I really don't want to be a male god

Chapter 114 113. Whole Tonic Soup!

Chapter 114 113. Shiquan Dabu Decoction!
The dinner for three people was unexpectedly harmonious as they drank and laughed.

After eating, Tang Miaomiao and Jiang Xiaoxi tidied up the table tacitly, and Zhang Fan couldn't get involved even if he wanted to.

Jiang Xiaoxi worried that it would not be safe for Tang Miaomiao to go back alone, and suggested that she stay at home. Zhang Fan had no objection to this, since there were plenty of rooms anyway.

It may be that the poisonous poison has not subsided, Zhang Fan felt his head groggy, and he fell asleep in the bedroom shortly after eating.

If it wasn't for the phone on the bedroom table that rang, Zhang Fan might have slept for a whole day and night.

Rubbing his temples, Zhang Fan touched the phone, and the caller ID was Tang Chenhao.

"Good morning, Mr. Tang." Zhang Fan yawned and said into the phone.

"It's still morning? It's already afternoon brother!" Tang Chenhao said speechlessly, "Didn't you ask me to find you a private villa, there is a better place now, are you interested in participating?"

Zhang Fan glanced at the time on his phone, it was already past one in the afternoon, and no one woke him up.

"Tell me about a better place." Zhang Fan asked with interest.

"Are you interested in a private villa in the city center? You said you don't need to consider the price, hehehe."

Tang Chenhao on the other side of the phone was a little gloating about his misfortune. He called just to make Zhang Fan disgusted.

"There are no mountains, how can you build a villa in the city center? Do you think you are funny?" Zhang Fan said angrily.

"Hahaha," Tang Chenhao sneered twice, and said seriously: "I'm not joking, the CBD core business district land auction conference in the city center, if you really plan to make the company bigger and stronger in the future, this land is definitely the best choice .”

"A land auction? The land in the metropolitan area has long been occupied by developers. Why is there still a piece of land left in the city center?" Zhang Fan asked suspiciously.

"The developer who previously owned the land had a broken capital chain. This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. Brother, I was the first to think of you. Isn't that loyal?" Tang Chenhao asked for credit.

"It's interesting, anyway, office buildings will be built in the future." Zhang Fan thought of the unlimited card he hadn't used yet, it was God's will.

He decided to take down this piece of land, and whoever robs him will show him what unlimited money ability is.

"Damn, brother, don't you take it seriously? I'm just kidding you. Many companies are interested in this land. This auction must be a battle between dragons and tigers. If you want to come and see it, you can." Tang Chenhao said tactfully.

No matter how mysterious Zhang Fan's background was, Tang Chenhao didn't think that he could crush those local families that had developed in Shanghai for decades and the upstarts backed by big companies in terms of financial resources.

In many cases, another meaning of mystery is that it is not strong enough to see the light...

"Don't talk nonsense, just post the location." Zhang Fan hung up the phone immediately after finishing speaking. He still underestimated the power of Liu Hongyi's bewitching poison in the wine. It was fine at first, but after he slept, he felt his head swell.

In less than half a minute, Tang Chenhao sent him a location on Fetion.

After hearing Zhang Fan's call, Jiang Xiaoxi cooked the dishes that had been prepared earlier, and Tang Miaomiao was there to help.

Last night, Zhang Fan fell asleep without even taking off his clothes. She was afraid of disturbing Zhang Fan, so she slept in the same room with Tang Miaomiao.

After talking quietly all night, the relationship between the two of them is almost like that of sisters.

"I slept for such a long time, and you didn't call me." The restaurant was reopened, and Zhang Fan checked it twice, but luckily no residual toxin was found.

"It's not because you're so tired that you fell asleep as soon as you touched the pillow, we made you "Shiquan Dabu Soup". "

Jiang Xiaoshi placed a large bowl of soup with a lot of strong ingredients in front of Zhang Fan and said worriedly.

"You guys?" Zhang Fan didn't see Tang Miaomiao when he came out to take a shower just now, and thought she had left.

