human journey

Chapter 81 Killing Night

Chapter 81 Killing Night
After the young man greeted his partner, he sat in Lin Wei's booth and drank happily.And express himself vigorously, hoping to win the favor of the big beauty.

Lin Wei's company also has more than one billion in assets and zero debts. He is a real rich man, and he is not stingy when ordering wine. Of course, this monster doesn't care about money.

Moreover, Lin Wei is also one of the shareholders of this nightclub, and the consumption is [-]% off. She ordered all the most expensive wines in the store.

A team of waiters and waitresses, dressed in flashy clothes, hung with various lights, holding gorgeously packaged wine, came over accompanied by the DJ's mellow introduction.

"Thanks to Sister Lin from Kaba for your strong support for this nightclub, and it was ranked No.1 in the consumption list tonight! Where is the screaming!"

Amidst the cheers of the audience, Lin Wei stood on the coffee table, smiled and waved, watching the men and women in front of him cast envious, adoring, and malicious gazes, and felt that human life is quite interesting.

The young people are stunned. This woman named Xiaowei is not only beautiful, but also seems to be very rich. It's Bentley!

You have to be rich to be able to drive this car. If you get into it by yourself, wouldn't you have to take off on the spot!

At this time, the young man was dazzled by this moving golden mountain, and forgot about the little girl with diarrhea.

"Come on, drink, if you don't get drunk today, you won't return!"

Lin Wei picked up a bottle of foreign wine and was about to blow on the bottle.This heroic gesture added a different kind of charm to it.

The boss was drinking like this, so Lin Wei's employees naturally had to give him face. Except for the driver, they all filled up their glasses to accompany him.Young people are not willing to lag behind others and drink one cup after another.

Soon these people were drunk and drunk, and Lin Wei's face was flushed, of course it was a fake.After drinking for three rounds, everyone was about to leave. When they came outside the nightclub, Lin Wei's driver had already brought a Bentley, followed by a Mercedes-Benz S-class commercial vehicle, which was here today to pick up Lin Wei's employees.

"Handsome guy, sit with me, let's go to the suburbs to enjoy the breeze and enjoy the moon."

Lin Wei put her arms around the young man's arm and said, her face was flushed, making her even more charming.

The young man was elated and naturally nodded in agreement. He just wondered that it was a cold day with no moon, no stars, and strong winds. If there was anything to do in the suburbs, it would be better to go to a warm room in the hotel and do some exercise.

But he didn't pay much attention to it, and just treated it as Lin Wei's drunken nonsense.In order to be listed as a big tree, let alone go to the suburbs to blow the cold wind, even let him run naked on the street.

The group of two cars quickly came to the outskirts of City B. Lin Wei asked the driver to park in an open space beside the country road. There was no people around here, and there was no surveillance camera facing it. It was really a good place to kill people.

Everyone, including the driver, got out of the car. They looked around in the darkness, except for the dim light from the street lights on the country road.

The autumn wind was rustling, the originally bright moon was blocked by black clouds, and the miserable cries of some unknown species of birds could be heard from time to time. Such an environment made everyone fearful.

"Sister Lin, it's scary here, let's go back to the city, do whatever we want, and play with you all night."

A female subordinate of Lin Wei said pitifully.

"Have you ever heard such a sentence, the moon is dark and the wind is high, killing night!"

Lin Wei said with a smile, the exposed white teeth shining coldly in the dark, and the originally beautiful eyes became like bloodthirsty beasts, making people afraid to look directly.

"Boss Lin, what do you mean..."

Before a male subordinate could finish speaking, Lin Wei's long tongue penetrated his mouth. Countless thin tubes split at the tip of the tongue drilled into his brain from the roof of his mouth. In an instant, the soul in his brain was forced out and was sucked in by Lin Wei. in the nose.

It then injected a substance into its brain to modify the brain and body of its male subordinates.

At this time, the others were stunned by this terrifying scene, and they all wanted to get in the car and run away, but in front of the mighty Lin Wei, they were no different from ants.

