human journey

Chapter 83

Chapter 83
This strange death caught the attention of the King Kong team. They came to the morgue early in the morning and saw that it was filled with hundreds of workers' corpses. The black body bags were like small coffins.

These hundreds of coffins were placed neatly layer by layer on the iron frame, and anyone who looked at them felt terrified.

For example, X, who just arrived from the H city base today, was very scared and hugged Lu Yu's arm tightly.Lu Yu frowned tightly, and didn't bother to comfort X.

There is a high probability that these hundreds of innocent people were killed by the monster that can only turn into a human form. If it is caught a day late, such a tragedy may happen every day.

The best way to investigate the cause of their death, of course, is to use X's detection ability.

Lu Yu opened a body bag. Inside was a young worker, probably not as old as Lu Yu. His expression was serene, as if he was still asleep.

Lu Yu looked at him, and his heart was burning with anger. Such a young man who was just fledgling died so silently. I don't know how many people will suffer for it.Maybe he got married not long ago and still has young children. After today, his wife has no husband, and the children have no father!

You must kill that monster and avenge these people!
Lu Yu immediately investigated the young man, and in an instant, he went back to last night, saw the whole process of the monster's attack, and saw its face, which looked like a girl of eighteen or nineteen years old.

But Lu Yu didn't feel happy. This monster can change its appearance at will, and its appearance when killing people should be different from the usual one.

But he still took out a pen and paper, and drew the appearance of the monster he had detected. Although he had never learned to draw, with his strong body coordination and control ability, he still drew it vividly.

"This is what the monster looked like when it killed people last night. Let's find out who this person is first!"

Lu Yu pointed to the portrait and said.

In the afternoon, in an ordinary house, a rather pretty middle-aged woman was covering her face and weeping heart-piercingly. Standing next to her was a gentle middle-aged man with glasses. Lips, with a sad face, stared blankly at the ground, silent.

The King Kong team was also in the house, and they found it based on the portrait. The girl in the portrait was the couple's only daughter.

After explaining their intentions, the couple told the King Kong team that their daughter had been missing for a few days, and they had already reported to the police because their daughter was very good and would not stay home for no reason, and a stranger picked up her phone call Yes, the phone has been brought back.

There is still no news about their daughter, and they are very worried. Her daughter is very beautiful, and they are afraid that she has been kidnapped by bad guys, and maybe she has been sold to a remote mountainous area to be someone else's daughter-in-law.

After Lu Yu heard this, he asked them to show him the girl's phone. He checked the phone, and soon found that it was indeed the monster who killed the little girl and imitated her appearance.

Lu Yu hesitated again and again, and finally told the couple about the girl's death. They definitely didn't want to believe it at first, but when Lu Yu showed superpowers and said that there was such a monster, the couple had no choice but to Can't believe this fact.

Afterwards, they fell into great sorrow. They would rather die themselves than the young girl's daughter who died silently, even without a body.

With a plop, the silent father suddenly knelt down in front of Lu Yu. Lu Yu hurried to help the girl, but was rejected by the girl's father. Although he could easily lift her up with his strength, he did not do so.

"The two of us are ordinary people, unable to take revenge, but you are powerful awakened ones. I beg you to avenge my daughter. We can give you everything we have!"

The seemingly resolute father finally shed tears, looked at Lu Yu with hopeful eyes and said.

"Okay, I promise you, I will definitely kill this monster!"

Lu Yu stared into the eyes of the girl's father and replied firmly.

After getting an affirmative answer, the girl's father no longer insisted on kneeling, and was helped up by Lu Yu.

When leaving, the girl's parents stood at the door of the house and watched the King Kong team leave. Lu Yu felt that their eyes were like whips hitting his back, urging him to find the man-eating monster and kill it!

"Let's check the monitoring of the place where the little girl was killed, and see where the monster went after it turned into a girl."

Lu Yu recalled the scene that he detected and said.

After an afternoon of careful surveillance and investigation, the King Kong team found the place where the monster turned into a little girl and last appeared.

The sun has just set, and this famous nightclub is already overcrowded, with loud music, and men and women who indulge in sensuality and twitching wildly. They don't know that human civilization is already suffering the greatest crisis in history, and a terrifying monster may be right beside them. .

Some risk their lives to fight, to protect the weak.And some people waste their time, waste their health and squander their lives.Light is always accompanied by darkness, and justice would not exist without evil.

The guardians of human civilization, Team King Kong, also came to this nightclub. They looked through the surveillance of the past few days and found the monster that turned into a little girl.

But there were too many people in the nightclub, the environment was chaotic, all kinds of smoke and lights were flying paper, and the monitoring angle was not good. Only Lu Yu and the others found that the monster seemed to have contact with a young man.

Then Lu Yu found out who he was based on the appearance of the young man in the surveillance screen, and as expected, he also disappeared.His car is still parked in the nightclub parking lot, and he owes a huge amount of parking fees.

At this point, the clues seem to be interrupted. The monster can keep changing its appearance. It is too difficult to track what it looks like through various clues. The King Kong team had to go back and discuss countermeasures.

This is also the reason for the information asymmetry, which made Lu Yu and the others ignore many clues. If they knew that the monster would become a person for a long time without changing their appearance, they would investigate all the people who went to the nightclub that night, and they would soon Discover the monster that turned into Lin Wei.

Or they can ask the people in the same booth as the young man, and they will know that the young man left with Lin Wei later.But when you subconsciously think that monsters will always change their appearance, you won't go deep into one place.

By the way, Lin Wei is not idle today. It calls the employees to the office one by one, devours their souls, and transforms them into puppets.

There are a lot of people in the whole company. In order to avoid attracting the attention of interested people, it will be remodeled in a few days.When an employee turned into a puppet walks out of its office, other normal employees are quite strange. Why do these people look dull and indifferent when they come out? Could it be that they were scolded by the boss and fired?

They would never have imagined that it was no longer a beautiful boss in the office, but a man-eating evil ghost in human skin.

After Lin Wei finished today's work, when she browsed the news on the computer, she saw that what she did made the front page headlines. She was amused at first, and then a little worried.

Although it turned into a little girl when it committed crimes, ordinary humans would definitely not be able to find it, but it was worried that those powerful human awakeners would still follow the clues to find itself.

Lin Wei immediately decided that when she went out to look for food in the future, she would always look like a random passerby, so that those awakened people could not be found.The killing process was also disguised as an accident as much as possible, so that it would not be easy for those people to notice.

Tonight, it is going to forage again, this time the target is a clothing factory.

The main business of Lin Wei's company is the production and sales of all kinds of clothing, and the clothing factory she went to tonight is the main factory of her company's competitors. The scale is very large, and there are hundreds of sewing workers on the night shift alone.

Lin Wei went home first, and then turned into a passerby, avoiding the monitoring of the community and taking the bus to the suburbs.Then walk to the clothing factory, and try to walk in the dead corner of the surveillance after entering, and finally ambush in the women's toilet.

Most of these garment workers are female workers, and it is easy to wait for someone in the women's restroom.

Sure enough, not long after, a female worker came to the toilet. Lin Wei hid in the cubicle, and when she heard her enter the next cubicle, she turned over, killed her, changed into her clothes, and changed Take her likeness, and destroy her body, devouring her soul.

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(End of this chapter)

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