Chapter 17
"If you want to learn medical ninjutsu, you have to submit an application to the medical department, and the applicant must at least be a ninjutsu."

Ryoka explained, but Nen Uchiha is only a fifth grade student.

This surprised Uchiha Nen.

"Then Linghua sister, can't you teach me?" Uchiha Nen tried his best to make his eyes reveal a kind of longing.

"Xiao Nian, ninjutsu cannot be spread in private." Linghua looked very serious, but said:

"Medical ninjutsu cannot be spread at will, but some basic medical knowledge can.

And if you want to use medical ninjutsu well, the corresponding knowledge is essential. If Xiao Nian is really interested, you can learn it by yourself first. "Speaking Linghua also took out a four-finger-thick book.

"Look, this thick book is still part of the most basic medical knowledge." Speaking of this, Linghua couldn't help showing distress on her face, but there was a little mischief in her eyes.

She wanted to see Uchiha Nen's "unbelievable" look when he saw such a thick book.

And Uchiha thought of the sentence in his previous life, "Persuading people to study medicine will strike a thunderbolt", and he couldn't help but look at Ryoka's hairline
It's okay, it should be because the ninja is full of energy.

"Even if the corresponding ninjutsu can't be taught to me, then I'll learn the knowledge first. Then, sister Linghua, can you teach me?" Nen Uchiha asked.

It doesn't matter if you build the knowledge base first and then learn ninjutsu. After all, Linghua has said that without the corresponding knowledge, it is not good to use medical ninjutsu.

Linghua blinked her eyes, she thought that a child like Uchiha Nen would be frightened by such a thick book, but she didn't expect him to want to learn.

Noticing Nian Uchiha's serious face, Ryoka finally said:
"That's fine, the book is placed in the rest station, Xiao Nian can read it if he wants to, but if he wants to borrow it, he must first say hello to me.

If you don't understand anything, you can ask me. "

"Then I would like to thank Miss Linghua." Nian Uchiha said.

However, Linghua still thinks that Nen Uchiha will give up in a few days. After all, there are too many things to learn to study medicine. I really don't know what mood I had when I went to the medical department to submit the application.

Holding her chin, looking at Nian Uchiha who was flipping through the book with great interest, and noticing those who had recovered and been discharged from the hospital, the corners of Linghua's mouth rose slightly, recalling the feeling of submitting the application with the intention of contributing to the village
After watching for a while, Linghua left. Her work in the hospital was not easy.

After a while, a voice came from Uchiha Nen's ear.

"Are you reading a medical book?" There was a slightly harsh voice with a male voice change.

Uchiha Nen turned his head to look, and found that standing next to him was a boy who was half a head taller than him, with brown hair, a round face, and the contours of the facial features could not help but give people the feeling of a hippie smile.

Noticing the clan emblem of the Senju Clan on the opponent's body, Uchiha Nen had some guesses in his heart, but on the surface he just nodded.

"My name is Naoki, and you can read this kind of book." Senju Naoki said.

He has long noticed that Nen Uchiha's clothes belong to the Uchiha family crest, but this is the first time he has seen people from the Uchiha family. The hospital is still a child studying medical related things.

Senju Nawaki's elder sister is Tsunade, who is a rising star in the medical field, and he has some understanding of medical treatment under his influence, and it is precisely because of this that he knows how dizzy such a big book is.

"My name is Uchiha Nen." Uchiha Nen announced his name: "This kind of book is very useful, learning well can save people."

Senju Nawaki couldn't help being dumbfounded. The knowledge in the book can indeed save people, but this knowledge doesn't enter his head. Although he admires those medical ninjas, if he is asked to learn medical knowledge, he will definitely collapse.

After observing Uchiha Nen for a while, Senju Nawaki turned around and left. He came to the hospital to help his sister a little bit, but this time he could tell her that there is an extra person in the hospital who loves to read medical books. Uchiha.

Uchiha Nian doesn't care what Senju Nawaki thinks, although the other party is the young master of the Senju clan, but for him at present, he can't plan anything from him.

Although the books in his hands are complicated, Nen Uchiha reads them with great interest. On the one hand, he feels that the technology tree of Naruto World is really crooked, and on the other hand, he is satisfied with seeking knowledge and accumulating knowledge.
And Uchiha Nian's next life is nothing more than three places: ninja school, hospital, and home. He studies and trains at school, helps with learning in the hospital, and explores, exercises and learns at home.

Although he is very satisfied with enhancing his own feelings a little bit, Uchiha Nen still can't help but feel that he is a learning machine with no emotions.

Uchiha Nen also saw that Uzumaki Kushina returned to the Ninja School, his face was not lost, and he looked carefree and hot-tempered.

During the break, he also saw Uzumaki Kushina hammering away three students who mocked her,

"It should be said that it is worthy of the Uzumaki clan." Uchiha couldn't help thinking.

The Uzumaki Clan is a distant relative of the Thousand Hands Clan. They also have a powerful Chakrado and are better at sealing techniques. They also established the Uzumaki Kingdom, which can be said to be a big clan.

Although the country was destroyed, the sealing technique of the whirlpool was worth planning for him.

"But how do we do it?" Uchiha Nen's gaze fell on Uzumaki Kushina involuntarily.

Sensing the gaze, Uzumaki Kushina didn't do anything else, but gave Uchiha Nen a hard look, as if saying, "Don't look at me."

If you don't let it look, don't let it look, Uchiha Nen focused on Namikaze Minato.

"The Chakra of Watergate has risen to a certain extent recently."

If you use the two teammates in a jumpsuit as the standard for normal ninja.

The amount of chakra in Namikaze Minato's body is almost close to the real Genin level.

"It seems that Namikaze Minato has already contacted Jiraiya last time, so it's not enough to confirm the master-student relationship. It should be a little help." Uchiha Nen's gaze became darker involuntarily.

The most valuable thing about Namikaze Minato is his talent, he created the spiral pill, improved the Flying Thunder God, and mastered the sealing technique
Noticing Uchiha Nen's gaze, Namikaze Minato felt a little uncomfortable. The last time he dealt with him, he felt that Uchiha Nen was a difficult person to get along with.

According to senior Jiraiya, he also knows the importance of the nine tails in Kushina Uzumaki to Konoha, so it is not easy to compare the individual and the village to him, but for the red-haired girl who came to Konoha from the war-torn country more and deeper understanding

". Uzumaki Kushina is a person with a strong heart."

Although there is a bit of a gap with Namikaze Minato, Uchiha Nen feels that some things can be classified as childhood memories. Uzumaki Kushina may hold grudges, but Namikaze Minato Mirai still has the capacity to be the Fourth Hokage.

Not to mention the sunny, gentle and reliable image that Namikaze Minato gave when he served as Hokage, it is said that he was still promoting the relationship between the Uchiha clan and the high-level Konoha during his tenure.

If he hadn't died in the Nine-Tails Rebellion, the plot of Hokage would be very different
(End of this chapter)

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