human journey

Chapter 66

Chapter 66

Seeing that Ranong got off the helicopter safe and sound, and there is no fear in his eyes now, and thinking about Ranong's previous behaviors, Mulder immediately guessed that Ranong became an undercover agent, probably the night of his disappearance started after.

No wonder the people from country Z knew about his actions and where he lived. It turned out that he had leaked it, and no abnormalities were found at all. He really has the talent to be an undercover agent!

Then everyone entered the venue and Mulder was about to start his performance.

After seeing the leader and the two protectors, they came to the venue through the aisle.The stands were packed with 10,000+ members of the Destruction Cult, raising their hands and shouting frantically.

"Long live the leader!"

Its momentum was like a mountain roaring and a tsunami, making people's ears buzzing.

Mulder was agitated by the shocking scene of shouting for him, but within a second, he remembered that the seven people who could also be invisible were following him, like seven sharp swords against the waist All the same, it was a force he could not resist at all.

Mu De immediately stopped and became listless. He walked dejectedly to the high platform where he was supposed to show his prestige.

Protector Faranon also followed with mixed emotions. He, a forced undercover agent, actually managed to make it to the end, and he also wanted to contribute to the disintegration of the Cult of Destruction.Life is really wonderful, the world is impermanent!
This several-meter-high platform had just been set up and was placed on the runway. Everyone in the audience could clearly see Mulder.

At this time, more than 1 Prophet believers in the playground thought that they were going to announce the arrival of their death when they saw Mulder ascending the high platform.

Fear suddenly filled their brains, and everyone cried and howled for a while. Some prayed loudly in the hope of a miracle, while others were trembling with excrement and urine and could not speak.

Originally, no amount of prayer could prevent death, but today a miracle was really going to happen.Even if these believers know that it was the King Kong Team of Country Z that changed everything, they will still think that this is God's salvation and a response to their sincere prayers.

"All good and innocent people who have been deceived, please eliminate your belief in the God of Destruction, it is the enemy of mankind, and it feeds on our souls!

This monster tricked us into establishing the Cult of Destruction God, just to make us poor people become traitors, make enemies of our compatriots, and kill them to feed the monster to devour their souls!
It’s not too late for the lost lambs to turn back and come ashore.It is the great prophet God who leads me back to the right path. He will also forgive your short-term mistakes and embrace you again.

If you are hypnotized by monsters to harm your compatriots, you will be forgiven by everyone.Who has not made mistakes, we must make up for these mistakes with the good deeds of our whole life in the future!
Otherwise, not only will they be tortured while they are alive, but they will also go to hell after death and suffer the pain of heart-shattering and bone-sawing. "

Mulder began to deceive the followers of the Cult of Destruction according to Lu Yu's wishes, and Ranon relayed it to the people in the stadium with a majestic and majestic voice like a god, and even the believers outside the stadium could hear it.

The huge voice bombarded the ears of these believers, and every word was like a sledgehammer, hitting their hearts heavily.

I had finally overthrown the Prophet God in my heart before and started to believe in the God of Destruction.At this time, the leader turned them around and asked them to abandon the God of Destruction and believe in the Prophet God again. It felt like a joke.

After a brief silence, the crowd broke out into a loud noise, and most of them were emotional, showing incomprehension or disbelief.

But can the words spoken by the leader himself be false? I believed it once before, but now I don’t believe it.But if I don’t believe it this time, can I still believe it last time?It's a logic that drives them crazy, and it's full of lies anyway.

Gradually, thousands of words of questioning turned into one sentence.

"Where is the Angel of Destruction?"

In the eyes of these people, the red Destroyer who can speak human language is the incarnation of the God of Destruction. As long as he is there, it proves that the God of Destruction really exists.

"That's not a divine messenger, but a destroyer, an evil alien creature. The purpose of coming to earth is to destroy humans and eat up our souls.

It had been killed by the Z people, and was split in half just like the black one before.It's just a team of seven people who can solve it. Do you think it's still an angel? "

Mulder introduced that Lu Yu didn't elaborate on the origin of the Destroyer, only that it was an alien creature.

As soon as the leader said this, there was another discussion, and then two factions gradually formed.One group believed that what the leader said was true and that they had been deceived by the Destroyer.The other faction believes that the leader is controlled and tells these lies to dismantle the Cult of Destruction.

"Fools cannot be taught!"

Lu Yu cursed secretly. Although he couldn't hear the voice in the invisible state, he knew that Mu De would follow what he taught.And the believers in the stands looked at them and knew that they didn't believe what Mulder said, and they probably still counted on the Red Destroyer.

Lu Yu immediately exited the invisible state and asked Yan Liang and the others to use a helicopter to hoist the body of the Red Destroyer to the stadium through the communicator.

Lu Yu was not afraid of being discovered, so he just stood there and looked around slowly.He looks ordinary, but against the backdrop of his powerful body in black combat uniform, he also looks somewhat heroic.Coupled with the sci-fi two-meter-long thunderbolt and the one-meter-long destruction gun on the back, it adds a sense of extraordinaryness, which makes people underestimated.

But even though Lu Yu's appearance is so cool now, no one noticed him. One is that half of the people's sight is blocked by the stands, and the other is that these believers are discussing and arguing with each other, so they don't look this way.

After a while, the huge roar of two propellers came from far and near, and the believers in the venue looked up one after another, and saw two huge transport helicopters each hanging a ten-meter-long red object.

The Red Destroyer was too heavy, and a transport helicopter could only lift half of the corpses, so Yan Liang called country B for another helicopter.

The playground was full of believers of the Prophet, and there were also many Destroyers on the runway, but there were no people around the stands.Lu Yu used the communicator to throw the body of the Destroyer to the stand with Zhi Yanliang, and he used telekinetic power to lead the King Kong team and Mu De to the side.

The helicopter untied the ropes one by one and dropped the body of the Destroyer. The two halves of the frozen body hit the ground so hard that even the high platform exploded.

This immediately calmed the believers in the stands, the noise was much quieter, and they all had expressions of disbelief on their faces.

Seeing this, Lu Yu flew over the Destroyer's body and hung it in mid-air. He took off the Tingshang from the back with one hand, pointed at the Destroyer's body with the other finger, patted the Tingshou again, then pointed it at himself, and finally Raising the thunder flatly, staring at the believers in the stands 360 degrees around.

The meaning of Lu Yu's actions was obvious.

"I cut this monster in half with this knife. Do any of you want to try it? Are you physically stronger or this knife sharper?"

For a moment, the entire stands fell silent. They couldn't imagine how someone could fly up and kill the Destroyer Angel with such an exaggerated sword. Is this a god?

When ignorant people see things they cannot understand, they will think about gods and monsters, which is a complete waste of human wisdom.

Under the oppression of Lu Yu's powerful momentum, not to mention those who dared to resist, not even those who dared to curse a few words, as expected, they were able to control violence with violence!

"Lu Yu is handsome. How can he pretend to be successful, but I can't? Is there some secret to this? It's a man I like. He is indeed the chosen one, the son of luck. Definitely the protagonist in the novel!"

Pang Pangzhuang, a member of the King Kong team who also exited the invisibility state, praised.

"You have read too many online novels. Lu Yu relied on the planning and wisdom of all of us, as well as his own unremitting efforts, to complete the task."

Zhuang Wenying retorted.

At this time, several more helicopters flew in, and armored vehicles also drove into the venue. People from Country B entered the city and surrounded the place.

Looking at the "I lost" look of these believers at the scene, the task of dismantling the Destruction Sect is almost completed, and this trip to country B can finally come to an end.

(End of this chapter)

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