Lin Wei withdrew her tongue, dodged a few times, and knocked out all the fleeing people.

Except for the young man, Lin Wei did the same thing to the male subordinate just now to everyone else.

The substance injected into their brains was secreted by the parasites in Lin Wei's brain, which could be used to strengthen and transform creatures.A human body without a soul is not fundamentally different from a mouse, and it is easy to transform.

These people fell to the ground, rolled their eyes, foamed at the mouth, and trembled all over.Lin Wei ignored them, but dragged the young man into the back seat of the Bentley and helped him to sit.

It found a bottle of water and poured it on the young man's face to wake him up.The young man woke up in a daze, and before he could care about the pain in his neck, he saw Sister Lin sitting on his lap, looking at him with a half-smile.

The young man was confused by this familiar scene, but still felt puzzled, and slowly began to recall the horrible scene that happened just now.At this time, Lin Wei stretched out a slender finger, lifted the young man's chin, exhaled a breath of fragrance on his face, and said with a flowery smile.

"How about it, am I beautiful?"

Suddenly, the young man seemed to be drunk, his heartbeat accelerated crazily, and his face flushed suddenly.All monsters and weirdness were forgotten by him, and some kind of desire firmly occupied his brain.

Seeing that the young man turned into this appearance as he expected, Lin Wei felt proud. It turned out that being a beautiful woman has more advantages, and male humans are so easy to control.

The young man nodded desperately, his eyes almost bursting with fire when he saw Lin Wei's beautiful face.But when he was about to take action, he was stopped by Lin Wei, who pointed at his eyes and said.

"Do men like women with bigger eyes?"

The young man nodded subconsciously. Before he could say anything, Lin Wei's eyes seemed to have been modified by a P-map software. They enlarged a lot on their own, becoming very uncoordinated and not human-like.

This strange change made the young man sober up a lot, and he finally remembered that it seemed that a terrifying long tongue had shot out from the mouth of this beautiful woman just now.He couldn't help but look at Lin Wei's bright red mouth, which was originally full of temptation, but now it only reminded him of blood.

Lin Wei smiled and stuck out her scarlet tongue, as if to ask the young man to see if there was any problem.The young man really looked at it carefully, and didn't think there was any problem, it was quite cute.

But when he was about to say something, the tongue suddenly stretched out, piercing the young man's eyes into his brain, devouring his soul.

Lin Wei was afraid of getting the car dirty, so she took the young man to the open space outside the car and turned him into a puddle of sewage. Perhaps next spring, the grass in this field will grow more lush.

At this time, the subordinates and drivers who had been injected with the mysterious substance by Lin Wei stood up and watched it quietly, as if waiting for its order.

Lin Wei took out her mobile phone and took a selfie to see if her eyes looked good after being enlarged, but the more she looked, the uglier she was, and she returned to her original appearance.

"Let's go, go back."

Lin Wei said to these motionless subordinates who seemed to be dummies, and then sat back in the car.

The driver drove normally, and the subordinates sat calmly in their seats.They have become Lin Wei's puppets, and compared with the Soul Eater, they are only different in size and intelligence.

This is an ability of Lin Wei, which can transform the soulless human body so that it can obey commands, and they still retain their previous memories and basic logical thinking.Although human beings without a soul lose their true wisdom, it is enough to deal with normal life.

Their family members will feel that it is a little strange tonight, but they will not think too much about it, after all, they have been drinking.As for whether there will be doubts in the future, Lin Wei is not worried at all, it is nothing more than a killing word.

Lin Wei was sent back to her home of more than 200 square meters. This is a high-end residential area on the third ring road, starting at 15 square meters. Lin Wei's home is on the top floor and lives alone.

It was early in the morning, and Lin Wei stood in front of the French windows of the living room, looking at the bustling night scene of the city, imagining those ordinary humans who were easy to deal with, a strange smile appeared on her beautiful face, and anyone who saw it would definitely shudder!

It wants to use Lin Wei's status as a beautiful rich woman to develop its own power in City B, and when the time is right, it will overthrow the human world in one fell swoop.

(End of this chapter)

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