"And Miaomiao, she picked all the ingredients in the soup herself." I didn't see each other overnight, and even the address changed from Sister Miaomiao to Miaomiao.

Looking at the layer of wolfberry floating on the "Shiquan Dabu Soup" in front of him, Zhang Fan fell into deep thought.

At this time Tang Miaomiao came over with a plate of "Scallion Sea Cucumber", and she also pushed this plate in front of Zhang Fan.

"Looking at how tired you were last night, Xiaoxi and I went to the supermarket in the morning to buy some ingredients to replenish you."

When Tang Miaomiao spoke, Jiang Xiaoxi, who was standing beside her, also nodded, and added like a repeater: "It's time to make up for it!"

"..." Under the earnest eyes of the two, Zhang Fan was forced to pick up a wolfberry with chopsticks and put it in his mouth.

Standing together, these two people always feel that the painting style has changed...

"I'm going to participate in an auction later, do you want to go with me to see the excitement?"

Zhang Fan was embarrassed by their staring, so he quickly changed the subject.

"Auction? What's being auctioned? Works of art?" Tang Miaomiao asked.

Zhang Fan put it off on purpose, "You will know when the time comes, do you want to go together?"

Jiang Xiaoxi nodded immediately, she didn't care what kind of auction it was, she would go if Zhang Fan asked her to.

"Then I'll go too. I don't seem to have anything to do when I go back in the afternoon." Tang Miaomiao also agreed.

"By the way, I'm afraid the next days will be very busy. I still rely on you for leasing offices, registering companies and recruiting employees." Zhang Fan confessed to Tang Miaomiao.

When talking about work, Tang Miaomiao's expression became serious, "I can do the human resources and financial aspects, but the technology may depend on Nie Dong."

"Tianmiao's business is enough for Nie Dong to be busy, and I have my own arrangements for technology."

Zhang Fan ate two mouthfuls of rice, not to mention Tang Miaomiao's craftsmanship is still outstanding!

"I... I will learn from Sister Miaomiao."

When it comes to work matters, Jiang Xiaoxi lacks confidence, but her attitude is still firm.


After eating, Zhang Fan changed his clothes, and the three of them went out together.

Until now, he was still a little dizzy. Fortunately, Tang Miaomiao's car was parked in front of his house. He simply let Tang Miaomiao be the driver.

Zhang Fan and Jiang Xiaoxi were sitting in the back seat together, and as soon as he got into the car, he felt sleepy again.

With his physical fitness, this is the reaction of the Gu poison to him, and he will be fine after sleeping for two or three days.

Of course, staying awake would be uncomfortable at most, but it's not a big problem anyway.

"I can't do it anymore, call me somewhere, I'll take a nap."

Zhang Fan tilted his head and leaned on Jiang Xiaoxi's shoulder again, why should he feel uncomfortable when he can be more comfortable?
"Why is he sleeping again? He's been sleeping for more than ten hours. Is this okay?" Tang Miaomiao, who drove out of the community, asked.

Jiang Xiaoxi also patted Zhang Fan's shoulder worriedly, and said in a low voice, "I don't know, I should be tired."

"Xiaoxi, that... Is Zhang Fan... not in good health?" Tang Miaomiao asked in a low voice.

It's not surprising that she asked this. No matter from which aspect, Zhang Fan is too perfect, and the perfection is a bit unreal.

She thinks there must be some flaws. If you like someone, you can't help but want to know everything about him, especially the secrets.

"Well, he used to work overtime all the time, it was not easy." Jiang Xiaoxi looked at the sleeping Zhang Fan, her pretty eyebrows frowned.

Zhang Fan has always worked hard, so she also has to do the same to try to help him more.

"Oh," Tang Miaomiao sighed, "Buy him more supplements, you are still young."

Zhang Fan, who was half asleep and half awake, heard the word tonic, and thought of the bowl of "Shiquan Dabu Soup" he drank just now, and suddenly became agitated.

The two of them seem to be talking about the same thing...

You said you've never been in love, what are you talking about?

The most important thing is, is it really okay for you two to whisper in front of me like this?
(End of this chapter)

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