The Wizard Supreme at Hogwarts

Chapter 12 The Origin of Magic

Chapter 12 The Origin of Magic
The professor of Transfiguration is Professor McGonagall. Like Snape, she is a strict and meticulous professor.Therefore, she treats the students of the four colleges equally, neither favoritism nor targeting.

The freshmen quickly felt the strictness of Professor McGonagall.

"Transfiguration class is the most dangerous class in your first grade, so I don't want anyone to make trouble in class. If there is, I will ask him out. I have said this to every freshman, and I hope you can keep it in your heart." The moment the class bell rang, she stood in front of the stage and said seriously.

The Transfiguration classroom is high up in Gryffindor Tower, and the beautiful scenery outside can be seen from scattered windows.This class is taught by Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff, and everyone is looking forward to it, looking forward to this amazing-sounding class.

After Professor McGonagall finished his prologue, he took out his wand.She pointed the tip of her staff at an empty desk, and quickly chanted a spell. Under the surprised gaze of the freshmen, the desk gradually squirmed, and it naturally turned into a vigorous elk.

"Wow!" Most of the freshmen were attracted by this magical magic.They all exclaimed.

"I believe that many people have already previewed the textbooks and have a preliminary understanding of this course." Professor McGonagall spoke slowly, and turned the desk back with a wave of his hand, "As you can see, this course is incomparable. It is profound and magical, and comes with risks. If you are not absolutely sure, it is best not to try it alone."

Most people don't take it seriously, but Nolin dare not take this course lightly.He probably went through all the textbooks of the first grade, and the most difficult thing to understand was "Basic Transformation Guide".This course requires not only the correct spells, but also a thorough understanding of the nature of metamorphic objects.Wizards who learn transfiguration must not only have an in-depth understanding of the material laws of things, but also have a precise understanding of the magical laws that may exist in them, so as to avoid the dangers brought about by transformation.This point can be said to be quite difficult.

The effect and ability of transfiguration are closely related to the wizard's level, and the difficulty also increases in proportion to the complexity of transfiguration.For example, a wizard who is new to transfiguration can easily turn a match into a needle, but it is extremely difficult to turn a match into a stick, and it is difficult to maintain the shape of a needle for a long time.Wizards with high magical powers can not only transform as they wish, but can even cast spells on deformed objects to achieve permanent effects.

Not to mention the Animagus who claims to be the most difficult to transfigure... Norlin said silently in his heart, and turned his eyes to Professor McGonagall.The professor who can transform into a tabby cat is one of seven Animagus shapeshifters registered with the British Ministry of Magic.

But Norin will not be afraid of magic because of its unfathomable depths. On the contrary, he has always faced difficulties with magic.

In class, Nolin turned the matches distributed by Professor McGonagall into a silver necklace, which was far from the original intention of turning into needles, but Professor McGonagall nodded to him and added a little gift for Ravenclaw. 5 points - For beginners, it is not easy to successfully change shape once, no matter what he becomes.

There was only one class in the afternoon, the History of Magic taught by Binns.

Freshmen are not very interested in this course.Professor Binns is a ghost. He was a teacher during his lifetime, and he is still fighting for this cause after becoming a ghost.But the content of his lectures was extremely dry, and his tone of voice was so flat that there was no wave, and there was a kind of drowsy power.After persisting for a few minutes, most of them, including Smith, lay listlessly on the table, imagining how delicious the dinner would be.

Norin listened with gusto.For him, the understanding of magic is urgently needed, and the history of magic cannot be missed.

As soon as the get out of class bell rang, the unbearable freshmen immediately walked out of the classroom.Unmoved, Professor Binns quietly stood on the podium and watched them leave.Norlin took the initiative to ask Professor Binns:
"Hello, Professor. May I know the origin of magic?"

"Oh, it can be seen that you are a child who loves to learn." Professor Binns' dull ghost twitched in surprise, and then there was a trace of expression, and he said happily, and opened his mouth to answer Nolin, "At first , some horrible creatures called "dragons" appeared in the world, they posed a great threat to the safety of human beings and other races' lives and properties, so many warriors went to slaughter dragons. But they soon discovered that the strength of dragons is not just It can be defeated by force, so some smelters devoted themselves to this cause, they first created some substances with lethality to the body, these formulas are now considered the prototype of magic."

These people are the earliest alchemists... Norlin secretly wrote it down.

"Then people further discovered that some language communication with dragons can weaken or even limit the dragon's activities in battle, and the spiritual communication unique to magicians is especially effective for this. This is the origin of the curse. In the first century, All kinds of magic developed rapidly, and by the middle of the 4th century, there were no less than [-] kinds."

"Yushi?" Norin grasped the word accurately and asked in doubt.

"It belongs to the century of magicians. Of course, now we have changed it to AD." Professor Binns explained indifferently, and then said, "What really brought about the revival of magical philology is the reincarnation of the human prophet Fa Atong. A loyal follower of his disciple Augustus—Hastings. Augustus, one of the twelve warriors in Yushi 746, sealed the dragon with amazing magic, but with his death, this powerful Magic is unfortunately lost. The main reason here is not that the disciples of Augustus do not have the magic power of the master. If they are given enough time to practice, it is not impossible to finally master the ability to seal the dragon; Written form survived. Regret over the loss of this powerful spell led directly to the outbreak of the 'Written Magic Movement'.

Hastings is very interested in magic. He invited magicians from all over the world to record the magic props, formulas, incantations and casting process, and spent a lot of money and energy on this.Finally, in the four years from 749 to 753, the "Hastings Magical History" came out.Although there are too many flaws in this study, it is undoubtedly the origin of written magic. "

Norin nodded frequently.Professor Binns didn't feel tired after a long speech, and he obviously enjoyed it. Of course, this has a lot to do with him being a ghost.

"Can you understand that explanation?" said Professor Binns kindly.

"Well. Thank you for your answer, Professor Binns." Noreen said hastily.

"If you have any questions about the history of magic, please come to me again. There are not many students who are so eager to learn." Professor Binns put away the illusory textbook in satisfaction, and floated out of the classroom. "See you next time, Mr. Davis."

After Nolin sent Professor Binns away respectfully, he fell into deep thought, and finally sat down on the podium.There is no doubt that he has never seen what Professor Binns said just now in the original work.The origin of magic and the mysteries of the world can only be explored by himself from now on.

"Is this the real magical world..." Nolin murmured, the light in his eyes gradually brightened.

(End of this chapter)

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