I really don't want to be a male god

Chapter 119 118. Resurrection?

Chapter 119 118. Resurrection?
Two taxis drove out of the urban area one after the other, and headed west along the ring road.

"Young man, this place is quite remote. It's not easy for me to attract people when I go back."

The taxi driver complained as he saw the taxi in front of him heading towards the deserted suburbs.

Zhang Fan took out his wallet and threw a small wad of hundred-yuan bills onto the driver's seat, "As long as you don't lose it, the money is yours."

The driver glanced at at least one thousand banknotes, and immediately patted his chest and said that his driving skills are really good!
About three hours later, Chen Mingyuan's taxi stopped in front of an abandoned factory in the suburbs.

"Boss, do you want to follow?" The taxi driver beside Zhang Fan asked.

These days, if you don't have money, you are a young man, and the one who gives money must be the boss.

"Just stop by the side of the road, thank you." Zhang Fan replied casually.

Zhang Fan had been to this abandoned factory once, and there were indeed a few hooligans in it, but they were basically low-ranking little characters.

The mysterious person who said at the auction that he "doesn't snatch things from the dead" is probably not much better than those punks.

The distance between the two taxis was very close, but after Chen Mingyuan got out of the car, he walked mechanically towards the factory as if he couldn't see anyone following him at all.

Zhang Fan also opened the car door. This time he did not choose to go through the main entrance of the factory, but took advantage of the darkness to walk around to the side of the factory.

Outside the high wall made of red bricks is a thick and straight plane tree. Its branches are like a big net covering the factory. Occasionally, a few leaves will fall quietly when there is a gust of cool wind.

It was already late at night, and the bright moon was hanging on the branches of the phoenix tree.

Zhang Fan pulled the zipper on his clothes to the end, and after a run-up for a certain distance, he jumped towards the red wall and the sycamore trees.

With his legs spread apart, he stepped on the wall and on the tree with one foot, and easily climbed onto the courtyard wall. Standing on the courtyard wall, he jumped vigorously under his feet, and clung to the branches with both hands. He jumped onto the sycamore tree like a flexible bird.

This big tree was chosen not because it is easy to climb, but because it was probably planted by workers in the factory to keep cool in the summer. Right below it is the family courtyard, which is the only family courtyard in the entire factory. A place to live.

On the old sycamore tree that was not very pruned, the tiny branches were twisted together, like huge bird's nests. Zhang Fan hid behind these branches, and the "spiritual perception skills" instantly enveloped the entire family courtyard.

Under Zhang Fan's spiritual power, the roof and walls had no shielding effect. The rooms on the left and right were empty, only the middle room had three men and a woman playing games....

Among these four people, two were familiar faces to Zhang Fan, Gao Weiwei and... Liu Hongyi.

It's just that the state of these two people seems a little bit wrong, especially Gao Weiwei, Zhang Fan can't see the hostility before in her.

Three men were playing cards, she leaned quietly on the shoulder of a big bald man, her eyes fixed on the card table, motionless.

The glasses disappeared from Liu Hongyi's face, and the elegant atmosphere that was deliberately maintained was also gone.

He was pale and looked extremely weak.

Zhang Fan didn't know the other two. One of them was a big man with a hideous scar on his head, and the other was a young man with long hair sitting in a wheelchair.

"Liu Hongyi was rescued by someone from the Gao family?"

"What benefit did he give Gao, so they were willing to take a huge risk to snatch people from the ambulance?"

Just when Zhang Fan was about to use his mental power to probe the thoughts of these four people, someone opened the door and walked in.

It was Chen Mingyuan who had been followed all the way by Zhang Fan who came in. As soon as he entered the room, he knelt down directly in front of the four of them.

Then he lowered his head and closed his eyes, the whole person seemed to be dead and motionless.

The bald man pushed away Gao Weiwei who was leaning on his shoulders, threw down the poker cards in his hand and shouted: "No more, no more, every time you two win, it's meaningless."

Liu Hongyi also threw the poker cards in his hand on the table, looked at Chen Mingyuan who was kneeling on the ground, and said weakly: "I thought I was well-informed enough, but what I experienced this day alone can overturn Everything I've been through before."

The bald man walked up to Chen Mingyuan's side, kicked him fearfully at first, and then boldly reached out and pinched his face twice.

"Isn't this incredible? A dead person just... came back to life?"

"Strictly speaking, it's just that his body has recovered its metabolism, and his memory and thinking will never survive."

The handsome young man in the wheelchair shook his head lightly and said with great regret.

Hearing his voice, Zhang Fan's expression changed as he was lying on the plane tree. The voice was exactly the same as the voice coming from Chen Mingyuan's Bluetooth headset.

The mysterious person who said he was a "dead man", could it be him?
"If this kind of technology spreads, those rich people will probably steal their heads." Liu Hongyi looked up at the location of the roof, and continued to admire.

"Heh," the handsome young man sneered, "Without their financial support, how could I have made it to where I am today?"

"Since you have enough financial support, why do you still want me to help you run the company?" Liu Hongyi asked.

Gao Yang snatched him away from the police, not only valued that he might be the only "Gu art inheritor", but also valued his business operation ability.

"Hahahaha, because they are stupid!" The handsome young man said with a sneer, "I'm only one step away from succeeding, but these idiots withdraw their capital at this time, it's really stupid."

The handsome young man's mood fluctuated violently. After saying this, he began to cough violently. He quickly took out a clean white handkerchief to cover his mouth. When he took it away, the handkerchief was already full of blood.

Zhang Fan didn't expect that the mysterious man who spoke so arrogantly was just a sick man, and he could turn him into a blood coughing monster with a single punch at such a small size.

"So you want to take the piece of land in the city center to make it a test base, and then sell the patents in your hand?" Liu Hongyi asked.

"Well," the handsome young man nodded, "Yes, I don't have much time left."

"Unfortunately, it was not photographed, what are you going to do?" Liu Hongyi continued to ask.

"What's mine is mine, and no one can take it away from me." The handsome young man turned the wheelchair and moved towards the wardrobe in the room.

After moving to the wall, he turned his head again with a mocking sneer on his face.

He said coldly: "That friend outside, do you want to come in and see what happens to those who oppose me?"

Covered by the roof and the branches of the sycamore tree, Zhang Fan felt a chill running down his back. He had already checked that there was no surveillance equipment here.

In order to prevent being discovered, he has been taking a detour since he got out of the taxi. He has been careful enough. How did the other party find him?

Maybe he was just playing tricks. To be cautious, Zhang Fan continued to lie behind the branch without moving.

"Didn't you come here just to look for me? You heard what I said just now, so why hide?"

Seeing the handsome young man talking into the air, Chu Haonan immediately stood beside him, and then beckoned to Liu Hongyi for him to come too.

Liu Hongyi stood up with some difficulty and hid behind Chu Haonan.

Chen Mingyuan knelt on the ground motionless with his head down, Gao Weiwei sat at the table like a fool, the atmosphere was silent and weird...

(End of this chapter)

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