The Soul of Hogwarts Across Worlds

Chapter 232 Peter Pettigrew

Chapter 232 Peter Pettigrew

Melda used the skill card, and the effect is remarkable.

Luna's one-hit assist made the development of the matter far exceed Melda's estimate. According to his estimate, it would take at least a week for public opinion to ferment.

In the end, it only took less than two or three days, and a large number of articles questioning the Ministry of Magic sprung up like mushrooms after rain.

Although these articles of varying levels are mostly just rubbish, but as the promoter of the whole thing, Melda is still very happy to see it.

And in such an atmosphere, it was soon discovered that the fugitive who was published in the "Daily Prophet" all day long, Sirius Black, was directly imprisoned without going through the public trial of the Wizengamot. Azkaban.

Of course, the public opinion has not changed to the extent of appealing for Sirius, but it did attract the attention of many people to this case.

In addition, Melda did not continue to publish any appalling reports in the next few days.

Things like public opinion need time to ferment, and the rhythm should not be too obvious. If people see it, it will become a sword that hurts you.

Next, he only needs to keep an eye on the mouse, and leave the rest to time and Dumbledore.

Yes, this time, Melda informed the old headmaster from the beginning.

After all, in order to overturn the case, a prestigious figure is needed, and no one is more suitable than Dumbledore.

After hearing the stories of several young wizards, the old principal was also deeply surprised.

However, he didn't fully believe the 'bizarre' stories told by Melda and the others. Instead, he took Professor McGonagall directly to the Gryffindor Tower. After being identified by the two master shapeshifters, he was given the potion Sleepy Peter Pettigrew has nowhere to hide.

After being identified, the two professors believed what Melda said.

After all, as James' best friend, Sirius' sudden mutiny is indeed unbelievable. Dumbledore has always had doubts in his heart.

Today, the truth finally came to light, and he finally let go of the stone in his heart who had been unable to let go of it for many years.

Then everyone began to discuss the matter of Sirius.

After Melda confessed his plan, the old headmaster also expressed his approval and fully supported them.

As for the culprit, Peter?
He has been living comfortably these past few days, he eats and sleeps, and the days when he sleeps and eats are rare.

With many years of experience in pranks, as long as it is a potion produced by Melda, he will try his best to cover up the taste of the medicine, which is why Peter didn't find out from the beginning to the end.

The plan is proceeding in an orderly manner.

On Saturday afternoon, TOD's collective activity.

After practicing the spell for an afternoon, everyone was tired and just had a rest.

The four little ones talked about Peter Pettigrew.

For this guy, not only Melda, but Harry and Ron who basically knew the truth of the matter all had a question, that is, why did he stay at the Weasleys' house in the form of a mouse?

Is it just to avoid Sirius?Or was it the pursuit of those followers of Voldemort?

If this is the case, then one or two years is still understandable. After all, the wizarding world was indeed very chaotic during the period after Voldemort's downfall, but avoiding for more than ten years is not normal.

If he was really afraid of revenge, there was no need to hide in the Weasleys. With his Animagus ability, where could he not go to any country in the world?
Far East, North America, South America, Africa, who would know him in these places?
"If you ask me, he is a pervert!" It was also an outburst of rebellious psychology. Ron can't even hear the word mouse recently.

Thinking that the pet he has raised and loved for so many years may turn out to be a bald old man in the end, his stomach churns.

"Maybe he's waiting for his master to come back?" Harry frowned, thinking of the scary guy in the Chamber of Secrets.

That was just Voldemort in the sixth grade. It is unknown how powerful he is now.

"But how did he know that the man was still alive? I mean, not even the man's most loyal followers knew." Ron retorted.Then he continued: "The whole wizarding world thinks that person is dead, Harry, otherwise, why would everyone think you are the savior?"

"Hmm!" Melda was also very sure of Ron's point of view.

But the doubts have not dissipated, why is this?

His thoughts drifted to the distance involuntarily. In that brightly lit dormitory, in that golden iron cage, a mouse was lying in it sleeping soundly. He trembled slightly, as if he was having a nightmare.

Time passed slowly, as if everything would be decades ago.

In 1971, it was a rainy night.

During the sorting ceremony, the little wizard named Peter Pettigrew put on the sorting hat with a little surprise and fear.

Then, there was a long silence. After 5 minutes, the Sorting Hat still couldn't decide which academy he should go to.

Slytherin or Gryffindor?

Today we have reason to believe that the reason why Peter was assigned to Gryffindor was not only his desire to be with respected people, but more importantly, he was cowardly and wanted to find the courage in his heart.

Perhaps he, like Harry, was assigned to Gryffindor by the Sorting Hat at his own request.

He lacked paternal love since he was a child, and never possessed sound values.

As he believed, in the company of highly respected people.At school, this may be the predator team formed by James and the others, but outside of school, it is Voldemort who is stirring up the situation.

Perhaps in Peter's own knowledge, he has never betrayed anyone, and what he longs for is always the protection of the strong. He chose Voldemort only because he was the most powerful wizard at that time.Not for any other reason.

As for Voldemort's pure-blood theories and Muggle threat theory, he certainly never chose to believe it.

It's a pity that following the strong didn't add color to his sad life.On the contrary, it is even more contemptible to please both ends.

It is precisely because of this character that he has never been truly recognized by others. Perhaps only Lupine in this world can really care about him.As for the other two Predators, they only regarded him as a follower.

Gradually, Melda withdrew his thoughts, although he couldn't find any answers now.

But he found the reason behind this answer.

His incomplete family since childhood.

(End of this chapter)

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