I really don't want to be a male god

Chapter 124 123. See Midsummer Again!

Chapter 124 123. See Midsummer Again!

"There used to be a secret passage here, and I don't know what happened after I fell into the trap."

Wang Dazhuang briefly told Sheng Xia what happened after he came to do the task, and then he said that he was not in a good condition, and now he should go back to get rest and come back another day.

Trapped in the secret passage, Zhang Fan felt depressed when he knew they were going to leave with his spiritual perception. It's okay to go, can you take him with you?
It's a pity that the wall is probably equipped with soundproofing materials, so his shouts can't be heard at all.

"The sound is getting denser. Could it be that someone is trapped inside?" Sheng Xia analyzed.

Zhang Fan inside couldn't help giving her a thumbs up, you are so smart.

"You can pull it down! They are all trapped by the secret passage created by themselves? How is it possible?" Wang Dazhuang said disdainfully.

Zhang Fan was really worried about Wang Dazhuang's IQ. How did such a person manage to perform so many tasks without dying?
"Could it be someone else inside? Did no one else come after you fell?" Sheng Xia Bingxue was smart and guessed the point again.

"It seems to be. He still knows my Huaxia name. I fired a shot and he dodged it." Wang Dazhuang recalled, "Later he said to let me stay here..."

"Zhang Fan, is that you?" Sheng Xia immediately guessed that Wang Dazhuang was talking about Zhang Fan. After all, there are only a handful of people who know the name Wang Dazhuang and are not surprised by his identity.

And it can be sure that the person is not an enemy, otherwise he can take the opportunity to attack Wang Dazhuang.

It's like throwing the guy rolling around on the ground...


Zhang Fan kicked the wall twice in response, hoping that Sheng Xia would continue to be smart.

"The person inside should be Zhang Fan, break the wall." Sheng Xia turned his head and said to Wang Dazhuang beside him.

"Zhang Fan? Just because he kicked the wall a few times, do you know it's him?"

Wang Dazhuang had a great impression of Zhang Fan, not to mention that he had followed Zhang Fan many times, but he would remember the fact that Zhang Fan robbed his car for a lifetime.

"It's definitely not wrong. Even if Zhang Fan isn't there, we can work together to deal with him." Shengxia patted Wang Dazhuang on the shoulder and pointed at the wall.

"Okay," Wang Dazhuang took two steps back and raised his pistol, "then you'd better pray that the people behind the wall don't get shot by me."

Every bullet in his gun is an armor-piercing bullet, and as long as it is hit with precision, it is enough to penetrate the wall.

The bullet was fired, and the sound of the gun with the silencer installed was not loud, but its power was extremely amazing.

The first bullet was directly embedded in the wall, and almost at the same time the second bullet hit a position less than half a centimeter away from this bullet.

Zhang Fan stuck to the side wall of the secret passage, and even he couldn't help but sigh that Wang Dazhuang's marksmanship was really exquisite.

In a few seconds, he finished firing a row of bullets, and these bullets were all concentrated in the same area, destroying the structure of the entire wall.

When he fired the second row of bullets, each bullet hit the gap left by the previous bullets with incomparable accuracy.

This time his shooting speed was much slower, but soon a bullet passed through the wall and flew into the secret passage.

After he finished firing this row of bullets, several bullet holes appeared in the wall, and the wall was full of cracks.

"Okay, you two stand back." With these holes, Zhang Fan's voice could finally be heard.

Hearing his voice, Sheng Xia raised his chin confidently and said, "Is my guess right?"

Wang Dazhuang scratched his head, he still couldn't figure out how Sheng Xia guessed it, he just nodded in admiration.

The brain is a good thing, but Wang Dazhuang's brain is obviously not very big...

But everyone can have his unique stunt, even if he has a bad brain, it doesn't affect his peerless marksmanship.

The two took a few steps back, and Zhang Fan kicked hard at the weak part of the wall.

After a muffled sound, bricks, stones and soil fell to the ground, and the room was filled with dust.

"Ahem," Zhang Fan squeezed his nose and got out of the secret passage, "Thanks to your cleverness this time, otherwise I would really have to be trapped in it to death."

Zhang Fan's words were a bit serious, and he wouldn't be so sleepy, but he really had to wait for the fire to go out before going out to take risks.

In that case, there will be a lot of variables.

"I owe you two lives, and now I have paid back one." Sheng Xia said with a smile.

"Let's leave here first, I'm afraid there are still many traps here." Zhang Fan said solemnly.

First Wang Dazhuang fell into the trap, and then Zhang Fan was trapped in the secret road. Under their management, this base area is as dangerous as a dragon's lake and a tiger's den.

Just now, the wall collapsed and made a lot of noise. When the people from the underground laboratory rushed over, there might be another trouble.

Shengxia's exclusive Harley motorcycle was parked outside the yard. She stepped onto the motorcycle, turned her head and said to Zhang Fan, "Get in the car!"

Zhang Fan didn't show any pretense and walked directly towards the Harley motorcycle. You couldn't even get a taxi in this wilderness, so you just got a ride.

"Then what should I do?" Wang Dazhuang stood beside the motorcycle, his sense of existence was really low in the night...

"You can sleep anywhere, and find a way to go back tomorrow." Sheng Xia said mercilessly.

"Sit here?" Zhang Fan had never ridden such a large motorcycle before, let alone had the opportunity to sit on the back seat.

Shengxia patted the narrow back seat behind the motorcycle and said, "Sit here, you can hold the front of the motorcycle with your hands."

Zhang Fan jumped up and sat on it. He supported the huge mailbox of the motorcycle with both hands, and his entire chest was inevitably pressed against Sheng Xia's back.

His coat had been covered in glory when he was set on fire, and he was only wearing a thin white shirt at this time.

Although the shirt was stained with a lot of dust, the dust obviously did not increase the thickness of the shirt.

Through the shirt, Zhang Fan could clearly feel the temperature on Sheng Xia's body.

The locomotive started, and Sheng Xia turned the accelerator pedal. If Zhang Fan hadn't been skilled, he might have been thrown off.

"If you're scared, you can hug my waist. I won't laugh at you." Shengxia's voice came through the helmet.

So Zhang Fan was more respectful than obedient, and he stopped being polite, after all, the speed of the car was indeed a bit fast.

"You pick Wang Dazhuang, does he sit like this?" Zhang Fan suddenly felt that the back seat of the motorcycle was really a good place.

Sheng Xia was lying on the scooter, showing her perfect body curves, while Zhang Fan, who was sitting in the back seat, was inevitably close to her body.

"There is a skateboard in the car, do you want to try it too?"

"No, I just asked casually..."

"You can also have the treatment of Wang Dazhuang. How about I stop and throw you by the side of the road?"

"It's not necessary..."

Midsummer, the female knight who was riding a bicycle, unconsciously showed a sweet smile on her helmet-covered face.

There is faith in the autumn wind, and there is a period of winter snow.

The dazzling lights of the Harley motorcycle broke through the darkness and galloped forward.

 The temperature has dropped sharply recently, everyone pay attention to the cold and keep warm

(End of this chapter)

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