Chapter 36
The reason why Yan Ye dared to let go of the defense and fight for his life was because he had exchanged some life-saving things before, and this amulet that could withstand three attacks of the soul king and below was just one of them.

He didn't need to just feel a little distressed before, after all, this amulet cost him five hundred points, and this amulet can resist the attack of the soul king level, it is a bit too wasteful to use it to resist the attack of the soul sect or even the soul master.

But at the beginning, he exchanged these things to prevent Chihiro Ji and the high-level figures of the Wuhun Temple. If the level is too low, it is useless, so there is no other way. If it is wasted, it will be wasted.

But now, there is only one defense-type soul master left, even if he suffers a little injury, this soul master can't make any waves.


Seeing Bibi Dong with a slightly anxious face, Ye Yun's eyes were slightly cold.Although there was only one left, he couldn't let him disturb Bibi Dong's absorption of the spirit ring.

Therefore, Yan Ye said softly to Bibi Dong: "It's okay, there is only one small character with more than 30 levels left, you can absorb the soul ring at ease, and I will finish him soon."

After the words fell, Yan Ye looked coldly at the soul master whose face was full of fear, and didn't even give him a chance to beg for mercy. Imaginary Sky Wings slammed, and the sword struck at a speed that was almost invisible to the naked eye. The last soul master of Liao Hong's team was nailed to the rock wall.

However, before Yan Ye could heave a sigh of relief, soft but heavy footsteps came from outside the cave. Yan Ye was very sure that the footsteps belonged to a large sensitive soul beast.

Sure enough, as Yan Ye expected, when he was staring at the hole with all his attention, a huge white wolf head poked in through the gap, and what made Yan Ye's eyes condense was that there was a crescent moon between the wolf head's eyebrows imprint.

A moon wolf, and a moon wolf close to 2 years old.

When the moon wolf poked its head in and saw the huge corpse of the Demon Spider Emperor, its eyes lit up. It didn't expect that he only heard the sound and then searched for it, and found a ten thousand-year-level Demon Spider Emperor.

In addition to absorbing the energy between heaven and earth, the practice of soul beasts actually has a faster cultivation method, and this cultivation method is also the cultivation method of most soul beasts.

The natural world pays attention to the weak and the strong, and the same is true for soul beasts, and the way to increase their soul power life faster is naturally to devour other soul beasts, and the higher the age, the better.

Humans can absorb the soul rings of soul beasts after hunting them. Although soul beasts cannot absorb soul rings after killing soul beasts, they can absorb the soul power of the defeated party, and even absorb the flesh and blood essence of the opponent through devouring. Get more benefits than humans.

The only difference from humans is that they can't obtain spirit rings, and can't obtain additional spirit skills, but if it's just about improvement in cultivation, their improvement will only be higher than that of humans who have absorbed spirit rings.

Although the Demon Spider Emperor is dead and the spirit ring has been condensed, the soul master has not completely absorbed the spirit ring. A bit wasted, but it absorbs at least half of it.

Of course, it will not let go of the corpse of the Demon Spider Emperor.Although the age limit of this Demon Spider Emperor is a bit lower, it is a Demon Spider Emperor with a special bloodline, which is different from ordinary soul beasts, so even if its age of soul power is higher, it can still get a lot of benefits.

Therefore, after seeing the corpse of the Demon Spider Emperor, Moon Wolf didn't hesitate at all, and directly stretched out Soda's wolf claws to push away the stone blocking it, and couldn't wait to squeeze in.

Seeing that the moon wolf was about to come in, and it might take a while for Bibi Dongli to absorb the soul ring, Yan Ye couldn't help frowning.

Although it was a bit troublesome, Yan Ye appeared in front of Yuelang without any hesitation.


With a soft drink, Yan Ye, who teleported directly in front of Moon Wolf's wolf head, stabbed out with a sword.

The moon wolf didn't expect that little guy who didn't pay attention to it would suddenly appear in front of him, and what made it even more unexpected was that this little guy dared to attack it, and actually injured it.

The sting from the center of the brow made Yuelang howl uncontrollably, and when Yuelang wailed and opened his bloody mouth enough to swallow him in one mouthful, Yan Ye slammed the thunderbolt in his hand with lightning speed. Throw it into Moon Wolf's mouth.

After throwing the thunderbolt into Moon Wolf's mouth, Yan Ye appeared under Moon Wolf's mouth again in a flash, and then kicked Moon Wolf's chin with all his strength, closing its open mouth with one kick. .

It was also at the moment when Moon Wolf's mouth closed, there was a muffled sound from its mouth, and the thunderbolt Yan Ye threw exploded directly in its mouth.

A violent explosion erupted in its mouth, even a 2-year-old moon wolf couldn't hold it back. The explosion made its eyes almost protrude, and a small half of its mouth was blown off. It can already be seen clearly. to its bleeding gums.

Yan Ye's bombing almost destroyed the moon wolf. More than half of its mouth full of teeth were directly blown off, and its throat was also injured. Its big mouth was basically useless.

However, Yan Ye's explosion also aroused Yuelang's ferocity. This guy didn't even pull the stone, but directly slammed into it.

Caught off guard, Yan Ye was directly knocked into the air.Although he used teleportation to dodge more attacks at the last moment, the impact also broke at least two of his ribs.

What made Yan Ye's eyes tear open was that after rushing in, this guy went straight to Bibi Dong.

"Beast looking for death!"

Seeing that Moon Wolf went straight to Bibi Dong, Yan Ye's eyes turned cold, he let out a low drink, teleported to behind Moon Wolf, and then directly hit a Millennium Kill.

There is no way, the fur on Moon Wolf's body is still very defensive, even if he uses all his strength, he may not be able to break through the defense.

But, the moon wolf also has the weaknesses that many creatures have, so Yan Ye killed it in a place where it had no fur protection.

Although Yan Ye's blow was not a full attack, it was filled with the maximum energy he could mobilize, so the blow went in without a reason.

The weak point was attacked, and the severe pain caused Moon Wolf to whimper involuntarily even though his mouth and throat were severely injured. Said Ye's attack was not too harmful, but the insulting and psychologically traumatic attack successfully attracted All the hatred of the moon wolf.

Originally, there was still a little awareness, knowing that the moon wolf that attacked Bibi Dong first was left with madness and the ultimate killing intent towards Yan Ye, and now it only had one thought in its mind, that is to tear this little guy up at all costs.

Yan Ye was relieved to see Moon Wolf turn around and go straight to him with red eyes, and then he just had to play around and wait for Bibi Dong to finish absorbing the soul ring.

Although he still has a trump card that can kill the moon wolf, but that trick can only be used once a day. The wolf leads out.

However, Yan Ye didn't notice that there was a hint of mockery and cruelty in Yue Lang's brutal eyes when he led Yue Lang out.

(End of this chapter)

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