The Wizard Supreme at Hogwarts

Chapter 114 Actor Quirrell

Chapter 114 Actor Quirrell
"Malfoy, didn't your father teach you what parenting is? Or is this behavior your father taught you?"

Norin asked, frowning.The last person who uttered such words has now suffered from "Norlin phobia", avoiding Norlin all day long.

Ron's face suddenly became ugly.Harry and Hermione glanced at each other. Although they didn't understand the seriousness of the matter, they could also see that Malfoy's words were not good.

"It's you again, Davis."

Malfoy took a step back subconsciously, and said sternly:
"Don't meddle in your own business, or I'll be rude to you..."

"Apologize, or I will be rude to you."

Nolin said coldly.He really wanted to ask those so-called holy pure-blood families, how did they teach their children to be more arrogant than each other.

"You want me to be with this mud..."

"The front teeth competition is great!"

Before Malfoy finished speaking, a ray of light shot out from Ron's wand and hit Malfoy directly in the face.

Malfoy was beaten backwards, and fell to the ground in a flat sand falling wild goose style.The next moment, his front teeth grew wildly like a mole digging the ground.


Harry and Hermione, who were still angry, couldn't help laughing.


Norin looked at Ron with some surprise, thinking that this kid was pretty quick.

There was still fear on Ron's face, the spell just now was completely impulsive, but seeing Malfoy's funny look, he suddenly felt elated.

"You're done! Weasley! You're going to be fired!"

Malfoy sat on the ground, clutching his mouth desperately, trying to push his front teeth back, but finding it hopelessly futile.He stared at Ron fiercely, and said with a little cry.

Norin was silent for a while, walked to the side and pulled him up, and whispered in his ear:

"I suggest you go and clarify this matter with your dean, and don't miss anything. I think someone will be unlucky because of this."

Davis is a good guy!
This thought came to Malfoy's mind uncontrollably, he glanced at Noreen gratefully, and said harsh words to Ron:

"Wait, Weasley! You'll be on the train home with Potter tomorrow!"

He didn't even want to go to the school hospital, just to show Snape the evidence that he had been bullied.

"We have to explain it to Professor McGonagall! Otherwise, Ron might really be expelled!"

After Malfoy walked away, Hermione hurriedly said that she, who was familiar with the school rules, naturally knew what kind of punishment would be given for casting spells on classmates.

She had forgotten Ron's unhappiness about her ambiguity before.

"Don't worry, it'll be alright."

Noreen smiled. He only told Malfoy that someone was going to be unlucky, but he didn't say who was going to be unlucky.

"how do you feel?"

He looked up at Ron, and Ron said with an aftertaste, "Not bad."

"Hey! How did you know this magic! I didn't know it."

Harry said puzzledly and enviously.He was thinking that if he had just defeated Malfoy, the scene must have been more exciting.

"Norlin taught me a few little charms during the summer vacation."

Ron scratched his head and grinned.

As Norlin said, Ron had nothing to do afterwards, but Malfoy looked dazed and suspicious of life.

God knows why after he finished telling what happened, instead of going to Gryffindor to settle the score, Professor Snape stared at himself sullenly.

At that moment, Malfoy even felt that he was going to throw himself into the cauldron as a potion ingredient.

The days in October were uneventful. It is worth mentioning that Zhang Qiu finally got his wish and successfully entered the Ravenclaw Quidditch team and became a glorious Seeker, just like Pekesy who had graduated.

The relationship between the Gryffindor trio improved a little after Ron's shot.Of course, there is only one point.There was still a disagreement between Hermione and the two, and she scolded them from time to time.

And just before Halloween, Noreen heard that Hermione cried because of Ron.

"No wonder everyone can't stand her. To be honest, she is like a nightmare." George said happily. "That's what Ron said."

Noreen was writing an answer to Pekasey without looking up.In her letter, she mentioned that she has passed the first step of the Auror assessment and is working towards the next stage.

"Why?" Zhang Qiu asked curiously.

"Hermione doesn't seem to have any friends." Fred scratched his head. "She is simply a copy of Professor McGonagall. She is meticulous, can't tolerate sand in her eyes, and goes in and out of the library alone all day. She is more Ravenclaw than someone."

Like a cat whose tail has been stepped on, Smith retorted blushingly:

"Whoever said Ravenclaw has to go to the library! My ingenuity lies elsewhere!"

"Such as eating?"

George laughed at the slightest bit of face. After more than a semester, everyone has become familiar with each other, and they will not show mercy.

"Both Ron and Harry can't stand her character. She heard Ron say bad things about her today."

Fred continued.

On the long table in Gryffindor, Ron was mingling with Seamus Finnigan and the others, but the expression on his face was slightly disturbed.

Noreen finally wrote a reply to Pekesi.The thought of Pekesi's hard work on Halloween eve made him sigh.

The auditorium is full of colorful decorations, swarms of bats are flying on the walls and ceiling, and another group of bats are like low dark clouds, circling and flying above the dining table, making the flaming candles in the pumpkin belly burst into flames. There are flickering flashes, indeterminate.

The four long tables were bustling with excitement, everyone had smiles on their faces, only Malfoy stared at the Ravenclaw long table through gritted teeth, with an aggrieved expression on his face.

Professor McGonagall was talking seriously with Dumbledore, and Dumbledore listened with a smile, stuffing a piece of candy into his mouth from time to time.

Suddenly, the door of the auditorium was knocked open.Professor Quirrell rushed into the auditorium with a big scarf on his head, his face full of horror.

All eyes were on him, as if he was the most beautiful boy in the audience.He walked tremblingly to Dumbledore's chair, leaned on the table, gasped heavily, and said in shock:

"The troll—in the dungeon—thought you should know."

After speaking, he fell headlong to the floor and passed out.

The auditorium suddenly became chaotic.

Noreen squinted, applauded gently, and praised Professor Quirrell's acting skills.

Even when he fell to the ground, he didn't forget to touch the ground with his face. It can be said that he loves Voldemort deeply. Voldemort should award a trophy to such a caring servant.

Oscar also owes him the trophy.If he didn't know that he was faking it, he would have believed his lifelike performance, and Norlin would have believed it.

 Ask for a ticket (><)
(End of this chapter)

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