The Wizard Supreme at Hogwarts

Chapter 118 The Golden Eagle Spreads Its Wings

Chapter 118 The Golden Eagle Spreads Its Wings
As time goes on, the first Quidditch game of the year is just around the corner.

On the eve of the game, an amazing news suddenly spread: the first-year Harry Potter will join the Gryffindor Quidditch team as a Seeker.

The first first-year Quidditch player in history added a bit of color to Harry's aura.Many little wizards were excited, and they all looked forward to the wonderful performance of the savior on the court.

It is said that when Malfoy heard the news, he was stunned for a while, and then angrily smashed the goblet on the dining table to the ground. Professor McGonagall, who saw it, deducted [-] points with indifference.

However, the excitement belongs to them, and Norin is busy preparing for the final step of his Animagus transformation.

"Professor, is there really going to be a storm today?"

Noreen sat in Professor McGonagall's office, looking out the window from time to time, and said suspiciously.

"I asked Professor Sinistra, and she said yes." Professor McGonagall stood by the window, unable to see her expression clearly.

The corner of Nolin's mouth twitched. Professor Sinista reads the astrology. What does it have to do with the weather...

Just when he thought it was probably cool today, Professor McGonagall continued:

"And according to my many years of experience, the storm will not make Animagus practitioners wait too long."

The more you talk, the more you talk, the idealism is coming out... Norlin forced a smile, and suddenly realized that this is a magical world, so he had a little more expectation.

Norlin was a little thankful that Hogwarts was in England instead of the Sahara Desert, otherwise he would probably have to wait a lifetime.

He thought for a long time, took out a bottle of potion from his pocket, drank it down, and the flesh on his cheeks trembled twice in pain.

This bottle of Felix Felicia is not big, only two mouthfuls, and he wrote to Taylor Selwyn to ask for it.Felicity Elixir is a top-notch potion, the configuration cycle is ridiculously long, and the materials required are also varied. Norlin really didn't have so much time and energy to prepare it, so he had to write a letter for help.

The Selwyn family didn't have many medicines of this quality, and if Norlin swallowed it, it would be equivalent to swallowing no less than a thousand Galleons.

Thinking of this, Norin once again lamented that Snape is really an invisible rich man, and the value of all kinds of potions in his hand is incalculable.Not to mention his treasured potion ingredients.


Professor McGonagall, who had been looking out the window, said.

Nuo Lin's face was filled with joy, and the next moment, rumbling thunder resounded through the sky.

It was clearly in the afternoon, but the sky was suddenly oppressed, black as ink, and white lightning flashed from time to time.

"Let's go, go to the place where you buried the potion."

Professor McGonagall flicked her wand, and two broomsticks flew towards her.She grabbed one and jumped out the window, riding firmly on the broom with such agility that one doubted that she was the same Quidditch player in her youth.

"You should have taken the flight lessons well, right?" She tilted her head and said.

"of course."

Norin smiled, and also rode on the broom, and the two flew towards the Forbidden Forest.

Noreen buried the potion under a big tree on the edge of the Forbidden Forest, which was a friendly suggestion from Professor McGonagall.Animagus needs an open and quiet place when transforming, and the Forbidden Forest is undoubtedly a good choice.

On the night of the full moon a few days ago, Nolin spit out the mandrake leaves that had been contained for a whole month, put them in a crystal phial filled with saliva, added a hair, a spoonful of dew, and a grimace The chrysalis of a hawkmoth.Then, accompanied by Professor McGonagall, they went to the Forbidden Forest to bury the potion.

No way, Norlin didn't want to bother Professor McGonagall in the middle of the night, but Professor McGonagall insisted on accompanying him all the way, for fear that any accident in any link would waste all previous efforts.

There was lightning and thunder above the head, and the bean-sized raindrops began to fall, but they seemed to hit a layer of shield before falling on Nolin and Professor McGonagall, preventing them from touching their bodies.

After flying for a while, the dark Forbidden Forest appeared before their eyes.This is the opposite corner of Hagrid's hut, and it is also the most deserted place.

Norlin and Professor McGonagall fell to the ground and came to a thick and silent tree.As soon as he drew his wand, a crystal bottle broke through the ground and flew into his hand.

The originally silver-white potion was now blood-red.

"let's start."

Professor McGonagall nodded at him.

"Amado, Animo, Animado, Animagus."

Noreen pointed the tip of his wand at his heart, muttering an incantation.Afterwards, he pulled out the stopper of the crystal bottle and drank the liquid medicine in one gulp.

The medicinal liquid was icy cold, but it turned into a line of fire after entering the mouth, spreading from the throat to the stomach.

Nuo Lin's eyes went dark, and he felt his whole body was burning.Severe pain came from every piece of skin, and the heart was beating rapidly, as if it would jump out of the chest in the next second.

The robes, jewelry, shoes and socks, etc. were slowly squeezed, as if they were about to merge with his body.

While Nuo Lin gritted his teeth and endured the pain, he tried his best to control his increasingly drowsy rationality so as not to resist.Professor McGonagall has repeatedly emphasized that if you resist or panic at this time, the animal's head may gain dominance.

Finally, the beating frequency of his heart gradually slowed down, and his body temperature also dropped slightly.The animal that was about to transform also appeared in the depths of his mind.

He could feel that his arm was undergoing incredible changes.The bones are being restructured and regenerated, and hair grows on top of the flesh, which is the shape of wings.The muscles and organs inside the body are also being transformed quietly, but Nuo Lin doesn't know what it will look like.

Norin endured silently, as if a century had passed before the feeling of change finally ceased.

Professor McGonagall on the side took out a full-length mirror from his pocket in due course and placed it in front of Noreen.There was unabashed wonder and admiration on her face.

Norin staggered, managed to stand still, and looked into the mirror.

In the mirror, an eagle with black eyes remains the symbol of humanity.Under the yellow-brown head and neck, there is a dark brown body and two wing feathers.Feather tail off-white, feather tip black.

Two long, sharp claws like iron hooks gripped the ground tightly, as if capable of breaking gold and cracking stones, and the legs and claws were all covered with feathers.

"Golden Eagle... Are you Ravenclaw or Gryffindor..."

Professor McGonagall took a few steps back and looked at Norlin's deformed animal with the eyes of admiring works of art.Animagus generally deforms based on the heart of a wizard. She didn't expect Norin, who was born in the Eagle Academy, to become such an aggressive raptor.

The 1.5-meter golden eagle fluttered its wings clumsily, and one fell to the ground because of its unsteady balance.It got up quickly, continued to thump, continued to fall, and the cycle repeated.

Professor McGonagall smiled and watched without interfering.She understands that after the first successful transformation, the body needs to adapt to the habits of the animal.She didn't do much better than Noreen when she first transformed.

Finally, after falling down hundreds of times, Norin finally adapted to the golden eagle's body.

With a long cry, he flapped his wings and flew high into the sky, as if to welcome lightning.

 Ask for a ticket (><)
  Thanks to the book friend zack170185 for the reward, I was still motivated when I saw the news (ω)
(End of this chapter)

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