human journey

Chapter 92 Transformation Fluid

Chapter 92 Transformation Fluid
After Lin Wei released the human soul, after a while, with a "wow", the strong light on Lin Wei's body was extinguished, followed by the sound of opening and closing the door, and only the metal pillar was left behind. There is a slight motor roar, and there is a long darkness.

These metal rods formed an electromagnetic field matrix, and its ability to interfere with electric currents was so strong that even if the Red Destroyer came here, it would not be able to activate the force field.

Just now, Lu Yu was not interrogating Lin Wei alone. Instead, he used a tablet computer coated with anti-electromagnetic interference paint to live broadcast the entire process for Team King Kong and related staff to watch.Due to electromagnetic field interference, the same communication lines coated with anti-electromagnetic interference paint are used.

Then they discussed the questions and posted them on the tablet in the form of bullet screens. Therefore, Lu Yu fell silent after asking, because they went to discuss what else to ask.

In the conference room, everyone was discussing Lin Wei's shocking remarks, and a lot of information in it subverted their cognition.

"Is what Lin Wei said credible? If, as it said, its soul was split by the enemy on the moon, then why did it betray so easily?"

Zhang Bangming frowned and expressed his doubts.

"I think it is credible, because this Lin Wei is indeed an intelligent life, it is already a completely independent individual, and it has human memory.

After it was born, it has never been in contact with the enemy of the moon, so it must not have much emotional connection.It wants to live and be free now, so we can understand it if it cooperates well. "

Lu Yu replied.

After Lin Wei released the souls of all the human beings harmed by it, Lu Yu's hatred for it had dissipated.This may not be forgivable in the eyes of others, but Lu Yu died once and experienced the entire process from death to reincarnation. He deeply understood that the soul is the essence of human beings, and the body is just a tool for movement.

It's like you have a car accident, get hit, the car is completely destroyed, but you are fine, and you will have a new car soon, then you will not have much hatred for the perpetrator.

"According to what it says, our human body cannot bear all the soul power, so where does our powerful soul power come from? When my ancient ancestors were Homo sapiens, there were probably only tens of thousands of people in the world.

How did such a small number of people produce soul power that even billions of people can't bear? "

X quickly discovered an important problem in Lin Wei's theory.

Everyone fell into silence after hearing this. This is indeed a fatal loophole. How did such a strong soul power come from?
After a long time, Lu Yu suddenly had a flash of inspiration. He thought of the thread of light that he saw all over the world when he was reincarnated. It should be a bridge linking everyone's soul. The brain is composed of nerve cells connected in series!
"Perhaps each of our souls is like Lin Wei, split from an extremely powerful soul, and our body is just a tool to carry the soul!"

Lu Yu said slowly.

He never said that the things he discovered when he was reincarnated were not something he wanted to hide, but something somewhere in the world told him to keep them secret.

Lu Yu's words deeply touched the hearts of everyone present, shaking their understanding of themselves and the world.

"Then...then who is this powerful soul? He can't be created out of thin air, right? He should also exist in some form?"

Pang Pangzhuang, a strong-willed man, quickly got rid of the confusion of cognitive turmoil and asked first.

"Maybe it's a cosmic creature, for example, as big as a planet, feeds on devouring stars, and uses star energy as power."

Xia Zhihui went on to say that he played a lot of games, so he thought of this.

"I don't think he is a creature of this three-dimensional universe. We all have various four-dimensional abilities, so how strong will his four-dimensional abilities be in a complete body?

I guess He who gave birth to us was a four-dimensional creature! "

After thinking for a long time, X's words shocked everyone immediately.

There was another long silence. The more they pondered about X's point of view, the more reasonable they became. X, whose soul power is less than one billionth of his, can travel through time and space to investigate what happened in the past.

And time is a variable of four dimensions, it is projected to three dimensions, and it is a constant and irreversible existence in three dimensions.Apart from the four-dimensional creatures beyond the limit of this universe dimension, I can't think of any individual life that can do it.

"Well, these are our guesses. Even if they are true, they will not help the current crisis. The mysterious substance secreted by Lin Wei can transform the human body from the genetic level, so that we can develop more powerful soul power , this is the focus of our next research.”

Zhuang Wenying broke the silence and said that she was particularly interested in such things as biological modification.

"That's right, it cooperates so well now, it shouldn't be a problem to let it secrete an effective and harmless mysterious substance, so that Lu Yu can become super strong, and it can kill any destroyer in the future."

Yan Liang continued.

"We can use it together, and we will become stronger together."

Lu Yu said politely.

"After all, there is only one Lin Wei, and its output must be limited. Lu Yu, you can imitate the abilities of all of us, and you are the strongest. Of course, it is your priority to develop your potential to the extreme, so that our combat effectiveness can be better. It is advancing by leaps and bounds, and our enhancement does not help much in improving combat effectiveness."

Zhang Bangming stated the reasons that everyone agrees with, and gave Lu Yu a reason to strengthen himself.

Lu Yu himself couldn't refute that this was indeed the most effective. Now he doubted whether fate really regarded him as the protagonist and made him the center again and again.

Afterwards, Zhang Bangming went to report the details to his superiors, and it is estimated that there will be heated debates.The rest of the people dispersed separately. It is estimated that everyone will think about it today, who am I?where am I?Who created my problems like that.

A few days later, after finally digesting the information reported by Zhang Bangming, the superiors decided to let Lin Wei cooperate to transform and strengthen Lu Yu!
In the electromagnetic interference room, strong light hit Lin Wei again. No one has come to see it these days. It has nothing to eat, drink or play. It is bored and can only relieve its boredom by singing. It has almost forgotten the songs it has heard in its memory. It was sung once, and if anyone heard it, they would praise it as being as good as the original song, but it was a pity that it had only the silent darkness as its audience.

After feeling the strong light, Lin Wei didn't care about the discomfort of her eyes, she knew that the moment to decide the next fate had come.

"How have you been these days?"

Lu Yu still stood behind the metal pillar and said.

"I'm almost bored to death, do you want me to create substances for you to modify living things?"

Lin Wei asked quickly.

"Smart, but you don't need to inject it directly, and secrete it first. Let's take it to the experiment and test it before considering whether to use it or not."

Lu Yu replied.

"No problem, I will give you a non-directional transformation fluid that belongs to the original enhancement."

Lin Wei was very cooperative and didn't make any requests.

"Very good, I still have a question, why can't the transformation fluid directly extracted from the parasite be used? All the experiments I did failed."

Lu Yu nodded in satisfaction, and then asked.

"That's because the initial transformation fluid in the parasite is too high and too diverse for the transformation of organisms, and it will cause genetic instability, so you will fail.

And the transformation liquid that I secrete has been adjusted, and can transform creatures according to my ideas. "

Lin Wei's explanation was in line with their guess, it should be so.

"Okay, you secrete the original enhanced transformation fluid first, can the glass container be stored?"

Seeing Lin Wei nod, Lu Yu used telekinesis to control a glass container and send it to it. The King Kong team was not far from Lu Yu so that he could imitate the ability.

Lin Wei was not ambiguous at all, and immediately stretched out her long tongue and put it into the glass container. Many thin tubes split at the tip of the tongue, from which some black liquid slowly flowed out, eventually reaching about half a liter, and it retracted its tongue.

Lin Wei's expression suddenly became sluggish. It seems that the secretion of so much transformation fluid consumed a lot of his energy.

Lu Yu carefully took back the container, sealed it up again, and then said.

"You're doing great, what's your request?"

(End of this chapter)

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