human journey

Chapter 64 Unlucky Da Zhuang

Chapter 64 Unlucky Da Zhuang
Seeing that Lu Yu was so powerful, standing still and overwhelmed the believers of the Destruction God Sect who were hundreds of times their number, he couldn't help but feel his heart beat and he couldn't help himself.

I saw him stabbing the ground with a knife, and raising the other horizontally, pointing at the surrounding crowd, glaring at them, and shouting aggressively.

"Who else!"

Although most of these Destruction God believers can't understand Chinese, it doesn't prevent them from understanding what it means from Da Zhuang's arrogant demeanor.

For a moment, the fear of the surrounding crowd was dissipated by their anger, and they rushed over like water from a gate.All wielding murder weapons, spitting foul words, and spewing saliva can give Da Zhuang a bath.

Those believers who were paralyzed on the ground were unlucky. They were trampled by so many people and would be seriously injured even if they were not dead.Lu Yu only damaged their output nerves, but there was no problem with their input nerves.

Unable to divert their attention by struggling or shouting, the pain of being stepped on was meticulously transmitted to their minds.The souls are suffering in the sea of ​​pain, washing away their crimes of helping others.

"Damn it, you're such an idiot, what are you pretending to be. You think you're the protagonist in a novel, and you can still run if you pretend to be crazy!"

Zhuang Wenying saw these believers rushing fiercely, just like a zombie siege in a movie.After all, she was a woman, and she was a little scared, so she couldn't help scolding Da Zhuang, who was handsome for only three seconds.

"Grab one by one, we will teleport back to the roof!"

Lu Yu said without any panic, after he grabbed Mulder, he started to locate the location of the roof in the four dimensions.

Now that his soul power has become stronger, the marking time has also become shorter, it only takes one second.He could have teleported away earlier, but when he saw these idiots who believed in the mortal enemy of mankind rushing forward, he felt a surge of anger in his heart, so he took some measures to vent his emotions.

These Destruction God believers can only watch these Chinese people disappear before their eyes with their leader and guardian.

Da Zhuang, who had returned to the top of the building, lay on the ground, poked his head out of the top of the building secretly, and looked down.After finding out that the believers of the Destruction God Sect below hadn't spotted them, he stepped back and stood up, heaving a sigh of relief, and decided not to pretend anymore.

At this time, the eastern sky was already slightly bright, and the arrival of dawn dissipated the gloom in the hearts of everyone in the King Kong team.Seeing Mulder, who was lying on the ground and eyeballing everywhere, everyone felt a little better, and finally caught this key goal.

Suddenly, Lu Yu, who seemed to be thinking about something, disappeared, completely invisible, no matter how everyone looked at him, he could not find it.

Seeing this, Pang Dazhuang hurriedly looked down again, thinking that Lu Yu had teleported down again to pretend to be forced by him.

The others looked at the awakened person with the invisibility ability who was paralyzed on the ground, thoughtfully.

Suddenly, Lu Yu appeared on the spot again, and said with a happy face.

"I just tried to imitate this person's invisibility ability, and found that his ability is very strong, it can completely isolate the detection of the outside world, and it is invisibility in the true sense.

This person's soul power is not strong, it is estimated that only one person can be invisible, but I can bring all of you invisible together, and there is no need for contact, as long as it is within my sensing range.

I think the Destroyer shouldn't be able to detect this kind of invisibility, and we have another bargaining chip to defeat it! "

Everyone smiled after hearing this, feeling that this meant that the enemy had no guns and no cannons to create for us.

"I don't know when the Red Destroyer will attack, I can't help but want to do it, ha..."

Just as Da Dazhuang started to laugh, a blood hole the size of a bowl exploded from behind his right chest, and his internal organs mixed with flesh and blood spurted out far away.

The alloy armor he was wearing didn't have the slightest blocking effect, and the whole person was lifted up by the huge kinetic energy.At this moment, everyone realized that the edge of the roof behind Pang Zhuang also burst open, indicating that the attack came from downstairs.

Lu Yu quickly used his telekinetic power to pull Pang Zhuang, and imitated his invisibility ability, leading everyone into an invisibility state.

Everyone in the King Kong team saw that the world around them had turned into a magical appearance made of black and white lines. They were not in the mood to be surprised, and looked at Da Zhuang and downstairs.Did not see any suspicious enemies on the ground, and Da Zhuang was seriously injured and survived.

