Break through the world from pirates

Chapter 17 Ding Dong and Ding Dong

Chapter 17 Ding Dong and Ding Dong

The voice just fell,

A dazzling golden light began to shine from the yellow ape's body.

The golden light was so shining that it made the navy who watched him secretly close their eyes.

At this moment, the dazzling golden light suddenly moved.

I saw him soaring straight into the sky, and in just a split second, he leaped thousands of meters away.

Huang Yuan stood in the air, and before his body began to descend, his figure flickered and disappeared again.

The navies below suddenly widened their eyes one by one, their expressions were shocked and excited.

"Is this the strength of an admiral? The speed is so fast!"

"Nonsense, General Huang Yuan ate the Shining fruit of the natural system, and was honored as the Shining Man, which means that he has the same speed as light."

"Pfft haha! The title of Flash Man is too funny."

"Bastard, you dare to insult my idol, brother beat him up."


Not long after,

Huang Yuan landed on the Red Earth Continent, but before he landed, two young men charged up with knives.

The two young men had the same appearance and looked like twins.

The eldest is called Ding Dong, the second is called Ding Dong, and those elevators were destroyed by his brothers, and the guards here were also beheaded by his two brothers.

Seeing the two people rushing towards him with knives, Huang Yuan didn't move, and he didn't dodge, but a flash of surprise flashed in his eyes.

Do these two people not know me?

Few people would choose to take the initiative when facing him.

More often than not, they threw their weapons and raised their hands, scrambling to surrender.

I was afraid that if I shouted too slowly, the next second, the dog's head would be kicked off by Huang Yuan's kick.

But what's going on with these two now?

At a distance of tens of meters, the two arrived in an instant, encircling the yellow ape in the middle.

The two of them didn't say much nonsense, and directly raised the two-meter-long sword in their hands, and slashed at Huang Yuan's body.

However, the expected sense of tearing did not appear, and the big knife slashed across Huang Yuan's body, bringing out patches of golden light instead.

"Two little brothers, I don't know what the old man did wrong, so that you all yelled at me as soon as I came up."

The attack didn't work, and the two of them were not surprised, they just lowered their heads and continued to wave the weapons in their hands.

"Don't waste your energy, you can't kill this old man."

The two of them ignored it, but the sword in their hands swung faster.

"Looking at your clothes, you should have just escaped from Marie Gioia. This old man wants to ask you about someone."

Then, Huang Yuan took out a photo from his bosom, which showed a very handsome young man, and he didn't know what he saw at that time, smiling brightly.

"I don't know if you have ever seen a kid named Ashtar."

Hearing the familiar name, the two paused for a moment, looked at each other, then immediately dropped the weapons in their hands and fled in different directions.

Their reaction is not unpleasant, but in front of Huang Yuan, who dares to say that he can escape?

Huang Yuan chuckled lightly: "Don't run in such a hurry, the old man still has a few questions that I haven't asked."

After finishing speaking, I saw him take a step forward, his whole body turned into a ball of golden light, and disappeared in place in an instant.

In the next second, it appeared above Ding Dong's head.

"Brother, have you ever been kicked by the speed of light?"

Dingdong's face changed, and before he could react, Huang Yuan kicked him in the chest with his right foot.


This is the sound of bones breaking!
Ding Dong only had time to let out a scream, and the whole person flew backwards like a kite with a broken string.

During this flight, he flew tens of meters away before barely stopping, and when he landed, a mouthful of blood gushed out wildly.

This is the true strength of an admiral!

With just one blow, a pirate with a bounty of over [-] million was severely injured.

Soon, Ding Dong was kicked by Huang Yuan just like his elder brother.

Immediately afterwards, a golden light flashed, and Huang Yuan appeared in front of the two of them.

"Now you can answer the old man's question properly."

Huang Yuan leaned down and picked up the photo in his hand: "Tell me the information about this man. If I am satisfied, maybe I can spare your lives."

The two brothers Ding Dong and Ding Dong glanced at each other.

Ding Dong: "You"

Ding Dong: "Don't even think about it"

Ding Dong: "Let's"

Ding Dong: "Sell out the boss"

Ding dong: "Exclamation point"

Yellow Ape: "..."

Are these two out of their minds?

The old man knows that the two of you are twins, and you have a good understanding, but it can't be reflected in your words!

And the one who said the exclamation mark at the back, are you serious?

Huang Yuan: "If you don't tell me, I will kill you immediately."

After finishing speaking, Huang Yuan also released some murderous aura accumulated over the years.

Suddenly, an extremely strong pressure enveloped the two of them, and there was a chill in the air, and it even became difficult to breathe.

In the eyes of the two of them, Huang Yuan is no longer the wretched uncle before, but more like a ruthless god, making them unable to resist the slightest thought.

Seeing that it was almost done, Huang Yuan put away his murderous aura and said lazily, "Now you can talk."

As soon as the momentum stopped, the two gasped heavily. At that moment just now, they really felt that they were going to die.

Ding Dong: "No"

Ding Dong: "Thought"

Ding Dong: "Admiral of the Navy"

Dingdang: "It turned out to be the running dog of the Tianlong people"

Ding dong: "period"

A cold light flashed in Huang Yuan's eyes, and he grabbed the two of them by the neck.

"You really think I dare not kill you?"

Ding Dong: "You want to kill"

Ding Dong: "Just kill"

Ding Dong: "Anyway, we are"

Ding Dong: "I will not betray"

Ding Dong: "Our Boss"

Ding dong: "Exclamation point"

Yellow Ape: "..."

No need to think about it, these two people must have that serious illness.

With a slight force of both hands, Huang Yuan directly cut off the necks of the two.

"Since you don't want to say it, you don't need to say it for the rest of your life."

Throwing away the bodies of the two, Huang Yuan left here.

Not long after he left, the two brothers, who were already dead and could not die any more, suddenly sat up from the ground, holding their chests and panting desperately, as if a drowning person got fresh air.

And the injuries they suffered before have disappeared at this moment.

Ding Dong: "It's so dangerous, I was almost killed."

Ding Dong: "It's not close, we've already been killed."

Ding Dong: "Then what should we do next?"

Ding Dong: "Find a way to notify the boss, and then get out of here."

Ding Dong: "When I leave here, I want to see my little sister."

Ding Dong: "Forget it, if the three of us get together, there is a real possibility that we will be killed."

Ding Dong: "Then I'll watch it secretly, so that no one else will find out."


In fact, Ding Dong and Ding Dong are not twins, but triplets, and they have a younger sister.

When their mother gave birth to them with dystocia, my father got a devil fruit from nowhere and fed it to my mother.

Although the mother still died of dystocia, the three of them gained a magical ability.

As long as the three of them don't die at the same time, no one can kill them by external force, and of course there is still some pain.

That's why they dare to wander around.

Otherwise, you really think they have a brain hole!
 No one is watching, so no one must have noticed that I missed the chapter, hahaha... woo woo woo, I really want to cry.

(End of this chapter)

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