I really don't want to be a male god

Chapter 18 018. Founder Yun Boss (for collection)

Chapter 18 018. Founder Yun Boss (for collection)

Except for Tang Miaomiao, who asked for leave in the morning, several heavyweight executives of Tianmiao Group's Modu Regional Branch did not take a break at noon. Instead, they chose a conference room to hold a small meeting in advance, and each discussed A possible decision by the upcoming board of directors.

They understood that although they were company executives at this meeting, they were only accompanying them to understand the content of the meeting, and they were not even qualified to speak.

This meeting seems to be just to decide whether to continue cooperation with Jitian Advertising, but everyone knows that this decision will directly affect the future development strategy of the group, and it can also determine who the company will listen to in the future.

Compared to the nervousness of these executives, Chen Mingyuan, the general manager lying in the office, was not very worried. He felt that his plan was flawless and impeccable.

When the board meeting was over, even if Zhang Fan knelt down and begged him, he would still fire his girlfriend.

After organizing the electronic version of the materials sorted out in the morning into folders and putting them on the laptop desktop, Zhang Fan walked into the elevator with the beautiful assistant arranged by Tang Miaomiao.

On the top floor of Tianmiao Building, there is a fully enclosed conference room full of technology.

This mysterious meeting room is not opened at all in normal times, and meetings are only held here when there are huge differences among the company's top management or when the group's board of directors makes major decisions.

There is such a special conference room on the top floor of every Tianmiao Building. They all have a common name - Tianzhiyunji.

Stepping into the top floor, the door of the meeting room slowly opened after the beautiful assistant checked the access control. The general manager Chen Mingyuan and other executives came to the meeting room a little earlier.

The main seat of the rectangular conference table was vacated to show respect for the founder of the company, the largest shareholder of Tianmao, and the only cloud boss who held more than 20% of the shares before Zhang Fan.

As the general manager of the Modu area, Chen Mingyuan sat in the first seat to the left of the main seat, and the rest of the executives sat in the rear positions on both sides.

Zhang Fan took the first seat on the right, and the beautiful assistant stood behind him respectfully holding the meeting minutes book in her hand, responsible for recording all the speeches in the meeting.

Chen Mingyuan glanced at the notebook and some documents that Zhang Fan brought over, with a bit of disdain in his eyes, and said: "It's almost time, and Mr. Zhang has arrived, so let the meeting begin now."

On the front side of the conference table, under the debugging of professional technicians, ten bright display screens of about [-] inches are connected to the shareholders of Tianmiao scattered all over the world at this moment.

Only shareholders holding more than 5% of the shares are eligible to participate in the board meeting held by Tianzhi Yunji, which means that every shareholder participating in the meeting is worth at least 50 billion or more.

The meeting time was communicated in advance, and it took less than a minute. Except for the most central screen, the rest of the screens showed images of every shareholder.

"Is Boss Yun late? It's really rare. But just before the meeting, let's meet the company's new major shareholder, Mr. Zhang Fan."

Each shareholder on the screen can synchronize the real-time video in this meeting room on his computer. An elegant-looking man wearing a pair of gold-rimmed glasses looked at Zhang Fan through the screen and nodded slightly in greeting.

"Mr. Zhang looks really young. In your words, he is young and promising." A foreign shareholder with short blond hair, blue pupils, and a smile that looks like Marilyn Monroe joked.

"Miss Jones, you have to keep learning your language. We want to say young here, not young." On another screen, a bald man wearing a mink coat and a finger-thick gold necklace around his neck corrected road.

"Then I will definitely ask you about the difference between young and young when I have a chance. Let Mr. Zhang introduce himself now." Jones brushed the broken hair on his forehead and said with a smile.

"It's easy to say, I will make Miss Jones understand that there is no connection between being young and being young." The bald shareholder joked.

"Why didn't you see the big beauty Mr. Qin at this shareholders' meeting? When Mr. Qin goes online later, he is probably very interested in Mr. Zhang. She is a major shareholder who holds 10% of Tianmiao's shares. She should attend the meeting, right?" Someone continued. Said.

Compared with everyone's enthusiasm for Zhang Fan, Chen Mingyuan only made eye contact with a few people on the screen. After all, these people on the screen are shareholders of the company, and although he, Chen Mingyuan, is the general manager, he is still just a wage earner.

With a rising star like Zhang Fan, no one wants to have a good relationship with him. Maybe they can promote cooperation in the future. Except for a few shareholders of the Chen Mingyuan family who have long discussed how to deal with Zhang Fan, everyone is very friendly.

"Hello shareholders, I'm Zhang Fan. I'm very glad to meet you all. I have nothing to introduce. I'm just an ordinary person." Zhang Fan stood up politely, smiled and nodded to the people who spoke just now. , his shares are rewarded by the system, and besides that, he really doesn't have any scary-sounding titles to introduce himself.

It's just that after listening to Zhang Fan's brief introduction, these big shareholders felt that he became even more mysterious.

These shareholders are not unknown in the financial world, and they know each other well, except for this Mr. Zhang, they have never heard of it before.

It is said that Mr. Zhang bought the equity of several small shareholders overnight at a price 15% higher than the issue price, and besides holding more than 10% of the shares, he also has the title of head of brand promotion at the company headquarters. Maybe he and the company's founder, Boss Yun, know each other.

"Hahaha, Brother Zhang Fan is really low-key. When you come to Dongsan District, you must contact me and arrange for you to go to the big sword." It turns out that the bald man wearing a big gold chain is a big brother in Dongsan District. Zhang Fan responded to his invitation with a smile, and would definitely find him for a drink if he had the chance.

"I was supposed to taste wine with Mr. Zhang this time, but this meeting was too rushed, so I had to look for another opportunity." The elegant man with gold glasses once again expressed his desire to make further connections.

While everyone was talking and laughing, the screen in the center of the front row of the conference table finally appeared, "Sorry to keep everyone waiting. I was traveling in the South of Caiyun, and the locals asked me to help them get rid of the elephant. But a problem came up for me, and I’m going to ask the company’s technical expert to solve it later.”

"By the way, why are you holding a board meeting today?" The image on the screen was Boss Yun, one of Zhang Fan's most admired idols.

Boss Yun's appearance is very recognizable. He has a slightly thin face with Chinese characters and typical southern features, including a wide forehead, double eyelids, and a somewhat flat mouth.

At this time, he was wearing a brown linen blouse, and a sweaty white towel was hanging around his neck. The picture kept shaking, and the background seemed to be in the wild, and he should be walking.

Since the connection is made with a mobile phone, Boss Yun cannot obtain the synchronous screen of the meeting room, but can only hear everyone's voice.

Boss Yun has withdrawn from the management of the daily affairs of the group. He is only invited to make decisions at major meetings. In fact, he has rarely intervened in the company's decision-making in recent years. It is usually decided by shareholder votes. He chooses to be impartial. Not standing there.

 Ask for a wave of favorites~

(End of this chapter)

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