He covered the wound, resisting the great pain, and clenched his teeth so as not to make a sound.Blood spurted from the wound by the strong heart, staining the ground red.Zhuang Wenying hurriedly treated him, and Lu Yu was afraid of being attacked again, so he used telekinetic power to lead the invisible people to the top of a tall building next door.

Sure enough, as Lu Yu expected, as soon as they left, another attack penetrated from the side of the building to the center of the roof.The huge destructive force knocked down half of the roof.The speed was so fast that with Lu Yu's sharp vision, he couldn't see what it was at all.

But I can guess that it is the destruction arrow fired from the ground by the red destroyer.Its speed is much faster than the previous one, at least ten times the speed of sound!
Lu Yu was very fortunate to have caught the Awakened Invisibility Ability just now, so that he could hide himself from being discovered by the Destroyer. Otherwise, if the Destroyer kept using the Destroyer Arrows to strike from a distance, they would all be wiped out!

At this moment, the Red Destroyer, which was more than ten meters underground, was very puzzled. It had been staying underground at Mulder's residence, and when the King Kong team attacked later, it was still considering whether to take the risk of attacking these things that could incapacitate it. people.It can't directly fire the destruction arrow, so it is easy to accidentally injure Mulder who is also on top of its head.

Just when it was hesitating, it suddenly felt that the leader had disappeared within its range of detection. Before it could think about what was going on, it felt the King Kong team flying towards the stadium, and followed.

But it was huge, and the speed of drilling underground was not too fast. When it arrived, it felt like Lu Yu and the others disappeared with Mulder.

Then I used the perspective ability of one eye to search everywhere, and after a while, I found the King Kong team and the others.Among them, only Da Zhuang stood aside, and attacking him with the destroying arrow would not accidentally injure Mulder.

Let's kill one first, and this person was the first to launch a weapon that destroyed its ability before, and he was very impressed.

Because he was still worried about electromagnetic interference bomb attacks, the Destroyer hid more than ten meters underground. The electromagnetic field at this distance had much less impact on it, at least it couldn't stop it from escaping.

But there are advantages and disadvantages. Even with the powerful penetration of the destruction arrow with the destructive force field, the trajectory of the ball is still affected by the land of more than ten meters.Originally it was aiming at the huge and strong head, but in the end it only hit the body.

After that, the group of people disappeared. It couldn't figure out what was going on, so it fired another destroying arrow to try, but it didn't work.

The Destroyer fired two Destruction Arrows in a row. The huge power frightened the Doom Cultists on the ground. They were afraid that they would also be killed by the underground attack, and they all fled in all directions.

People are more afraid of unknown dangers, just like Lu Yu also acted very fiercely just now, but he is a human being, so these believers don't have much fear.

Seeing that Pang Zhuang's injury had recovered, Lu Yu fixed his gaze and pointed downstairs, and made a beheading motion.After seeing this, everyone shook their heads and nodded, ready to go.

Afterwards, Lu Yu left Mu De on the top of the building, and led everyone in the King Kong team and the invisibility users to jump off the top of the building while maintaining their invisibility.

Before Lu Yu reached the ground, his heat sensor detected the red Destroyer more than ten meters underground.After landing lightly, Lu Yu was thinking about how to attack it.

Obviously, the distance of more than ten meters made the electromagnetic interference bombs unable to function, and the Destroyer could not lose the repulsive force field due to a power outage, so all attacks would be futile.

Suddenly, Lu Yu noticed two round holes on the ground that were punched out by the destruction arrow, and a flash of inspiration flashed in his mind.He fetched the electromagnetic interference rocket, removed the warhead, and sent it into the hole with telekinesis.The reason for not launching directly is that the constantly disturbing tail flame cannot be invisible, and the destroyer will find it and make effective dodge.

Although the diameter of the warhead is larger than that of the round hole, under the impetus of Lu Yu's powerful thought power, there is not much hindrance, and it is also invisible.

The position of the Red Destroyer has not changed, it is still searching for Lu Yu and the others.Suddenly, it saw Mu De who appeared beyond the range of Lu Yu's invisibility ability, and suddenly felt that something was wrong!
(End of this chapter)

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