also retain some animal characteristics without transforming?"

"Like... a half-Animagus."

Professor McGonagall quickly understood what he meant, with a slightly dignified expression, and said:
"This idea has been suggested before, and there have even been successful cases. However, most animal characteristics are of little benefit to humans, and even if they are, they will be criticized for their strange appearance. What characteristics do you want to keep? "

Norin hesitated for a moment and said:

"Wings. I think it doesn't detract from the look, but it's a great benefit."

He's too hungry for the wings of his Animagus-morphed golden eagle.Modern wizards don't have spells for flying, so they can only rely on broomsticks to fly in the sky.

Noreen really wanted to know what it was like for him to fly in the sky in human form.

"Very creative idea."

Professor McGonagall pondered for a while, his eyes lit up, and he said, "You can try it, but you must try it in front of me. This transformation is extremely dangerous, and I don't want to see you become a deformed and irrational golden carved."

"Then... right here?"

Noreen was eager to try.With Professor McGonagall on the side for protection, the risk is greatly reduced.After all, Professor McGonagall, as a master of Transfiguration for many years, must have experienced experience.

"I suggest that you first master the transformation of Animagus thoroughly, and try again when you are able to transform at will."

Professor McGonagall shook his head and warned, "This is an indispensable first step if you want to succeed."

Norin thought for a while, and quickly realized that he was a little eager for quick success.He nodded seriously, took out his wand and aimed it at his heart, and said softly:
"Amado, Animo, Animado, Animagus."

The painful feeling of burning all over his body came again, but this time the pain seemed to be milder than the first transformation.

Not long after, a heroic golden eagle unsteadily appeared in the Transfiguration classroom.

The golden eagle walked around the classroom frivolously and clumsily, occasionally falling aside with unsteady focus.Professor McGonagall watched quietly without speaking.

When Norin turned into a human again with sweat profusely, she smiled and said:

"If you can't walk steadily, you want to use other advanced transformations?"

"It's because I'm a bit ambitious, Professor."

Norin said calmly.He decided to practice Animagus diligently when he went back, and he would talk about other things after getting familiar with the transformation process.

"It's good that you understand. In fact, I'm very glad that you can discuss your ideas with me, otherwise if you practice in private, you will be in trouble if you have an accident."

Professor McGonagall nodded with satisfaction and said, "If you have nothing else to do, go back. Today is Saturday, so you should go enjoy the sun with your friends. You are only in the second grade, and you have plenty of time to learn magic, but don't let it take up all your time." All your time and energy."

Norin glanced at her in surprise, never expecting the always strict Professor McGonagall to say such a thing.But he also quickly realized that Professor McGonagall really regarded him as a junior, and said slightly moved:
"Okay, classroom. Then I'll go back."

After returning to the dormitory, Smith was not in the room, and he probably went to Gryffindor to play with the twins again.In Noreen's absence, he joined the twins and Lee Jordan as a side member of the mischievous trio.

In a remote corner of the Gryffindor common room, Harry and Ron Hermione were discussing quietly but excitedly.

"No wonder Voldemort wanted to hunt the unicorn. It turned out that he was seriously injured by Norlin..."

After Harry learned from Ron and Hermione that there was another person behind Professor Quirrell and his greatest enemy, Harry turned into a detective and analyzed Voldemort's actions and purposes every day.

"Harry, can you stop calling that person by his first name..."

Ron whispered, as if worried that Voldemort would hear.

"What is Voldemort doing by infiltrating the school through Quirrell..." Harry didn't listen to him, and muttered to himself, "He must be looking for something..."

He and Hermione looked at each other, and said in unison: "The forbidden corridor on the fourth floor!"

"It's guarded by Hagrid's Fluffy, and it must contain something extraordinary...something Voldemort desperately needs..."

"Remember, Harry!" Hermione said excitedly, looking at him with piercing eyes, "Hagrid slipped the tongue when chatting with us once, and mentioned a man named Nick Flamel."

"Yes, but didn't we find that person's information?"

Harry blinked his eyes and asked suspiciously.

Hermione moved her little head closer and said in a low voice:
"I heard from Eddie Warren in Slytherin that Nick Flamel is the greatest master alchemist in centuries!"

Hermione said as she moved out a book as thick as a brick, "The most incredible thing is that he has lived for more than 600 years and is still alive!"

She opened the book, pointed to a passage and read:
"Ancient alchemy involved the creation of the Philosopher's Stone, a miraculous substance with astonishing properties. The Philosopher's Stone can turn any metal into pure gold, and it can also create an elixir of life that will make those who drink it forever Immortal.

Over the centuries, there have been many reports of the Philosopher's Stone, but the only remaining one belongs to Mr. Nick Flamel, a famous alchemist and opera lover.He celebrated his fifth birthday at 660 last year and is living in seclusion in Devon with his wife Perenal. "

"do you understand?"

Hermione paused for a while, and then said, "That big dog must be guarding Flamel's Philosopher's Stone! I dare say Flamel asked Dumbledore to keep it for him, because they are friends."

"No wonder Voldemort wants to play with it... the Philosopher's Stone can bring him back to life!"

Harry shook his fist and said angrily.

"No wonder we couldn't find Flamel in "A Study in the Development of Modern Witchcraft."

Ron said, "Since it's more than 600 years old, it can't be considered modern."

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(End of this chapter)

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