The Wizard Supreme at Hogwarts

Chapter 116 Confirmation of Identity

Chapter 116 Confirmation of Identity
In the girls' washroom, the trio had different looks and were extremely exciting.

Harry felt that his roommate who had been with him for more than a month was possessed by a wizard, as if he was meeting him for the first time.

It turns out that your usual mediocrity is just pretending?

"What the hell are you playing?"

Suddenly there was a violent knock on the door and loud footsteps, and all three people in the room looked up.

Professor McGonagall rushed into the bathroom first. Her lips were pale, her eyes were wide open, and her voice was filled with cold anger.Professor McGonagall is indeed the dean of Gryffindor, and his anger is exactly the same as the lion badge on his chest.

"Fortunately, you were not killed by it." Professor McGonagall glanced at the corpse of the troll on the ground, and his face turned pale again, "Why don't you stay in the dormitory?"

It's over.Harry's eyes went dark, and Gryffindor was about to lose points because of them.

Snape came in without saying a word, squatting down to observe the troll's corpse carefully with a gloomy face.

"Please don't—Professor McGonagall. They're coming for me."

In the shadows, Hermione's voice sounded faintly.She struggled to stand up with complicated eyes.

"Miss Granger?"

Professor McGonagall said in surprise, she did not expect Gryffindor's model student to appear here.

"I thought I could handle it, I'd read about them—I thought I understood it."

Hermione looked down at the toe of her shoe and said in a low voice.

"Let me interrupt."

Snape said suddenly, his sallow face showed a hint of doubt, "Miss Granger, you mean that you were the one who released the spell?"

As soon as Professor McGonagall came in, he was anxious to confirm the safety of the students. After he said this, he noticed the tragedy of the troll's corpse.

"In fact, although you almost did it, such recklessness is not advisable..."

Professor McGonagall looked disbelieving, but said sternly.

"No, Professor, it's not me..."

Hermione blushed and waved eagerly.

"Not you? Who would that be, the famous savior Potter? Or, this Weasley..."

Snape said with a sneer, his voice getting lower and lower.He saw Hermione and Harry cast their gazes at Ron at the same time.

"You mean, Mr. Weasley?"

Professor McGonagall also opened his mouth slightly.In their impression, Ron was just an ordinary little wizard next to Harry, and it was beyond their expectations to have such strength.

Ron scratched his head, feeling like he was in a dream.He himself didn't know that the spell was so powerful.

"Mr. Weasley, can you explain to me how you know how to break the Blasting Curse? This is a spell that can only be learned in the upper grades, and you are only in the first grade."

Shocked, Professor McGonagall asked sternly.

"That's what Norlin taught me."

Under Professor McGonagall's sharp eyes, Ron swallowed and whispered.


Professor McGonagall had a clear face, and suddenly frowned again, "Where is he now?"

From what she knew of Noreen, it was absolutely impossible for him to stay in the Ravenclaw common room honestly.

Norlin was indeed not in the common room. He was in the corridor on the fourth floor, watching Professor Quirrell come in and out of the restricted area door.

Nuo Lin gradually restrained the smile on his face and focused on observing.He mainly wanted to verify a certain conjecture this time.

Every time Professor Quirrell came out of the door, there would be more or less a scar on his body.Inside, Lu Wei roared impatiently and flaunted his might.

Professor Quirrell grinned his teeth in pain, but still rushed forward without hesitation, as if someone was chasing him with a whip.


There was a low curse in the air, and then Norlin's eyes narrowed. Professor Quirrell not far away seemed to be a different person, with a completely different temperament.

"Every time you come out in this form, you have to pay a very high price. What a waste, even a dog can stop you."

Quirrell twisted his head strangely and cursed hoarsely.

Nuo Lin's heart trembled, and the sense of inexplicable familiarity became stronger and stronger.Quietly down a bottle of illusion potion.He couldn't guarantee whether Quirrell could see through his illusion spell at this time, so he immediately added an insurance.

A strange black fire appeared in the palm of Quirrell, and he walked into the room.Not long after, Lu Wei's wailing came out.

There seemed to be a violent vibration in the room, even Noreen who was outside could feel it.Gradually, the house returned to calm.

Norin raised his brows, and just when he thought that Quirrell had already dealt with Lu Wei, a white light suddenly bloomed in the room, followed by Quirrell's frightened cry:
"Damn Dumbledore!"

Norin hid by the wall, and Quirrell's figure rushed out. His face was extremely pale, and he returned to his usual appearance.

He hastily healed the wound on his body, barely stopped the bleeding, covered his robe, and ran away without looking back.

Nuo Lin stared at his leaving figure, his face was uncertain, and he murmured:

"The one in the Forbidden Forest is indeed you... Voldemort..."

And where he couldn't see it, in the principal's office.

Dumbledore sat on the soft principal's chair, and a transparent glass ball floated in front of his eyes.

He looked at the glass ball with a smile, and stuffed a piece of sizzling bee candy into his mouth from time to time. He didn't have the serious look when he was in the auditorium just now.

When Noreen quietly returned to the Ravenclaw common room, the prefect Penelope had announced that the crisis had ended and the troll had been successfully defeated.The little wizards who were not too nervous instantly let down their vigilance and discussed with great interest which professor was the one who defeated the troll.

"What did you do?"

Smith was used to Norlin appearing out of thin air, so he leaned forward and asked expectantly.He wished the troll had been defeated by his roommate, that would give him another bragging rights.

To his disappointment, Noreen silently shook his head.There was something wrong with his expression, so Smith didn't ask any more questions.

Nolin was lying on the bench in the lounge, his thoughts racing.He was [-]% sure that the mysterious black robe in the Forbidden Forest was Voldemort who used Quirrell's body to act, so Norlin would inevitably become an enemy of Voldemort.

In the Forbidden Forest, Voldemort wanted to kill him and Elena, and it was impossible for Norin to swallow his anger.Besides, there seems to be a lot of conflict between Voldemort and his mother.

However, how to kill is a problem.Although Voldemort is extremely weak now, he can still show that strength in the Forbidden Forest.Although it will be expensive, Norlin has to admit that he is not yet the opponent of Voldemort in that state.

Moreover, his life is tougher than anyone else, there are still a few Horcruxes left outside, and it is impossible to completely kill him without destroying them all.

Right now, I can only hug Dumbledore's thigh tightly, it's a wretched development.

Norin rubbed his temples with a headache, but his eyes caught a glimpse of the Ravenclaw sculpture.

Its eyes are deep and wise, as if looking into the distance, or staring at Nolin.

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(End of this chapter)

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